These two kinds of people are ninja and yin-yang master.

Japan, as the only country rich in ninjas in the world, has a huge number of ninjas, forming a ninja alliance, which has the most terrible power and has always firmly occupied the second place in the world killer organization. For ninjas, they are divided into only levels, regardless of men and women. With chrysanthemums as the level, ninjas from one flower to three flowers are lower tolerance, and from four flowers to six flowers are middle tolerance, From seven flowers to nine flowers is Shangren. In addition, there is Tianren at the level of ten flowers.

In fact, ninjas, in essence, evolved from the Chinese five element escape technique, which was carried forward by them, and it is very difficult to become ninjas. Even the lowest level of flower ninjas, generally speaking, less than ten people can reach a hundred people who practice ninjas hard.

Yin Yang division is a very mysterious profession, not to mention other countries. Even in Japan, it is so mysterious and rare. Every Yin Yang division will have all kinds of incredible means with the growth of age and strength. Moreover, the Japanese people almost deeply believe that, Yin and Yang masters have the ability to communicate with the sunshine god they worship and the Baqi snake.

The gods worshipped by the Japanese are Rizhao God and Baqi snake. In a strict sense, they are a kind of spiritual strength, similar to Maoshan Taoism. Yin Yang division is much more mysterious than ninjas. It is precisely because of its rarity and mystery that they are highly respected in Japan.

Meihuiko Ono was discovered by a mysterious old yin-yang master when she was five years old. Because her heavy pupil contained a mysterious power and ability, she was regarded as a kind of power. The old yin-yang master specially found Kenji Ono and learned that her daughter was qualified to become a yin-yang master. Kenji Ono was overjoyed and immediately agreed to the other party's request, Let him take miyuko Ono away.

Every other year, miyuko Ono would go home and practice with her mysterious master at other times. He not only succeeded in becoming a yin-yang master, but also had great talent and easily became a Erhua ninja. It is said that the reason why she can do this is that his heavy pupil contains a strange power, which has a great auxiliary effect on Ninja escape.

At the age of 20, miyuko Ono officially graduated from school, because the occupation of Yin-Yang teacher is actually very expensive, so she returned to Hokkaido and was funded by her father to provide her with various skills of contacting yin-yang teachers. It is five years since spring and autumn. Now, miyuko Ono is 25 years old and ranks third in the list of Yin-Yang teachers in Japan.


When she came to the bedroom door, MEIHUIZI Ono pushed open the door and suddenly saw a mess in the room, while Kenji Ono fell to the ground. She was awe inspiring and very angry in her eyes.

"Meihuiko, are you here?"

Although he was particularly angry, Kenji Ono squeezed out a smile when he saw meihuiko Ono. He was very proud and spoiled his daughter.

Nodding slightly, miyuko Ono said, "father, what happened and why are you extremely sad? Your heart is crying."

If ordinary people hear this, it must feel incredible, because how can a person see another person's heart? Moreover, she even felt Kenji Ono's extreme sadness, which is even more incredible. However, hearing such a query, Kenji Ono was not surprised at all. With a bitter smile, he said to MEIHUIZI Ono, "MEIHUIZI, Xuanye... Your dear brother... He died in China, in the hands of a nobody!"

"What? How can it be? My brother's Kung Fu is very high. Who can kill him?" hearing the speech, MEIHUIZI Ono was surprised, and her face showed incredible and sadness.

Although she left home since she was a child, after all, Ono Xuanye was her only brother. Her blood and affection were there, and her heart was very sad. Looking at her father, miyuko Ono's eyes also showed an obscure intention of killing. She said, "father, since your brother was killed, don't you kill that hateful man?"

Shook his head, Kenji Ono said "It's not that simple. China is not Japan. The strength of our black dragon society can't penetrate! Moreover, although I don't want to admit it, I must say that China is a magical country. There are too many real crouching tigers, hidden dragons, and there are too many experts. We can't act rashly! It's just a pity that Xuanye is my only son. He has extraordinary talent from urination and is known as Japan The first day, it fell like this... "

Baga!... "

The light of hatred shot out of her eyes. MEIHUIZI Ono made such a sound. Then the heavy pupil of her eyes stood up. She looked at Kenji Ono without hesitation "Father, don't say anything. You must avenge your brother! If you have some fear in your heart, I am willing to go to China in person to avenge my brother! Please father, you must promise!"

For such a request from meihuiko Ono, Kenji Ono was not surprised, but said in a very sad language, "meihuiko, the anger at the moment is actually useless. Even if you kill the enemy, Xuanye will not revive. However, revenge must be rewarded, and I'll call you over this time. There's another thing I want to ask your opinion!"

Looking at MEIHUIZI, Kenji Ono pondered for a moment, and then asked "MEIHUIZI, Xuanye was still alive in the past. I have always regarded him as an heir and tried my best to cultivate him, so I have never considered you. Moreover, you are a noble yin-yang teacher, and I have not considered letting you inherit my position. Now, I want to ask you, do you have any interest in the position of president of the black dragon association? If you have, I will try my best to cultivate him You! If you are an ordinary woman, even if my father wants to support me, I have no chance at all. Unlike you, you are not only a two flower ninja, but also a noble yin-yang teacher. You will have no objection to becoming the president of the black dragon Association. The key is how to plan. "

Hearing Kenji Ono's inquiry, MEIHUIZI Ono was stunned. This is the secluded way "Father, in fact, MEIHUIZI always has a wild hope in her heart. Moreover, this wild hope is not only satisfied by the president of the black dragon Association. However, before I complete the wild hope, I must have some firm foundation stones, and the president of the black dragon association can be regarded as a foundation stone for me, so I am willing!"

Hearing the speech, Kenji Ono's eyes burst into two bright lights, as if he had known his daughter for the first time. Before, he just thought his daughter was a yin-yang teacher, which was a pride. However, he never thought that his daughter had such wild expectations in her heart! The president of the black Dragon association could not meet her wild expectations!

In addition to being shocked, Kenji Ono was also very pleased that such a daughter was what he really needed.

Adjusted his mood, Kenji Ono continued "MEIHUIZI, since you have ideas about the president of the black dragon club, my father will train you from today. After all, I am over 60 now, and my energy and spirit are declining in all aspects. I'm still in the middle of that line. It's estimated that I can't break into the realm of Baodan. According to some invisible rules of the black dragon club and the thoughts of several big bosses above, the president of the black dragon club I can stay for five years at most. I need to explain some things to you, pave the way for you and prepare some dead men. It takes time. Although your master has left you some powerful means, it's not easy for the president of the black dragon association to sit firmly. You must be cautious and cautious, okay? "

This is the advice of Kenji Ono, the president of the black dragon Association. MEIHUIZI naturally won't listen to it. Thinking, she nodded and said confidently "Father, don't worry, my yin-yang teacher's means are beyond the imagination of ordinary people! If you give me the opportunity, I must cut off all the two forces of the black dragon society that you have been afraid of, so that we can truly integrate the Black Dragon Society and let him surpass the Yamaguchi group and Tianzhao society and become the No. 1 Mafia in Japan!"

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