Cui Hao is too arrogant to shoot directly in the middle of the field. This is no longer expressed by the long-distance three-point ball, because the distance is really too far. It is an ultra long-distance three-point ball! This kind of situation usually only appears in the last second or two of the NBA. Even those basketball stars just throw it indiscriminately in that case. Ninety nine percent of people can't let the basketball touch the backboard at all, because the distance is really too far, and the possibility of hitting the ball is very small. It is for this reason that most people's understanding of basketball is that after they get the ball in the midfield, they will dribble to the other party's backboard and then throw the ball. It's awesome. You can throw a long-distance three-point ball at most. After receiving the ball, this kind of midfield doesn't move a step and throws a ball directly. It's unheard of. It's too shocking!

Such a ball, can you hit it? Everyone is thinking about this problem, and almost 90% of the people instinctively have an idea after being shocked. It's impossible. Cui Hao is scaring people. How can he hit it so far? Even basketball stars in the NBA can hardly do things. Can Cui hao?

Tang Qianqian held her breath in shock. Her beautiful eyes twinkled with wonder and excitement and prayed secretly. Yang Zi stared wide and couldn't believe it. Is Cui Hao crazy? If he wants to frighten the four sides at the beginning, he should pitch directly in midfield! However, she soon took a deep breath and mocked in her heart, "he is beyond his ability. The final result of his doing so can only be humiliation! Hum!..."

There are some things like pitching in the middle of the field, but the success rate is too low, and Cui Hao made such a hit at the beginning, which is just against the sky! You know, the midfield is not only very far away from the backboard, but even a Hercules is generally difficult to throw such a far ball. What's more, even if it's thrown, who can control the accuracy? It's impossible. This kind of ball is thrown indiscriminately.

It is precisely because of this situation that anyone who knows basketball common sense will not choose to pitch in the middle of the field. Basketball is in his hand. As long as he has time, he will choose to pitch closer. This possibility will increase countless times. This is a subtle rule, but at the moment, it is broken by Cui Hao!

For a moment, Li Gang and Fei Jia, who were originally ferocious, were stunned and stopped. What's the matter with Cui hao? Are they worried that they will snatch his ball away, so they threw a ball in the middle? It's very possible! Instinctively, the two chose to believe in this possibility.


Among the various ideas of countless people, the basketball rushed forward rapidly, with full momentum and tossed high to form a beautiful arc. It rushed to the front rebound with a whew. Its speed was too fast, and Peng fell to the ground with a sound. Even some college students in the midfield were stunned, and several college students couldn't help rubbing their eyes, Everything was so fast that they didn't see whether the ball hit or not. Perhaps because of the line of sight, people under the backboard can't see clearly because their line of sight is covered. However, many college students on both sides of the basketball court shouted together, because they clearly saw that the basketball hit the basket frame, not only hit, but also a big hollow! It's very difficult to hit a big hollow, not to mention in midfield, which is incredible!

When I was in midfield from a long distance, I hit the ball miraculously, and it was still a big hollow! All this really seemed like a miracle. Seeing this scene, countless people were deeply shocked. Their hearts were dull. They were stunned for a moment before they reacted. I don't know that the boy took the lead in shouting. Suddenly, thunderous applause and cheers rang out on the whole basketball court!

Compared with the cry just now, this time is countless times stronger, because Cui Hao's big hollow midfield is really too overbearing, arrogant and rebellious!

For the first time, Cui Hao directly impacted the sensory world of many college students in this incredible overbearing way. They were going crazy! At this moment, everyone present gave birth to such a feeling, extremely determined. If Cui Hao goes to the United States to play NBA, I believe he can fly to the sky and become a real international star! This idea naturally has a certain basis. You know, even if the NBA in the United States can throw a ball of this level, it hasn't been, hasn't been, and hasn't been!

Midfield pitching is not that no one has ever succeeded, but with a big hollow, it's great. While many people were shocked, they also had this idea in their hearts. Perhaps Cui Hao was lucky to throw the ball just now, not his real ability!

But no matter how many people come up with such an idea, at the moment, the basketball court belongs to Cui Hao. All the scenery and glory are gathered on one person. He is Cui Hao!

"Yayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayaya, Compared with Cui Hao's midfield, Da Kong is also strongly stimulated countless times!

College students basically like basketball, especially many girls, especially boys who like playing basketball. Seeing Cui Hao's rebellious midfield hollow, many female college students cheered excitedly. In their eyes, Cui Hao is really handsome at the moment!

"Cui Hao, Cui Hao, I love you, Cui Hao, I love you!"

"Cui Hao, I want to be your girlfriend. It's so handsome!..."

In an instant, countless girls were cheering, and one or two of them made such a declaration. Of course, this declaration will not be valued by Cui Hao. He is no longer the poor loser. Now, he is carrying the love of several beauties and is worried about how to solve it.

"This... This... How is this possible! This should not be!" whispered, Yang Zi's face turned white.

Behind Yang Zi was a large group of men and women at the sports table. They all came to cheer for Yang Zi's people. However, at the moment, everyone closed their mouth and had shock and shock in their eyes. As a member of the sports department, almost all the people present have a deep understanding of basketball. The more they know, the more they know how terrible it is that Cui Hao can throw this kind of midfield hollow beyond the distance.

This is, it's against the sky

Silly, seeing such a scene, Li Gang and Fei Jia, the two rich second generation are almost stupid. When they grow up, they are dull on the spot.


Malone, who is under Cui Hao's rebound, is really hoodwinked at the moment. Cui Hao threw such a ball. He feels that he is going to be insane. He can't believe all this is true. At this moment, a terrible thought came into their hearts and complained secretly. However, since the game has begun and in full view of the public, they must continue the game.


Similarly, the referee was shocked. After a moment, he reacted and blew the whistle. He didn't have to be responsible for counting the scores, but a special person was responsible for it. At the moment, the referee looked at Cui Hao strangely, like looking at a monster. In fact, it's no wonder that Cui haogang's performance is simply a monster!

Because of the referee's whistle, the sensation at the scene stopped a lot. Many people stared at the field and wanted to see whether Cui haogang's goal was lucky or really capable.

Soon, Cui Hao and Li Gang met again in midfield. This time, it was Li Gang's turn to serve. He took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the unparalleled shock in his heart. Malone's heart was filled with hope again, and his skills were also good. If Cui Hao was lucky to throw that ball just now, he might still have a chance. One million ah, it must not be easy enough to give up!

Thinking so, Malone secretly cheered himself up.

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