"Really, are you sure your news is not false? Ouyang Dushu, the first beautiful girl in our school, is a high goddess. Since she entered our Jiangzhou University, at least dozens of people have confessed to her. However, none of them has succeeded. Although she is kind and not too cold, she seems to be very good for her boyfriend Touch. But yes, the school grass in our school is nothing compared with him.

"Yes, she is a real goddess, so people can only look up to her! Although Wang Zhichao is a famous talent in our school, the second rich generation and the ninth of the top ten school grasses, it doesn't seem to be enough to see it? You know, the dozens of confessions, no matter how sensational or how touching the scene, seem to have completely failed. This kind of performance is completely self humiliating! Moreover, Ouyang Mu Snow is not an ordinary person. The four super bodyguards around her are so powerful that I don't know how many guys want to chat up. "

"I say, old cat, you just say that grapes are sour when you can't eat grapes! Senior Wang Zhichao is the first talent of our distant poetry club. He is gentle and elegant. I don't know how many girls are crazy about him! The most important thing is that he is the president and Ouyang muxue is the vice president. There are many opportunities for the two people to get in touch over the years. Haven't you heard a word called love over time Well, if two people have been together for a long time, they will have a good impression! President Wang dares to confess at this time. He must have full confidence. Otherwise, how can he do the face beating? "

"That's right. According to you, Wang Zhichao will succeed this time and become Ouyang muxue's first boyfriend? What a pity..."

"Nonsense! Ouyang muxue is the goddess in my heart. She is a real goddess. What kind of thing is Wang Zhichao? He's not as handsome as me. I'll bet you 50 yuan. Do you dare to bet with me?"

"Madder, bet, bet, 100 yuan. If you don't dare to bet, it's a soft egg, I don't believe it. President Wang will succeed this time. I support him!"

Originally, Cui Hao and others walked out of the canteen at random and prepared to go to the Great Hall of Jiangzhou university first. Unexpectedly, they heard all kinds of discussions. Some college students around were very excited. Some even took out their mobile phones and began to collect them. It seems that they got some information and went quickly in one direction. These people didn't talk quietly, and some boys were more excited It's for fear that others won't hear the general shouting. All this naturally fell into Cui Hao's ears and shocked his heart! Ouyang muxue, this name, used to be so familiar. However, his muxue has already disappeared. His face is dark, like a tomboy, but occasionally likes to cry

It's not the first time to hear the name Ouyang muxue. When Cui Hao first met Tang Qianqian, she once showed off that she was the third beautiful school flower in Jiangzhou, and the first was Ouyang muxue. At that time, Cui Hao had a lot of emotion in her heart. Because he once knew a girl named Ouyang muxue, who was almost Cui Hao's childhood sweetheart, but Yes, that Ouyang muxue can't be the first beauty, because she's not beautiful at all. She looks like a tomboy. But even so, I don't know why Cui Hao has a kind of sadness in his heart. Silly girl, you've disappeared for so many years. Now, how are you?

Because of this special mood, Cui Hao still couldn't help asking Tang Qianqian, "Qianqian, what they were just talking about is called Ouyang dusk, right? She is the first beautiful school flower in your school. Can you introduce her to me in detail? I have some fun."

Cui Hao's statement is like a coyote. He doesn't know what Cui Hao thinks. Tang Qianqian subconsciously believes that his brother Hao must be moving something, so he glared at him fiercely and said "There's nothing to say. Her name is Ouyang muxue. She looks pretty good. After entering Jiangzhou University, she has become the first beautiful school flower and many suitors. However, her family strength seems terrible. She has always been protected by four powerful bodyguards. Therefore, no one dares to provoke her. Although dozens of people have confessed to her, they have failed, and now she is In that, Wang Zhichao also wants to confess that this person is a typical little white face. I don't like it. He should not succeed! "

Said to bring here, Tang Qianqian seems to feel that his ranking is not as good as Ouyang. Muxue has no face and is angry "What about the first place? It's just a false name! But I must admit that she is really good-looking and has a good temper. I also admire her ranking above me! Jiangzhou university has many, many public confessions every year, most of which are from ordinary students, but there are also many sensational ones, such as Ben Baobao, which I have encountered many times Well, it's no big deal, sisters, do you think so? "

Those who could be called by Tang Qianqian to have dinner together were naturally her good sisters. Therefore, a group of beautiful women responded in unison. Cui Hao was very embarrassed for a moment. She wanted to go and have a look, but couldn't say it for a moment. She smiled awkwardly and didn't know what to do. Lin Lili noticed Cui Hao's embarrassment, so she pretended to be excited. " Sisters, this confession is Wang Zhichao. He is also one of the top ten school grasses of our university. It's a pity to miss such a confession. Why don't we go and have a look together? "

"OK, OK, Lily's suggestion is very good!"

"I agree. I want to have a look!"

People like to watch the excitement, but women undoubtedly like it more. After hearing Lin Lili's suggestion, a group of beautiful women present responded. In this case, even if Tang Qianqian was angry, he was embarrassed to refuse and glared fiercely. It seems to mean that brother Hao, you are my baby. If you dare to have any special performance, let me teach you a lesson!

After thinking for a while, Tang Qianqian nodded and said, "well, anyway, the party is still early, let's go by the way. The scenery of Maple Leaf Valley is very good, so we'll take it as a view."

Tang Qianqian's words are right in the heart for Cui Hao. He nods hurriedly. As for other girls, they are already very excited and want to see a lively scene immediately. After all, this kind of confession is not available every day in the University. It must be very interesting!

So, surrounded by a group of beautiful women, Cui Hao and others went to the Maple Leaf Valley. Along the way, they were surrounded by many girls, and there was Tang Qianqian, the third beautiful school flower of the school. They were very eye-catching and almost attracted the attention of 99% of the people on the road. Seeing Cui Hao surrounded by a large group of beautiful women, many people envy him and hate to replace him. However, after seeing Cui Hao's face clearly, many people are even more surprised. Although it was less than a day, Cui Hao's performance on the basketball court had already spread all over the University. Even some really good students who didn't hear anything outside the window knew Cui Hao's name and watched that video.

Therefore, Cui Hao and others walked all the way and really attracted the attention of the public. Fortunately, he has gradually got used to the feeling of being noticed, and he has no discomfort and treats it calmly.

As a rich second generation, Wang Zhichao naturally spent a lot for his confession this time. This can be seen from the exquisite and loving decoration of Maple Leaf Valley. The president of this distant poetry club has a bit of romantic feelings.

Stepping into it, looking at the picturesque beauty around, it is cleverly matched with a lot of love and other patterns. Many people are filled with emotion. Such a confession can capture the girl's heart. It can be seen that Wang Zhichao has been carefully prepared and planned.

However, after a series of planning, and after successfully cheating Ouyang dusk snow, Wang Zhichao released a post in the post bar of Jiangzhou University. He was one of the top ten school grasses and was regarded as a man of the moment. As soon as this post came out, it was immediately watched by many people, which caused an uproar.

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