In fact, long before the job fair began, Jiangzhou University distributed a thick newspaper to these graduates, which clearly recorded the stalls, the talents needed by the company represented by each stall, salary and so on. These people carried out systematic research, and many people were already ready. Therefore, at the beginning of the job fair, They will independently find their own stalls and carry out on-site recruitment.

In an instant, the whole stadium was full of people, and countless senior graduates poured in. This job fair was for them, and the number of graduates in each session lost tens of thousands. Although some of them had figured out what to do in the future, most of them were still unclear. Therefore, this kind of graduation job fair, They will never miss it.

"A lot of people! Hey, I didn't expect that one day I Cui Hao would become a big boss."

Looking at the bustling crowd, Cui Hao couldn't help feeling like this. Perhaps it is because the name of fraternity jewelry store is too popular. Just a moment later, a large number of graduates gathered here. They lined up in an orderly manner and waited. Moreover, the beauty effect can not be ignored. Whether it is Xin Xin, a big breasted beauty, or Lin Lili, a gentle lady, are all beautiful women, Not to mention Tang Qianqian, the third beautiful school flower of Jiangzhou University, is here. Qin Xiangxiang, the female president of the iceberg queen, sits down in person. Naturally, the scene is very hot. Even, many people secretly took out their mobile phones and took a few photos.

"Hello, I'm Tian Shumin, a graduate of the Department of business and industry. I won the national honorary certificate and inspirational scholarship during my university. I like studying business administration very much..."

"Hello, I've offered myself this time to work in our Bo'ai jewelry store. My eloquence is very good. When I was in college, my favorite is selling. Therefore, I want to be a salesman in the jewelry store. Now our Bo'ai jewelry store has a reputation throughout Jiangzhou and even the whole China. What I want to do is to make it famous with the help of the east wind For faster and better development, I have several ideas... "

In front of the booth, senior graduates spoke freely, and some were shy. They answered the questions of Qin Xiangxiang, Hai Rui and others. For a time, the scene was very popular.

Cui Hao did not participate in the recruitment. He stood in a low-key position, and beside him was an employee of fraternity holding investment group. He was responsible for recording with a pen and a notebook in his hand.

Although he didn't participate in the recruitment and inquiry in person, Cui Hao had already opened his perspective eyes. Invisible golden lights burst out, and the art of looking at Qi began immediately. Suddenly, his eyes became more and more deep, and he vaguely saw air currents. Because of his strength, Cui Hao's Art of looking at Qi can't see too far, but it can also cover a range of about 10 meters around, And he is naturally concerned about those college graduates in front of their own company stalls.

"Well, this girl with long hair has a good life style. She's actually a third-class life style, which will be very helpful to my industry! Judging from her eloquence, she may become an executive in the future."

"Yes, yes, I found a four life style so quickly. His name is Wang Zhichun? He graduated from the sculpture industry and is suitable to enter the fraternity jewelry industry. He must do a lot in the future and may even become a pillar of our group!"

"Ha ha... These two people's life style is really good. They are also three-level life style. It's great to come to recruit together. They must be included!"

"Hmm? This man is unlucky and has a gloomy life. He is destined to be miserable all his life. Even if he is recruited into the company, it will have little effect on him. On the contrary, it will ruin the company's luck. He can't want it. He must not want it!"

"This person's life style..... Unexpectedly is exquisite life style. Unfortunately, it's only three grades. If it's four grades, it's really a rare talent! Three grades are also good. They will help the development of the company in the future. Accept it!"

Hidden in a humble place, Cui Hao opened his perspective eyes and watched one by one with the art of looking at Qi. He found some rare talents and some people with poor Qi and doomed to be miserable. Therefore, he marked these people with key points.

Under the skill of looking at Qi, everyone's life style is clear at a glance, and this choice becomes very simple. Cui Hao knows that the more powerful the vital energy is, the more effective it will be for the company's gas transportation. If a group of people with precious life style are gathered, it is difficult for the company to be underdeveloped! On the contrary, if we recruit a group of people with bad luck and bad luck, the company is bound to have bad luck.

The employee in charge of recording Cui Hao's strange behavior was very different, but since the boss ordered him, he had to perform perfectly, record those names clearly, and distinguish them according to the requirements.

Of course, ordinary people's Qi and number life style is the most common, just a white Qi on their head, and there are a few people with special life style after all. If it is just a general life style, it does not mean that there will be no great achievements in the future, because life style will also change. As long as we work hard the day after tomorrow, life style will even become precious. Everything is variable. The only advantage of a person with precious life style is that as long as he doesn't die and is willing to do well, he can basically have a better future.

Cui Hao records and hires all the people with good life style. The first is to increase the company's luck so that they can prosper day by day. The second is to focus on training these people, so that they can really make the best use of everything. Of course, the intensity of training is also different according to the different lifestyles of these people. In fact, Cui Hao knows very well that as long as Wang Changsheng, the second younger brother of the beautiful life style, sits in the town and manages in person, and he goes to find more precious raw stones, it's difficult not to get rich! Of course, he can't tell others these words.

"Yes, I'm a talented person with three life qualities..."

"Well, this man is also good......"

Time passed slowly, and more than an hour passed in the twinkling of an eye. Many senior graduates are actively looking for jobs, recruitment, etc., while Cui Hao is silently looking for precious college students. His harvest is not small. He has found more than 20 talents with three life styles, more with two life styles, and only two with four life styles so far.

Another half an hour passed, and it was almost noon. The vast majority of graduates smiled. Many had found suitable jobs and waited for the call of admission notice. Of course, many had not found jobs and were anxiously looking for them. However, the number is much smaller than at first. At this time, Cui Hao saw a young man come in, hesitant on his face, wandering on the road, as if his heart was a little complicated.

Looking at this man, Cui Hao frowned and thought in his unexpected heart, "hmm? What's the matter? This young man's life is really strange! Why does he linger around but don't want to recruit?"

Under the observation of the art of looking at Qi, the young man's life style is really strange. There is a rich and incomparable dark air mass rising on his head, winding around and emitting a wrinkle of bad luck, which is a typical unlucky life style of bad luck. Those who have this destiny are doomed to be unlucky all their life and everything goes wrong. If it was just like this, Cui Hao would not pay much attention at a glance. However, in the dark air mass of this person, there was a dazzling red light from time to time, which seemed to be wrapped by the dark air mass, so it was faint and could not really show. Cui Hao felt very strange in this situation. Vaguely, he thought of a possibility and hurriedly called Taoist Tianji.

"Master, I want to ask you a question. I found a man..."

Originally, Cui Hao completely informed Taoist Tianji of what he saw.

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