Cui Hao did nothing but quietly looked at Yang Chaoqun. The supreme charm like the Buddha sitting on the nine leaf lotus platform has deeply shocked him! In addition to his current life style, bad luck wrapped up the bull spirit, which most needed the appreciation of a real noble person like Cui Hao, so the feeling was particularly strong. If it wasn't for some constraints of reality and in the noisy stadium, Yang Chaoqun had the idea of going back and asking Cui Hao to accept him as a younger brother. Because there is a strong feeling in him. Cui Hao is the bole he has been waiting for for more than 20 years. Only when he is appreciated by the other party and his many ambitions and ideas can he succeed!

The attitude on his face became more and more respectful. Finally, Yang Chaoqun still couldn't stand the excitement in his heart. He was afraid that Cui Hao didn't notice him and left. So he gritted his teeth hard, summoned up the courage, smiled and said, "this big brother... Wait a minute, I feel you are not the same person. You have great spirit. I really worship you. I want to mix with you. See?"

Originally, Cui Hao was still thinking about how to chat up with each other if Yang Chaoqun didn't speak. Unexpectedly, he took the lead in opening up. Moreover, the reason for chatting up was almost fainting. It was too lame.

Stunned for a moment, Cui Hao couldn't help but feel that there was really something domineering in me. Could a shock in the tiger body cause all sides to vote? This idea was soon forgotten by him. Now, the most important thing is how to accept this little brother. Of course, it's easy to accept him like this. The key is how to make him truly belong to himself. Moreover, he should also know his temperament. Otherwise, it's not fun to raise a tiger or cultivate a white eyed wolf.

After thinking over and over again, Cui Hao felt that the surrounding was noisy and people came and went, so he smiled and said, "well, since you want to take refuge in me, I'm interested in talking to you. It's too noisy here. Let's find a quiet place to talk."

"That's great, I can't wait!" hearing the speech, Yang Chaoqun was overjoyed and nodded hurriedly.

Immediately, Cui Hao motioned to Hairui and others, and walked out of the stadium with Yang Chaoqun. After all, after living in this campus for four years, Yang Chaoqun is very familiar with it. He took Cui Hao to a quiet forest with familiar roads. There are a lot of rattan chairs, birds singing and flowers, as well as a lot of landscape stones, which makes people relaxed and happy. They walked all the way and stopped under a deserted pine tree. Cui Hao looked at Yang Chaoqun with great interest. Then he slowly said, "do you want to be my little brother? Tell me what your strengths and advantages are. If I'm interested, maybe I'll take you."

After thinking for a while, Yang Chaoqun stammered "I... I have many practical ideas! Moreover, I have my own views on business. I think some of my ideas should make a lot of money! For example, I want to create a special huge network platform, which must provide you with real and effective data, and on it, I will also provide you with the information of the healthiest food, Set up a special strict censorship system, etc. at that time, the society, food safety, children's health and the health of the elderly are the most annoying things, but they can't be banned. I think if my huge network platform is really spread, it should be able to solve this problem. In order to make myself more convincing, I have read countless books In addition to working and practicing my ideas, I spend almost all my time reading and thinking. I like to think about business and have a lot of my own experience. Although I haven't succeeded yet, I believe I will succeed! I feel that I am best at doing business and making plans and decisions for some large enterprises. Of course, I am right Yu also has a lot of research in stock speculation and is confident to see through the stock market! "

It seems that in order to impress Cui Hao, Yang Chaoqun said a lot of his own advantages, and seemed to package himself as a genius with rich knowledge and countless ideas. However, Cui Hao shook his head slightly "I'm not short of fantastic ideas. What I need is talents who really belong to me. If you say you are so excellent, have you ever succeeded once? Even once? If you say you see through the stock market, how much money have you made in the stock market? Let's listen. I'm more interested in this."

In fact, Cui Hao knows Yang Chaoqun's experience, but also that he is called the God of plague. He deliberately says so to see his reaction. If this guy hesitates or deceives others, then he can't be entrusted with an important task. If the other party is calm, it shows that he has integrity, so he can consider cultivating him into a real confidant.

Yang Chaoqun didn't expect Cui Hao to ask this. He was stunned, and then smiled bitterly "Boss, in fact, I've never lost my money even though I started a business more than ten times. Although I see through the stock market and give advice to others every time, people can make money. I've lost a mess as soon as I speculate in stocks! I've been a unlucky man since I was a child, and I've never done anything satisfactory. Therefore, it's hard for you to imagine my mood. I'm facing it now No matter how big a setback, I won't have extreme emotions, because I've been unlucky these years and my anger is about to run out. Alas, tell the truth, you shouldn't think about me anymore. I really want to follow you, because you make me feel like I met bole, but I don't want to lie to you. "

After Yang Chaoqun said these words, his heart was very sad. He couldn't help thinking, is my life really over? I like business so much, study all day, and I have so much experience. Can't I succeed once? Am I Yang Chaoqun stupid?

Hearing Yang Chaoqun's Frank words, Cui Hao smiled. What he needed was never a cunning Yang Chaoqun, but a person with a broad mind. Only such a person can be used for himself and become a true confidant if he adheres to his original heart.

Without immediately responding to Yang Chaoqun's words, Cui Hao just smiled and asked, "do you know who I am?"

After looking at Cui Hao carefully, Yang Chaoqun shook his head and said, "I can feel that you are not an ordinary person, boss. You must be a person with a big background and strong means, but I don't know who you are. “

Nodding, Cui Hao said with a smile, "my name is Cui Hao. You should have heard of the recent Jiangzhou gambling competition. I am the king of Jiangzhou gambling, Cui Hao!"

"What? You... You're the king of gambling in Jiangzhou, Cui hao? I see! When I went to the bathroom two days ago, I heard someone talk about how powerful Cui Hao, the king of gambling in Jiangzhou, is unparalleled in gambling, master Jianbao, and a super expert in basketball. We learned that one person abused three people! At that time, I was considering a strange frequency that occasionally appeared in the stock market , so I didn't care too much. I didn't expect you to be Cui Hao! I saw something about your introduction from the recruitment. You have three companies, Boai investment holding group, Boai jewelry store and Boai hotel. They all have good development potential and unlimited future! "Surprised, Yang Chaoqun said.

Yang Chaoqun is worthy of being a person with a strong life style. When he saw Cui Hao's introduction, his first reaction was to make a systematic evaluation of his company. Moreover, the sentence was very positive, and he was obviously good at doing such things. This is a factor that an enterprise manager must have.

Looking at Cui Hao with admiration, Yang Chaoqun said, "boss, your deeds are legendary! The king of gambling, treasure master, basketball expert, my little brother adores you so much!"

Although aware that these words are obviously suspected of flattery, Cui Hao is still more comfortable, because anyone likes to listen to good words.

After waving his hand, Cui Hao stopped the other party from flattering, and said calmly, "well, I'll tell you my name. I want to tell you that there are many benefits and great potential to follow me. Whether you have this blessing depends on your own performance!"

With that, Cui Hao took a meaningful look at Yang Chaoqun.

Just now, Cui Hao has revealed a certain meaning in his words. Now, he wants to test each other to see if they can taste it. Moreover, Cui Hao has made his own satisfactory measures. It is obvious that whether you have this blessing depends on your own performance.

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