Nodded, the blood bear hurriedly replied, "naturally, there is a master. He is amazing. He is not only a master of Chinese martial arts, but also a master of treasure identification, a master of gambling and a master of medical ethics. He has three masters, two of whom are the master and elder of the divine medicine sect, and the other master is also very good. He is your old friend, sloppy old man, Yang Dian!"

Hearing the speech, the old woman nodded. "It's the old man. It's not surprising that the little guy has made such achievements with his skills. If I guess well, the little guy is still a master of physiognomy. However, although he is excellent, he is an apprentice of old Yang Dian. I also have some feelings, but I can't capture people's beauty. What's the use of telling me this?"

Seeing the old woman questioned, the blood bear was not busy, and then said cautiously "Old lady, I also met this genius by accident. I used our Chinese intelligence system network to investigate. I know an amazing secret! It was revealed that this man is the supreme constitution of a real immortal! Moreover, I personally moved with him. I can conclude that he is a power, and the awakened power should be a soul attack!"

"What? Who has a real immortal constitution? A power? A soul attack? A blood bear, are you sure?" hearing the speech, the old woman was shocked and could no longer calm down. There was a strong and incomparable color of joy in her eyes.

This expression is like a person dying of thirst in the desert. He sees a Wang of spring water in vain, and the starving ghost sees countless delicacies in vain. He can't calm down.

He nodded for sure, and the blood bear said, "if not, how dare I bother the old woman? I also inquired about the details of this person, and there are some videos that you can see at a glance. The most touching thing is that his fight with a Japanese first martial arts genius, Nobuya Ono, is really wonderful. That song Huo Yuanjia makes people feel very deeply!"

The words of the blood bear obviously aroused the interest of the old woman. She waved her hand and motioned him to follow her. A moment later, they came to a simple and elegant small yard behind the Taoist temple. There were many modern things in the house, while the old woman skillfully opened a notebook, and the blood bear copied the data he obtained.

When she opened it, the old woman began to watch carefully. Her face was puzzled, satisfied and confused. With the changes of data and images, the old woman's face was also changeable. Finally, she sighed "This man is really a genius! Blood bear, the news you brought me is very good and timely! Maybe the key to the decline or rise of our four divine beasts organization is Cui Hao."

"The blood bear dare not take credit for it. In those days, the four beasts guarded our country and almost lost all their blood. Otherwise, how can we have the glory of our country today? I'm very happy as long as I can help the four beasts! I didn't tell the dragon group the news at the first time, but spent a lot of points to find you, so that I want the four beasts to be a real country Old lady, I have studied Cui Hao. He is very patriotic. However, young people are generally not happy to be restrained. In particular, I have heard that the real assessment of the four divine beasts is extremely strict. Even geniuses among geniuses have a poor passing rate, and it usually takes more than ten years to succeed. If so If so, Cui Hao may not be willing to join. "With a smile on his face, the blood bear responded.

Nodding, the old woman knew that what the blood bear said was true and said after a moment of meditation "The assessment of the inheritance of the four gods and beasts still needs to be adhered to. However, if Cui Hao is willing to join me, I can give him the most relaxed constraints. At least my old man still has more than ten years to live. During this period, he doesn't have to shoulder the burden of the four gods and beasts organization. It's been five or thirteen years. Since that incident, the inheritance of the four gods and beasts has been broken too much, resulting in no success A new member of the four divine beasts was born, and this Cui Hao, let me see a strong hope! Blood bear, say, what reward do you want? "

The old woman is he and others. After living for a long time, she naturally knows that there is no free lunch in the world. There is no special relationship between the blood bear and the four divine beasts. She is so eager to deliver such an important message, so it is naturally a reward!

An embarrassed smile, said the blood bear "Old lady, to tell you the truth, I've always been interested in a blood evil spirit gang in the treasure house of the four divine beasts organization. You know, I'm stuck at the peak of Baodan and can't break through. Perhaps, after learning this magic skill, a breakthrough is possible! I don't know whether this blood evil spirit gang was betrayed by a traitor in the great accident decades ago..... In addition, I have another question to ask I hope you can answer it. "

Hearing the speech, the old woman thought for a moment, and then nodded "Yes, it seems that you have spent a lot of points. The record about the blood evil spirit Gang stored in our four divine beasts treasure house is also a top secret. This divine skill has not been destroyed. However, if you want to learn it, it is not enough to rely on your news this time. For the sake of your dedication to the four divine beasts, I can give you a face. This time, human feelings and the four divine beasts reserve team are added How about serving as a member for ten years and I'll give it to you? "

There was no surprise for the old woman's words, but the blood bear was ecstatic. He nodded hurriedly and said, "thank you for your advice! I believe it is also a rare experience for me to enter the four divine beasts reserve team for ten years! I am willing, willing! At the end of this year, I can resign as the chief instructor of the tusk reserve team and go to the four divine beasts headquarters!"

If the blood bear said these words, it would be incredible to ordinary people. The news from Huaxia is that there are three top special forces in Huaxia, namely Fangfang, Changfeng and sharp sword. As the chief instructor of the Fangfang Special Forces Reserve, the blood bear went so far as to join an unknown four divine beasts reserve. Moreover, he still joined as a member. Is this contrast too great? Of course, if some big people who know the real national conditions of China know it, they will feel that the blood bear has earned shit this time.

With a smile, the old woman said calmly, "come on, what else do you have?"

With a restrained smile, the blood bear hurriedly and solemnly asked, "senior, I want to ask you, with my talent and 67 years old, can I still hope to enter the realm of King Kong?"

After asking this question, the blood bear's eyes were embarrassed and stared at the old woman. He wanted to step into the realm of King Kong too much. However, it was always difficult to grasp that feeling. He didn't even feel that he had reached the limit barrier. Therefore, he was confused and restless in his heart.

With a sneer, the old woman said, "what is King Kong? Subdue the heart ape. King Kong has a time. But now you are distracted and eager. Even your original heart can't be as strong as King Kong. If you can't wake up, you can't feel the limit of King Kong all your life, let alone want to break through King Kong! My heart is eternal and firm. This is what King Kong must have!"

Hearing the old woman's words, the blood bear was shocked and seemed to have a sudden understanding. There was an expression of ecstasy on his face and nodded hurriedly "I see! I see! Thank you, elder. If it weren't for your words today, I might be stagnant all my life and have no hope! Yes, I'm not firm in my heart. How can I have the hope of success?"

With these words, the blood bear solemnly saluted the old woman.

After accepting the blood bear's worship, the old woman said indifferently, "well, you can leave. I will order the four divine beasts headquarters. If you report, they will give you proper placement."

The old woman gave the order to leave, and the blood bear was embarrassed to stay. He had got what he needed, so he left quickly after saluting respectfully.

After the blood bear left, the old woman thought for a moment. Her fingers pounded on the computer quickly. After a series of cumbersome password verification, iris verification, fingerprint verification and so on, she finally successfully opened a web page. This web page is very gorgeous, with the theme of gorgeous and noble four divine beasts circling, green dragon, white tiger, rosefinch and Xuanwu, each of which is awe inspiring , it's shocking.


Many materials copied by the blood bear to himself were sent out in the form of e-mail. A moment later, a web page shook and turned out to be a video invitation.

Without hesitation, the old woman ordered to accept. Immediately, a picture appeared on the web page, which was an old man who was incomparably old and frail. He grinned and said, "madam, it's really nice to see you again! Lao Wang left last month, and we were only left with Xiao Mo, hey..."

There was a touch of sadness in her eyes. The old woman said, "I know. I allow the tusky blood bear to serve in the four divine beasts reserve team for ten years. You can arrange it. Wang Kun, you are now in charge of the four divine beasts on behalf of me. I want to ask your opinion. How about Cui hao? I want to send him a four divine beasts order."

Seems to know that the old woman will ask, Wang kundao "It's impossible to say that this little guy's talent is really immortal! However, miss, the lesson of that year is still fresh in my mind. Our four gods and beasts really can't afford another traitor! Tang Xiao's bastard fled to the United States and set up a terminator. It's completely cultivated according to the set of our four gods and beasts. Damn it, our inheritance was destroyed by it Most of them have been destroyed, but the most perfect inheritance has fallen into the hands of this traitor! In addition, it colluded with that one and made us throw away the mouse. It's really hateful! "

She was silent and listened to Wang Kun's words. After a while, the old woman said again, "I'll think about this problem. You first send a four divine beast order to avoid the Dragon Group's shameless robbery. In addition, give the little guy more benefits, such as loose restraint......"

"Yes, miss!" nodded and Wang Kun agreed.

After the order, the old woman closed her notebook, took a long breath and muttered, "hey... I hope you won't disappoint me again!"

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