Cui Hao is not interested in the dance, because every time he attends the dance, he will almost make some disturbances. Like an upper class aristocrat, he tastes slowly with a glass of red wine and speaks some romantic words. He always feels very uncomfortable for Cui Hao. He was an orphan since childhood and lived at the bottom of society. Although he is worth billions now, his mind still hopes to be an ordinary person.

Cui Hao instinctively rejected Huang Yanyan's request. However, the other party had already begun to organize the ball, and it was specially prepared for him to wash the dust. Naturally, Cui Hao would not give up so easily. Therefore, under Huang Yanyan's series of coquetry, Cui Hao reluctantly surrendered and agreed to her request.

That night, Huang Yanyan started her windy military car again and roared away with Cui Hao. About 40 minutes later, the car stopped at the gate of an ancient manor, which is the destination, Wanfu manor.

It seems that in order to show the real noble spirit and details, the real prince party and Princess Party in the imperial capital generally like to hold dances in some ancient places to distinguish them from the upstarts. Wanfu manor is a very good place. It is rumored that it used to be a prince's residence, which was later repaired and changed, Formed the present Wanfu manor.

Huang Yanyan is undoubtedly a member of the imperial capital Princess Party. She has a lively personality and makes many friends. This time, she held a ball to call friends. For a time, many young princes, Princess parties, rich children and so on came to the imperial capital. The valuable famous cars and luxury cars parked at the gate of Wanfu manor are the best proof.

"Yan Yan, you're here? This is Cui Shao, isn't it? How handsome! Please introduce yourself to the sisters!"

"Hee hee... I said, Yan Yan, do you value Cui less? I think your little girl has spring in her eyebrows and eyes. Hee hee, is it possible that you have moved your pure heart?"

Under the leadership of Huang Yanyan, Cui Hao just stepped into the ancient Wanfu manor and was immediately surrounded by five or six fashionable girls. These girls are either rich or expensive. Each dress is very avant-garde and beautiful and looks very pleasing to the eye. Obviously, they are all good friends on weekdays. Huang Yanyan is familiar with talking with them and simply introduces Cui Hao to them. Knowing that Cui Hao is a miracle doctor with rebellious medical skills, these girls have bright eyes and are very curious.

Huang Yanyan's understanding of Cui Hao is limited. If she knew that Cui Hao was a treasure master, the king of gambling stones and a master of Chinese martial arts, she would be even more shocked.

The more she was in the imperial capital, Cui Hao missed Ouyang muxue more and more. Naturally, she was too lazy to talk to these girls. After simply nodding one by one, she was held by Huang Yanyan's arm, surrounded by a group of beautiful women, and went to the scene of the dance.

Entering Wanfu manor, everyone felt refreshed, and Cui Hao nodded secretly after watching the layout around him. There are rockery, hot springs and small rivers around here. The scenery is naturally excellent. The best thing is that these layouts obviously come from experts and contain the mystery of Feng Shui. Cui Hao inherited Yang's ability. Although he only understood the skin, he can also see many ingenious places and can't help nodding secretly.

"Brother Hao, how can you see the beauty of Wanfu manor from your posture?" Huang Yanyan asked.

He nodded and Cui Hao smiled "I only know a little about feng shui. The Feng Shui skill of the decorator is above me! Look at the small pond on our right, there is a jet of water on the left and right, and a light next to it just shines on the sprayed water droplets, which feels like beads falling. This is called full of beads in the Feng Shui pattern. Take it easy When you get to the spring, you will feel relaxed and happy and comfortable, while the water flow drives the wind. It is as crisp as the sound of nature, but it can make people have the idea of having a clear heart and few desires, and then change people's endocrine. "

”WOW! Brother Hao, you know so much that I worship you! " Some surprised, Huang Yanyan joked.

"These are nothing. I only know a thing or two about the way of Feng Shui, but I don't know it well." Cui Hao waved his hand and opened his mouth at will.

The core of this dance is to wash the dust for Cui Hao. The scale is not too large. Those who don't come are basically Huang Yanyan's friends. Cui Hao is surrounded by a group of beautiful women and goes to a huge hall. Here is the place where the dance is located.

In the hall, the layout is very elegant, and the sound of silk and bamboo continues to spread. Many people have come. Many familiar people gather in twos and threes to drink and chat. It's very pleasant.

Under a landscape tree, a proud young man in a straight suit is standing with a glass of Bloody Mary in his hand and a faint smile on his face. However, his eyes have a sense of pride, because even among this group of noble children, Chen Ding is definitely a top figure.

Behind the young man stood a thin, dark and vigorous man in his thirties. He had a long scar on his face, giving people a feeling of ferocity.

Originally, he was proud, but when he saw Huang Yanyan come in, a friendly expression suddenly appeared on the young man's face, hurriedly greeted him and said with a smile, "Dear Yanyan, I'm glad to see you again..."

Stunned for a moment, Huang Yanyan was talking to several young ladies. When she saw the young man, her face suddenly drooped. Chen Ding has a distinguished family background. Even he can't help each other. I don't know why. Since he saw himself once, he has been entangled. Huang Yanyan hates this person very much. However, he is like a cowhide plaster and can't be thrown away.

Hum, Huang Yanyan didn't bother to talk to Chen Ding. He affectionately took Cui Hao's shoulder and said to Chen Ding, "Chen Shao, it seems that I didn't invite you to the dance. Why, you came uninvited? Please pay attention. You can't call Yan Yan casually!"

With that, she ignored the other party's face, suddenly embarrassed, directly took Cui Hao's shoulder and walked towards the hall.

Cui Hao was not interested in such things between the crown prince party and the Princess Party. He didn't bother to pay attention to Chen Ding and walked into the hall with her. Such a scene has fallen into the eyes of some interested people. Many people whisper and laugh in a low voice.

"This... This... Damn! Damn!..."

His face was very embarrassed. Chen Ding didn't expect his hot face to stick to his cold ass. he was ridiculed by the other party, and his face turned white.

Staring at Huang Yanyan and holding hands with Cui Hao, instinctively, Chen Ding counted all the mistakes on Cui Hao's head. He grinned fiercely and said to the tough man behind him, "Qin Yong, you didn't volunteer to follow me, find a chance and teach me a good lesson. Then, take some photos and come back. I'll be rewarded!"

After a moment of silence, Qin Yong said coolly, "this man is terrible. He is a strong enemy and has high Kung Fu!"


Hearing this, Chen Ding was stunned. He believed Qin Yong's words very much. Although the guy in front of him looked ugly, he was really powerful. All his former bodyguards were knocked over by this man.

There was a vicious light in his eyes. Chen Ding rubbed his hands and said with a smile, "are you interested in playing with this man? I won't treat you badly, 500000. I want you to break his legs!"

Hearing the speech, Qin Yong shook his head and said, "this man is very powerful, one million, I can try!"

One million. Chen Ding thinks it's a little expensive. However, looking at Huang Yanyan holding Cui Hao's posture and thinking about her attitude towards herself just now, she suddenly became angry and said with a grin, "OK, one million is one million. Go and break this person's legs!"

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