At the moment, there is a side door on the edge of the living room, which is closed. There are simple books in it. It is a spare study. A thin and weak old man sits there. There is a touch of comfort and satisfaction in his eyes. He has nothing to do with Cui Hao's several women. He cares about Cui Hao's tone of answering questions. This tone is very frank, He is very pleased and satisfied. If he wants to become a member of the four divine beasts, talent and potential are important, but attitude is also very important. In fact, Cui Hao didn't know that he was determined to set up Boai jewelry store, Boai holding investment group and so on. His initial idea and purpose was to help more poor people in China. This idea is the most satisfactory and gratifying thing for miss four divine beasts.

Cui Hao's answer disrupted his plan. However, although his response without self recruitment seemed magnanimous, it was purely looking for a dead end, so he frowned and Ouyang Jianye scolded "Bastard, since you have made a relationship with the twin sisters, I won't pursue the greedy and shameless thing that you occupy the two sisters alone. Do you want to pester Mu Xue again? Don't you know my national conditions in China? Monogamy system! Also, you should treat them well when you have two sisters. Why provoke Mu Xue? I think you have two sisters for the moment I was dazzled by emotion. Well, in that case, I helped you make the right choice. Why did you bring someone to plead? You guys, dare you accept this plea? This is against my basic national policy of China! "

With that, Ouyang Jianye looked around at the crowd. Suddenly, ten Chinese leaders, including Huang Zitao, were embarrassed. Cui Hao's affair really made them lose face. If Cui Hao covered up the matter or made some reasonable explanations, they could continue to pretend that they didn't know anything to help him, but he would do everything Everything was made clear, and everyone was embarrassed. If he continued to help Cui Hao, Ouyang Jianye would sneer at him as indiscriminate and thinking about all kinds of things. These big guys didn't speak, but looked at summer. That meaning goes without saying. Summer people are old and refined, and naturally understand these people's ideas. In fact, he is also very satisfied with his disciples' response I'm not satisfied. In his opinion, it's still too hot-blooded and too young. It should be more smooth.

In a word, Ouyang Jianye was a little pleased with the crowd. He didn't see Cui Hao at all in his heart, and naturally he wasn't ready to give him any real opportunities. Although the one next to the living room was still sitting there, if his direct words made Cui Hao retreat, he didn't have anything to say if he wanted to come to the other party. Thinking so, Ouyang Jianye continued to drink ask the way "Cui Hao, let me ask you, what do you mean, since you have so openly promised you and the twin sisters, and then come to me to beg for mercy? Do you want to abandon them and be good to your granddaughter? Hum, I Ouyang Jianye absolutely don't like such scum! Or, you want all the greedy ones, which is even more impossible, I'm afraid I will never promise you. I only have a granddaughter like muxue. How can I watch her enter the mouth of a tiger? Your character is inferior to that of the most ordinary workers and farmers, not to mention Xiao Li and Xiao Wen. Let me ask you, what are you going to do? "

Another mace!

After the counter attack, Ouyang Jianye threw out a killer mace again. Moreover, this killer mace is extremely cruel. It can be called a double-edged sword. No matter how Cui Hao answers, waiting for him will be a bad result. No matter how he chooses, his character will be criticized. This is what Ouyang Jianye needs. He throws out this killer mace, which can Cui Hao is the only one who can deal with it. Even the old lady is embarrassed to speak because of the personality and other problems mentioned before, not to mention the ten big men, and I don't know how to speak.

After asking this question, Ouyang Jianye's eyes twinkled with satisfaction. He was secretly happy. He was worried that Cui Hao would not admit it. He had to rely on his friendship with dusk snow to fight a tough battle. Unexpectedly, the other party was so bloody and stupid! His magnanimous admission was equivalent to leaking his death in front of him, so that he would not kill him That's interesting!

Cui Hao is so smart. When Ouyang Jianye asks, he understands the terrible part of this question. No matter how he answers, the result will be extremely unfavorable to him. Of course, this is also the question that should be asked, which he must solve. In fact, Cui Hao has thought about this question countless times in his heart. After pondering for a while, his tone is still open and sincere "Old chief Ouyang, to tell you the truth, I don't have an accurate decision now, because this is a very difficult choice. The future is full of too many variables, and I know my feelings with Mu Xue, which is the most sincere love, so I don't want to live up to her, otherwise I will regret all my life! I don't know how mu Xue will treat me. Her attitude is very important Of course, no matter how she chooses, the person I love most in my heart is her! Maybe I will choose to abandon Chinese nationality and join nationality such as Afghanistan. After all, although the country there is shamed by China, it does not restrict marriage. "

Clever! Very clever!

Everyone in the audience was looking forward to Cui Hao's answer, and when they heard his answer, there was more admiration than recognition. His response was really ingenious, which resolved Ouyang Jianye's sharp inquiry and found a reasonable solution for himself. Although this solution may have some small grievances against dusk snow, but If you consider the true feelings and choices of dusk snow, perhaps this is also the best solution.

Ouyang Jianye was stunned again. He didn't expect Cui Hao to respond like this. Although he vaguely felt the sincerity from his words, how could his granddaughter be wronged? What's more, he doesn't value Cui Hao at all. No matter what aspect he is from, he is far inferior to Xiao Li and Xiao Wen. How can such a person directly agree and compromise for him? Before Ouyang Jianye spoke again, Cui Hao continued to speak while the iron was hot "Old chief Ouyang, I know that my idea is a little shameful, but things have developed to this point, and the best solution I can think of is this. Marriage is free. I hope you can allow me to meet with Mu Xue and have a good talk, because I can feel her idea. I know how deeply she loves me, and I even worry If I can't be with her, it will cause unimaginable great trauma and impact on her in the future. I hope you can do it! "

In the side door on the edge of the living room, the thin old man couldn't help but puff and gently laughed and whispered "This guy's response is really interesting. He has the same temperament as Lao mo. well, he's a good seedling, a real good seedling! Emotional entanglement is a troublesome thing. Lao Mo had an Afghan nationality in those years. Unexpectedly, this guy also thought of this. Just, it's best not to let him do this Well, after all, he is the seedling most valued by the eldest lady. I'm afraid the key to the rise and fall of our four divine beasts in the future will fall on him... "

Angry! Hearing Cui Hao's words, as Mu Xue's grandfather, Ouyang Jianye couldn't help getting angry. He slapped heavily on the table, and suddenly stood up and shouted "Cui Hao, what did you just say? You, you are so shameful that people are speechless! Hum, a person can be shameless. How can she be so shameless? My granddaughter of Ouyang Jianye won't like Playboy, scum and scum like you! What's more, she won't share a husband with other women! Get out! Get out now!"

Knowing that his words will annoy Ouyang Jianye, but Cui Hao must say so. First, this is his sincere words. Second, only by saying so can he reverse his adverse state and make the old lady and ten big men come forward to intercede with him again. After seeing Ouyang Jianye, he understood his character. He is very stubborn and won't change easily. That's all People who want to make him change his view can only take time slowly, but they don't have such patience this time. They can only rely on the old lady and ten big men.

Seeing Ouyang Jianye angry, Cui Hao hurriedly apologized. At the same time, he glanced at the old lady and ten big men and asked them for help.

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