When things got to such a point, the old lady naturally couldn't sit idly by. Anyway, Cui Hao was his life-saving benefactor, so she stood up and said angrily "Jianye, what are you doing? Are you angry again? Why are you angry with your soldiers? Cousin, you know what I'm here for this time. Cui Hao is really a good young man. More importantly, he and Mu Xue have no guess. Now our country advocates freedom of marriage. Don't you, an old chief Do you have the dregs of feudal thought and are not willing to accept new ideas? I think calling out Mu Xue and you can talk about it is the most key way to solve the problem. What do you say? You all express your opinions! "

She showed her attitude and attracted ten big men. The old lady didn't look very good, not because of Ouyang Jianye's stubborn temper, because even she was kind. Although Cui Hao is a good guy, it seems that her life style is really so unruly and unpopular. When asked by the old lady, the ten big men can no longer sit idly by After all, they owe the summer's favor to return, so they all spoke. You say a word to me, nothing more than children's affairs, let the children decide their own decisions, marriage freedom, don't interfere, etc.

The anger on his face didn't subside for a while. However, Ouyang Jianye was also very unhappy. Therefore, he simply sat on his seat in a huff and puff, without saying anything, but he was thinking about what to do. In fact, according to the opinions of the people present, he really cares about only his cousin. After all, his relatives now only have this cousin and her except dusk snow It's not good to be close to her and make her angry. However, it's not his style to promise so. Moreover, there is still the one sitting in the side room in the living room. His opinion is even more important than his cousin. I have to think more about it!

With an angry face, Ouyang Jianye sat on his seat and thought in his heart. Suddenly, the scene was cold. After they looked at each other, they didn't know what to say.

At the same time, in a room not too far from the living room, a young girl was sitting in the room, and an old woman was with her. She was concentrating on looking at the mobile phone. She didn't know what method she used. The mobile phone could invade the camera in the living room. Therefore, the scenes in the living room were so clear that the more she watched , the girl's face became more and more embarrassed. Her dreamy eyes were covered with a layer of water mist. It was not Ouyang dusk. Which one was it? Although it was just a few days, Ouyang dusk was a little more tired, giving people a feeling of pity at first sight.

Pointing angrily at the mobile phone screen, Ouyang muxue said discontentedly, "Mom Wang, look at my grandpa. He's really stubborn! Brother Hao explained the situation to him and expressed his willingness to love and cherish me all his life. What does he mean? Doesn't he even want to give us a chance? Wuwuwuwuwuwu..."

As she spoke, Ouyang muxue didn't seem willing to accept the fact. She even covered her face and cried. She cried very sad. Those unhappy days seem to be crying out, and her voice is getting louder and louder. Seeing Ouyang muxue so, the old woman hurriedly patted her shoulder and said painfully "Dusk snow, don't cry. You've been watched by the old leader. There's no way to cry! Alas, it's a pity that my identity is limited and I'm not allowed to enter the living room. Otherwise, I can bring you your meaning. Dusk snow, don't cry. I love you when I cry. Darling, don't cry!"

The more the old woman comforted, Ouyang muxue cried more and more sad, and finally the whole person was even more pear blossom with rain. However, at one moment, Ouyang muxue stopped crying in vain, and her eyes showed a light of perseverance. Even the old woman had never seen this light. Her heart was awe inspiring. She knew that Ouyang muxue had made up her mind, and And very firm.

Sure enough, after showing such a determined look, Ouyang muxue said firmly "Mrs. Wang, I've decided that I'll pretend to commit suicide and use this move to force grandpa to promise us! Don't worry, I won't really commit suicide. I'll cut my wrists, but only a little skin trauma. Go outside and make a noise to let my grandpa know at the first time. Hum, I don't believe it. He doesn't even care about my suicide! I use this move to show my mind , grandpa may change his attitude towards brother Hao! Anyway, I must be with brother Hao, I must be with him! "

"But, dusk snow, it's really too dangerous, so don't do it, okay?" hesitated, and the old woman said so.

Hearing the speech, Ouyang muxue shook his head stubbornly and said, "no, I must do this. The only way may change my grandfather's practice. Don't worry, I'm very measured. Moreover, I have to see brother Hao. I won't commit suicide. Don't worry!"

For a weak girl, cutting her wrist is definitely a very difficult decision, because it really hurts so much that she can't do it at all. However, in order to be with Cui Hao, Ouyang muxue made such a decision without hesitation. Even though she was very distressed and unwilling, the old woman also knew her character and said nothing. After thinking about it, She can only nod helplessly and say painfully, "dusk snow, well, I promise you, you must cut a little, don't cut too much, you know? Hey, there's no way to take you!"

With the consent of the old woman, Ouyang muxue burst into tears and said happily, "ha ha... Thank you, Mrs. Wang! Don't worry, muxue will pay attention!"

A moment later, when Ouyang Jianye was still sitting on his seat and said nothing, a shrill and sharp cry came out, anxious, "guard, hurry! Hurry! Dusk snow committed suicide, come to rescue!"

Such a cry was naturally the most effective. After hearing the voice of mother Wang, several guards responsible for protecting and guarding Ouyang muxue almost died of fear and hurriedly ran in. They are too aware of the position of Ouyang muxue in the old chief's heart. If she really commits suicide, they and others will get a charge of unfavorable custody. Even if the old leaders don't blame themselves, they will feel extremely remorseful and ashamed. So, for the first time, the four guards rushed into Ouyang muxue's room and saw Ouyang muxue lying on the ground, bleeding his wrists and throwing a fruit knife on the ground, which was a little relieved. Fortunately, Ouyang muxue cut his wrists, and he just cut his wrists. He should not worry about his life.

Although the tight strings in their hearts were loosened, the four people did not dare to slack off. They hurriedly began to rescue and quickly took out the first aid kit for rescue. Everyone who can be arranged to be the guard of the old leader is a comprehensive talent. First aid is naturally indispensable. Soon, Ouyang muxue's wrist was bandaged. Of course, she was supposed to pretend, so the injury was not serious.

Although Ouyang muxue's injury was contained, the four guards did not dare to relax. After some discussion, they made a decision and immediately reported to the old chief.

"What? Twilight snow committed suicide? What's the matter? How did you become a guard? How is she now? Is her life in danger?"

Originally, when Ouyang Jianye was still sitting in his seat and thinking about what to do, the phone rang in vain. He was surprised when he heard the content of the phone. The whole person almost jumped up and shouted angrily.

At the next moment, after hearing the report from the guard, they found it in time and had wrapped up Ouyang dusk. Now they were sent to the medical room, Ouyang Jianye breathed a long breath. A tightly hanging heart was finally released and breathed a long breath.

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