In the living room, everyone was surprised. Ouyang Jianye roared after receiving the phone. They all heard it clearly. Ouyang muxue committed suicide! Why commit suicide? Why commit suicide at this time? The reason for this is self-evident. She is resisting invisibly in her own way. For Ouyang muxue's practice, the ten big men had different thoughts. As for the old lady and Cui Hao, they were surprised and flustered. Although seeing Ouyang Jianye spit out a long breath and scared me to death, Cui Hao hurriedly said, "old leader Ouyang, how's Dusk snow? How can she commit suicide in vain? Is it all right now?"

Because of Ouyang muxue's suicide, Ouyang Jianye was even more unhappy at the moment. Seeing Cui Hao asking so, he immediately found the source of the problem. In the final analysis, everything is because of Cui Hao. He can be very polite to his cousin, but he has no such patience with Cui Hao. He snorted coldly "It's all right? How can it be all right? You cut your wrists and commit suicide? Boy, I'm annoyed when I see you now. Hum, if it's not for the face of my cousin and you, I'll drive you out now! If it's not for you, how can my good granddaughter commit suicide? She has been a very clever child since childhood!"

Although his mouth was cruel, Ouyang Jianye was already soft at this moment. Ouyang muxue used suicide as a powerful threat, but he had to be soft. He was very clear about his granddaughter's temperament. Although he was kind, he was as stubborn as himself. Once he recognized something, he must do it. Therefore, Ouyang Jianye, who had been hesitant, was here At that moment, I made up my mind to accept the proposal of the four divine beasts. Anyway, his proposal is basically impossible to achieve. If Cui Hao can achieve such two magnificent goals, he will be the real superhero of the whole China, and even the significance of his existence is more important than what country controller is. If the country controller dies or dies If there is a problem, choose a capable backup, but there is no backup at all.

In fact, in his heart, Ouyang Jianye doesn't believe that Cui Hao can accomplish such a grand event. Even if the four divine beasts come in person, he thinks that the hope is slim and can be ignored. As a real Chinese big man who is in charge of one third of the army, he knows many Secrets very well. Because he knows it, he is more confident.

He was very worried about Mu Xue. Cui Hao didn't know whether Ouyang Jianye's words were angry. He sincerely said, "old leader Ouyang, you can blame me, but my medical skills are still very excellent. I want to show Mu Xue and make sure she doesn't worry about her life. Don't worry, I'm just helping her treat, won't take too long, OK?"

Cui Hao's request at the moment is reasonable, but Ouyang Jianye shook his head without hesitation and said "No! I won't allow you to meet Mu Xue! Cui Hao, I still can't let go of the explanation you gave me, so I object to you being with Mu Xue! However, since my cousin brought you to beg for mercy today, your two masters came to me for your personal visit. More importantly, one came to me specifically for your business, so I decided to give you two opportunities! For example If you can do anything, I'll promise you and Mu Xue. Of course, if you can't do it, don't bother Mu Xue again. This condition is not valid indefinitely. I only give you five years, because after the election day, I have to really decide whether to marry Mu Xue to Xiao Wen or Xiao Li. Surely you know this? "

Two conditions! At this moment, Cui Hao only had these four words in his mind. He didn't recognize an important factor in Ouyang Jianye's words. One came to Ouyang Jianye specifically for his business. Moreover, Ouyang Jianye had to agree because of his great face. Hearing him say so, everyone was a little different and curious and wanted to know what kind of thing it was.

Nodded, Cui Hao said solemnly, "old head Ouyang, please give me some advice. What are the two conditions?"

When Cui Hao wants to come, Ouyang Jianye casually puts forward a condition that he can do it. It is already a great kindness. He even puts forward two. Is it because Ouyang muxue's suicide has changed his mind and wants to complete himself and muxue? As soon as this idea was born, Cui Hao was uncontrollably excited and listened to Ouyang Jianye's words carefully.

With a smile, Ouyang Jianye slowly said, "my condition is actually very simple. First, if you are able to drive the power of the divine court out of China within five years, I will admit you! As for the second condition, as long as you can become one of the top ten directors of Skynet within five years, I also admit you and dusk snow!"

Drive out the divine court and become a director of Skynet. What is the power of the divine court and what is Skynet?

After hearing Ouyang Jianye's words, don't mention Cui Hao. Summer and Liu Qingfeng were a little hoodwinked because they didn't know it at all. The ten leaders present changed their faces because they all knew something. Although they knew something very one-sided and not very detailed, they already knew something. Shenting, it's terrible! God Net, mysterious!

From the perspective of the ten leaders, Ouyang Jianye's request is a lion's mouth, or flirting with Cui Hao, because it's too difficult for the two to be true, and there's hardly any chance!

With a slight frown on his brow, Cui Hao couldn't help asking, "old chief Ouyang, I want to know what organization shenting is? And what Skynet is? Can you tell me one or two? I don't know much."

Naturally, he didn't understand, because the meaning of these two words was so terrible that he didn't know even in summer. Hearing this, Ouyang Jianye smiled faintly and spoke in an indifferent language "This is one of the top secrets of China. It's inconvenient for me to divulge it to you! However, one of your masters is Yunlan king, and he is also a Super Master of Chinese martial arts. He knows shenting and Tianwang very well. You can ask him. I believe his explanation will make your blood boil, because it's difficult for you to achieve either of these two conditions. And this is already a problem But it's my biggest concession! "

After saying this, Ouyang Jianye ignored Cui Hao and turned to me. "Cousin, I've given you enough face this time. I didn't drive him away, but I've given him two opportunities. Whether he can meet this condition within five years depends on his own. You should have no opinion on my handling?"

Ouyang Jianye's words were all about this. Naturally, the old lady couldn't say anything. She nodded and said, "well, cousin, I'm satisfied with your practice. However, they have lovers. Now they are close at hand. Can you let them meet?"

"This......" hearing the speech, Ouyang Jianye pondered for a moment, but did not answer immediately.


At this time, the side door of the living room opened, and slowly came out of it a thin, white haired old man with bent back. He exuded a drooping old breath, but his eyes were very bright and glittering with the light of wisdom.

After walking out, the old man smiled and arched his hands at the people. Then he said to Ouyang Jianye, "brother Ouyang, I don't know if my face and your cousin's face are enough?"

"Why did you come out? This... Well, I agreed, but only three minutes, not more than one minute!" Ouyang Jianye responded after a moment of silence.

Who is this old man? Why did Ouyang Jianye's attitude change so much as soon as he appeared? Cui Hao was shocked at this moment, and eight of the ten big men present changed their faces at this moment. Their faces were full of respect. They hurriedly saluted the old man, and their attitude was lowered. It seemed that the old man was a real man Can't afford terror.

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