Being able to take charge of one of the five major mining areas in Myanmar, senior general Aung San will hide and stamp his feet, which will cause a lot of shock in the whole of Myanmar. Naturally, he is not an easy person. Compared with him, Cui Hao really realized how young he is, and it is not enough to fight wisdom and courage with such a crafty role. This time, Cui Hao didn't plan to fight with general Aung San. He had already thought about everything. At present, he spoke directly "Senior general Aung San, I came to talk with you this time with sincerity. You should know that I am a master of gambling stones. I bought a lot of gambling stones in the gambling store before. I cut a good piece of raw stone, a piece of glass the size of a fist, a kind of Imperial green jade. I am willing to give it to you. It is the price I ask you for help. How about it? Of course, you You can also choose not to agree, but I must remind you that although I Cui Hao seems to have no background on the surface, my background is definitely more terrible than the China jadeite alliance. My temper is very pure. I must repay my friends for dripping water, but I must repay my enemies for vengeance! Do you believe me enough to change your momentum in Myanmar ?”

With these words, Cui Hao was full of pride. In order to increase his persuasion, he slightly operated his soul power. In an instant, senior general Aung San felt that Cui Hao in front of him had changed in vain. He was tall and powerful, like an invincible peak, which was frightening and extremely fearful. This momentum must be true. At this moment, general Aung San's heart was shocked and terrified Thousands of thoughts flickered, but it was difficult to make a choice for a time.

He is skeptical about Cui Hao's words, not to mention whether he really has such a terrible background. Only he has the special function of hypnosis. If he really offends the other party, he is afraid that there will be no small trouble. Although general Aung San is a real big man in Myanmar, Myanmar is a small country after all, and its comprehensive national strength is not high. If he really offends the other party What big country giant, he will also have great trouble.

How to choose? A difficult choice is in front of general Aung San.

In fact, it's good for him to promise Cui Hao. Moreover, he can make a plan so that this transaction will not move eastward, and he can reap the benefits. However, it's also difficult to do so. If he is careless, he will offend several forces, and finally lose. Cui Hao has guessed the inner changes of senior general Aung San at the moment, and he thought about it, Another dose of strong medicine was added.

With a smile, Cui Hao used understatement "Senior general Aung San, my elder is a big man who can influence the general trend of China. In order to cultivate me, he has specially formulated a set of plans, in which the starting point for accumulating wealth is jewelry, jade and the Internet, and his promise to me is that he has a way to help me open a jewelry store that only deals with high-grade jade! It is not ordinary high-grade jade, but the lowest high-grade ice level Expensive jadeite! You should know what this means. The problem of supply is not a problem. If you help me this time, I can sign an agreement with you now. When my jewelry store opens, buying raw stones in Myanmar can give priority to your mining area, and the price is absolutely fair! "

"What? You... Your elders have so much energy?" he was so shocked that Aung San's eyes kept turning.

Cui Hao's words are like a heavy bomb, which makes general Aung San have to think about it. The things involved are so big that even he is a little surprised. There are only two expensive jade jewelry stores with the lowest and high ice level in the world, and they are all in Myanmar. Their profits are very considerable every year, but because of the shortage of goods For this reason, some limited sales and other things are often carried out. After all, high ice and even more expensive Jadeites are not ground stalls, which is very rare. In the view of general ang Shan, nine times out of ten, the thing proposed by Cui Hao is just a plan, but since the other party dares to put forward this plan, we can see how terrible energy and wrist are!

General Aung San has made profound research on China. He knows that although Li Shao is strong, he is not hiding the sky. Perhaps Cui Hao's elders are a big Chinese figure who can rival Li Shao and even have more terrible influence! If this is true, Cui Hao's words that can change his momentum in Myanmar may still have some credibility.

After throwing out this heavy news, Cui Hao stopped talking. He already showed enough sincerity to believe that general Aung San would not refuse. In fact, if he was a clever negotiator, maybe general Aung San would agree to cooperate without even taking out the glass imperial green jade. However, Cui Hao did not have this ability and specialized in technology.

After much thought, general Aung San finally nodded "Good! Cui Shao, your sincerity is really sufficient and the conditions are very attractive, so I have to promise! I have made you a friend. Hum, this Wang Chao is really hateful. He wants to collude with my general in Myanmar and eat black for distinguished guests. It's really hateful. As a senior general in Myanmar, I have to do it! Don't worry, I'm sorry about that guy chados Xie, I'll talk to him. If you turn against the water at the critical moment, you can certainly catch the mercenaries and Wang Chao unprepared! Of course, your people must be the main force, and you have to bear the hatred. Is that no problem? "

Old fox! What an old fox!

Hearing this, Cui Hao was stunned and scolded in his heart. General Aung San really made a good calculation and took all the benefits. Instead, the villains asked Cui Hao to do it. They just did some auxiliary things. Even if this thing is finally over, heidu mercenary and Wang Chao will bet all their hatred on Cui Hao, and Myanmar can stay out of it. No Once he could promise to do so, he turned the situation around at once, but such a deal was naturally unsatisfactory. Cui Hao shook his head and said, "no! General Aung San, you have paid too little, and I have done almost everything. How can this be?"

Smiling, senior general Aung San said kindly, "no, no, no... how can you say that? Cui Shao, we paid a lot in Myanmar. First, we offended the two forces for you. Second, we ensured the safety of your goods. Most importantly, you also won my friendship with Aung San, didn't you?"

The crafty Aung San didn't let go at all. He was already ecstatic at the moment "Hahaha..... A young child wants to make a deal with me, general ang San. It's humiliating! This time I want you to make great efforts, but all the benefits should be included in my bag! Hum..... Then I'll arrange the people under my hand to disguise as Cui Shao's men and eat black for Wang Chao's 4.5 billion goods..... Hahaha..... Kill two birds with one stone, I'll be happy to think about it! "

It turned out that the senior general of Aung San not only took advantage of the benefits given by Cui Hao, but also began to want to seek Wang Chao's 4.5 billion raw stone goods. Cui Hao may have a strong background, and the other party has already been prepared, which is very difficult to deal with, but not in the dynasty. The Chinese jade alliance he represents has been specially protected in Myanmar and has never made a mistake, which makes him happy It's easy to be paralyzed. Coupled with Cui Hao's once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, he can completely plant things on Cui Hao's head after it is done... General ang Shan is naturally very happy with so many benefits.

"Madder, this old man is really hateful, and his mouth is too tight. If I die, I will promise. I just won't let go..... Just promise him!" Cui Hao angrily scolded in his heart and made up his mind.

With a sigh, Cui Hao finally nodded and said, "well, general Aung San, in order to ensure that our transaction can be successfully concluded, I suggest that we formulate an agreement?"

The two people are needed by each other. It can be said that they hit it off at once. Soon they formulated a plan. Both sides signed the agreement, which can be regarded as having a handle on each other. In this way, they can also prevent each other from turning back.

"Hahaha... Cui Shao, you are really a cheerful person. I like having friends like you very much!" hahaha, general Aung San said with a smile.

With a smile, Cui Hao responded blandly, "each other..."

If it weren't for the situation, Cui Hao would never cooperate with an old fox like general Aung San. It's very dangerous, and he should always be vigilant against the other party's bite. Even if the agreement is in hand at the moment, he doesn't have full confidence and trust.

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