The holy religion is a huge organization like a divine court. According to Shen Mo's introduction, it appeared on the earth thousands of years ago. It is unclear who inherited it. However, as we all know, they believe in God and think they are the embodiment of light. As long as they worship God sincerely and dedicate everything to the Lord, their souls can go to heaven after death, Accept the baptism of the angel pool and become an angel of light and warmth, often around the great God.

At the peak of its development, more than half of the western countries are devout believers of God. However, due to an unexpected war, the Holy Church suffered huge losses and the most powerful reliance was destroyed, which gradually showed a weak trend, Gather all the forces near the Vatican and let the Pope personally command everything.

Because there are too many messages about the holy religion, and many of them are not what Cui Hao should know today, Shen Mo roughly explained some to him. Among them, he highlighted one thing. The holy religion claimed to be the embodiment of light and warmth thousands of years ago. It came to the world to eliminate evil diseases, such as blood clan, werewolf, eight claw monster, druid and other special species, They are all dark creatures, which must be completely eliminated at the first time, and the holy religion has trained many crazy believers, including religious tribunals, and so on. The two sides can be described as a sea of blood feud, which can not be resolved forever.

"Mo Lao, which of the Holy Church and the divine court is more powerful now? And what level of existence is the cardinal?" Cui Hao asked after thinking about it.

Shen Mo did not hesitate to answer this question "Naturally, the holy court has been strengthened more horizontally. The highest combat power of the Holy Church has been destroyed. The Pope is the strongest, followed by the top ten Cardinals. They are all strong men comparable to the realm of King Kong. The Pope of this generation is very sinister. If he had not performed his great prophecy, our Chinese one would not fall. Although the holy church did not directly participate in that battle In the siege, however, in my Chinese opinion, the holy religion is also one of the deadly enemies. If you have the opportunity, you must eliminate it! You have not seen crazy believers. You simply can't understand the terrible spread of religion. The power of faith is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. At that time, human beings lost themselves and indulged in a spiritual country woven by themselves. It can be said that the teachings of the holy religion are fascinating The doctrine of drunkenness, degeneration and lack of ambition. Moreover, the one who controls the overall situation in China once said that this religion is unfathomable and has involved the collection of beliefs! I don't understand what this sentence means, but I can feel that it must be of great significance! "

A collection of beliefs?

After hearing Shen Mo's words, Cui Hao's heart moved and thought about his words again and again, and there was some speculation in his heart. However, he soon suppressed this speculation at the bottom of his heart. This level and this big event are not what he should be involved in today. The water is too deep and contains a terrible vortex. If he was so weak, he would be forced into the game , will only be crushed into powder!

The holy church is now weak, not to mention the more powerful Pope. There are only ten Cardinals comparable to King Kong. Cui Hao is surprised. If so, how powerful should the strength of the divine court be? Can he really expel him within five years? Cui Hao is also nervous about this problem.

The four gathered together, quietly waiting for the arrival of the cardinal of the Holy Church.

Time passed slowly, and twenty minutes later, Vivian's expression became more and more serious, because the Holy Light remaining in her body resisted fiercely. Although she was obviously weak, she even had more and more vitality. This can only explain that the cardinal of the holy church is getting closer and closer! Now, the most important point of their relationship is to come this time Is your cardinal one or several?

At the door of the spacious and luxurious villa, four big men in black suits stood upright with bulging waists and sharp eyes. Inside the villa, there were three waves of people patrolling. Each wave was five men in suits, with earphones and ferocious wolf dogs. This level of protection should be very strict, but Edward couldn't let go at all Heart, because for ordinary people, these protections are naturally an iron and steel wall, impeccable, but for the cardinal of the Holy Church, they are in vain.

At the moment, a luxurious extended Lincoln stopped at the door of the villa, and an old man walked down and walked slowly towards the door of the villa.

This old man with white hair is wearing a gorgeous robe of moon white and embroidered with exquisite patterns. His face is very kind and gives people a warm feeling. His eyes are very gentle, like the warm sun in winter. His smile is very warm and gives people the feeling of bathing in the spring breeze. In his hand, he is leaning on a white refined steel crutch, touching the ground and making a sonorous sound The sound is very clear.

The white haired old man is barefoot and has no clothes, giving people a feeling of suffering and seeking liberation in the world.

"Stop! Who is it? No one is allowed to come near without Mr. Henry's order. Get out of here at once!..."

Just as the white haired old man approached the door of the villa, the four men in black suits who guarded the door found it and drank together. At the same time, their sharp eyes immediately locked on the old man, and there was a strong evil spirit in their eyes. People with this evil spirit must have killed people, and more than one. Ordinary people would tremble and tremble when they were stared at by their eyes beat a retreat.

However, the white haired old man did not. He was still very kind and smiled at them.

This smile seemed to have an invisible and warm light shining on the hearts of people. For a moment, they felt as if they had found the true meaning of life and found their true self. The white haired old man in front of them is their prophet, who can guide them to find a better future.

For a moment, the four men in black suits were dull. They giggled one by one and showed the most pious smile to the white haired old man. Finally, they knelt down together and began to kowtow to him.

After just smiling at the four big men in black suits, the white haired old man ignored the four people. It's enough to deal with the four small guys with the charm of a smile! He continued to walk inside, strolling around, as if wandering in his own park.

"Hmm? What's going on? Who?"

Such an accident naturally attracted the attention of three waves of black suit men holding wolf dogs for the first time. They roared together and looked at the four men guarding the door of the villa kneeling to the ground and kowtowing constantly. They were in a sad and awakened attitude. They felt as if they had seen a ghost, and the thought lasted only a moment, and then disappeared again, because the white haired old man smiled at them.

With the smile of the old man with white hair and the big man in the black suit holding the wolf dog, they all felt a shock. A feeling of incomparable warmth, tranquility and comfort slowly penetrated into their hearts.

"Children, don't you realize that in this painful world, it's better to believe in our Lord and get great liberation, freedom and light!... believe in our Lord, the compassionate God, who will guide you lost lambs in the direction, so that you won't completely lose yourself!" he opened his mouth, and the white haired old man stared at the big man in black suit and the wolf dog in front of you, At the same time, there was a magnificent soul power surging out of his body.

An amazing scene happened. With his words, the three waves of big men in black and wolf dogs who had just rushed over stopped one by one. They looked very calm. They seemed to have obtained a kind of great light, great liberation, great freedom, very comfortable and warm in their hearts. They imitated Buddha, and all their worries were left behind.

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