This was a one-sided killing war. Cui Hao controlled the whole war with his power of hypnosis, so that the elite Burmese soldiers were in a state of hypnosis. They died on the spot without breaking out their power. I have to say that they died a little wronged. After the two rounds of scanning ended the battle, the 22 shadow guards breathed a long breath, and finally completed the first task assigned by Cui Hao perfectly!

The whole battle lasted less than 15 seconds. In such a short time, Cui Hao already had a feeling that he couldn't help it. Although it was easy for the mysterious beads in his body to urge, he did his best to make his hypnotic ability cover a group of people, but it was difficult and consumed too much! That is, Cui Hao's soul has grown a lot and has been washed once. If he came to Myanmar, he can hold on for five or six seconds at most.

With sophisticated guns in their hands, a group of shadow guards still have an incredible expression on their faces. Such a battle is too easy and incredible, isn't it?

Cui Hao was very satisfied with the result. He waved his palm and said, "well, it's not too late. Clean the battlefield quickly. I immediately called the people behind me and tried my best to catch up with us!"

Because of what just happened, Cui Hao, the new master, covered a mysterious veil in everyone's hearts. They respected him more and more, and his orders were naturally executed at the first time. At present, the two team leaders began to give orders in full swing. As for Cui Hao, he took out his mobile phone and began to make calls.

It happened that the Burmese soldiers had cleaned the battlefield once, and the large trucks carrying the raw stones of the China jadeite alliance gathered together. Soon, they completed a series of tasks and could leave quickly at any time.

About ten minutes later, Alice led the people in a hurry. When they saw this strange and terrible scene, they were shocked and confused. So, at Cui Hao's command, they put all the raw stones of Huaxia jadeite alliance into their bags and began to move on.

Because of his secret cooperation with general Aung San, Cui Hao got his special license this time. There was no obstruction along the way. About an hour later, Gangzi returned with 20 shadow guards and joined the team. They were assigned to work respectively.

The snipe and clam compete, and the fisherman benefits. The 4.5 billion raw stone goods of the China jadeite league are so vulnerable to others. Cui Hao did not immediately look for treasures among the many original stones. Because time did not allow, he had to leave Myanmar and return to China at the first time. Cui Hao had already planned all the plans, and seeing that all the plans were very comprehensive, he gave orders and made every effort to hurry!

The whole team accelerated because of Cui Hao's order, and at the same time, the news on this battlefield was finally revealed

In the huge manor, in a transparent glass room carved from white marble, the sun shines in. A small middle-aged man is tasting tea. He has a smile on his face, and in his arms is a lazy white Persian cat with blue dreamy light in his eyes, which is very charming.

Such a scene would be more appropriate if it appeared in the homes of some rich people. However, it happened in the manor of general Aung San. The short middle-aged man is general Aung San.

He is in a good mood. General Aung San has a feeling of satisfaction. He likes the feeling of controlling everything and obtaining great wealth. If there are no mistakes in his plan, his confidants will soon bring him amazing good news.

"Jingling bell..."

When senior general Aung San finished a sip of tea, the mobile phone on the white jade table rang. After seeing the name on the screen, senior general Aung San frowned slightly, grabbed the mobile phone and said in Burmese, "Kunsang, why are you calling me?"

Soon, a series of hurried and anxious words came from the other end of the phone. After hearing these words, general Aung San trembled all over and his face was pale and frightening. Finally, he took a deep breath, which barely kept him calm. His eyes narrowed. The whole person was like a provocative beast.

He was thinking before he thought who it was? Who is so bold as to dare to break the ground on Tai Sui's head? I don't know what to do! To be a big man in Myanmar, general Aung San is very smart. Soon, he finally came to the greatest possibility through some clues, Cui Hao! Although Cui Hao is not a Burmese, the so-called strong dragon does not pressure the local snake, ang Shan has seen his mystery and terror. Therefore, if you have to say who dares to fight against himself and against the regular army, Cui Hao will undoubtedly be one of them!

He was very angry. General Aung San thought of revenge for the first time. However, he thought again. He couldn't help sweating behind his back. The whole person couldn't help but shiver! General Aung San knows better than anyone what team he sent. How elite their strength is and how advanced their equipment is. However, what does it mean that the elite were destroyed by the regiment? This can only explain one thing. Cui Hao's strength must be frightening.

Finally, general Aung San chose the most secure method and ignored it. Of course, although he chose to sit idly by, he already hated Cui Hao in his heart.

In the teahouse of Teana, Myanmar, the elegant sound of silk and bamboo is ringing in a Tianzi room. A young man is sitting face to face with a military man with a scar on his face. This young man is Wang Chao, and the man in uniform is a general under general Aung San, general chados.

Wang Chao was very happy because his people should have succeeded in calculating the time. When he was thinking, in vain, his mobile phone rang, so he hurriedly grabbed it.

"Wang Shao! It's over! It's all over! It's over!"

As soon as the mobile phone was dialed, there was an anxious and mournful voice at the other end of the phone. Originally, Wang Chao was in a good mood. He was startled when he heard such a mourning voice in vain. Then he recognized that he was one of his confidants and hurriedly said, "Li Wenhai, tell me what you're crying about. My childe hasn't died yet. Why are you crying? Do you think my life is too long?"

Being so scolded, the howling at the other end of the phone immediately stopped.

"Li Shao, it's bad! None of the people we sent back, including Liu Shao and Zhang Shao, have come back. Their identities are not simple. They haven't come back!"

"What? What's going on? My man has been arrested. Who is it? The police or the traffic police?" surprised, Cui Hao couldn't help asking.

Weak, a voice came from the other end of the phone, "Wang Shao, this is the case. Liu Shao and Zhang Shao left with a group of people and said it was the most important thing to complete your account. However, now their bodies appeared on the way and must have been killed!"

He was so angry that Wang Chao couldn't help asking, "NIMA! Who did labor and capital ask? It's no use even Liu Feng's identity. Besides, how could my people die so miserably..."

After thinking about it, the other end of the phone responded again. "According to the analysis, it should be the hand of general Aung San. However, some strange things are that the traces on the scene seem to be a fight between the three parties! I don't know the age of the person who took the shot, but one thing I can be sure is that he is an outlaw and may also be Cui Hao's person."

The distressed meat was extremely painful. Wang Chao finally said angrily, "well, I know these. No matter which party took the shot, it can't be underestimated."

Tentatively, the other end of the phone asked again, "Wang Shao, what should I do next?"

"Take one step at a time, eh..." sighed Wang Chao.

Smell speech, the telephone end respectful response, immediately hung up the phone.

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