In fact, Cui Hao was also worried when he led the shadow guard and others to protect a large number of raw stones on his way back, because he had just witnessed the terrible of modern thermal weapons. If general ang Shan knew that his mantis and cicada hunting plan had failed, he lost his wife and lost his soldiers, and became angry. He might send elite to come. At that time, it might be a fierce battle. However, he didn't feel any danger until he left Myanmar with the help of general Aung San's special pass. It seems that general Aung San chose to suffer from boredom and loss. Of course, the reason why he is so honest is that first, he should be afraid of the Chinese terrorist strength behind him, and second, he wiped out his elite in one fell swoop, which made him afraid, Uncertain about their real strength, for the sake of safety, they chose to respond to changes with constancy and pretend they don't know anything.

After leaving Myanmar and really stepping into China, Cui Hao finally settled down. China is a real legal country. One of the things that are not conducive to a harmonious society, such as guns, fights and so on, is to crack down severely. Moreover, the national machine controls a powerful heat weapon, so, It can be regarded as a truly safe legal power.

After entering the territory of China, Cui Hao met Wang Meili and others at the border. They sorted out these precious raw stones worth more than 6 billion. Then, they hired a civil aviation plane, which was pressed by Cui Hao himself. Finally, everyone successfully flew back to Jiangzhou. On the plane, Cui Hao has been thinking about how to deal with his precious raw stones? Finally, he made a general decision, so after getting off the plane, he immediately dialed a phone to Yang Ying "Hello? Shifu, I've returned home. This time I've smashed my fortune on a batch of raw stones. They are too precious. I don't trust them. So I want you to help me guard them for a while. Don't worry, it won't be long, because I'm going to ask my Shifu Tianji Taoist priest to help me set up a treasure hiding place."

Yang Ying has been cultivating in the old house these days. He received a call from Cui Hao and said with a smile, "good disciple, it doesn't matter to me every time you call the master. Every time you ask me for help. If you do this again, I'll be angry? Eh... Well, since you say it, I'll go!"

Almost all his hopes for revenge were placed on Cui Hao. Therefore, Yang Ying agreed to his simple request without hesitation. Moreover, he personally called the governor of Yunlan province and conveyed an order to him with the order of his ancestors, asking him to find a way to send a number of police forces to help Cui Hao protect his original stone Yang Dian trusted his disciple very much. Since he said that the original stone needs to be protected this time, it must be of amazing value.

After obtaining Yang Dian's support, Cui Hao immediately dialed another call to Taoist Tianji. It took a long time for the other party to connect the phone. When Cui Hao explained his request, Taoist Tianji was a little helpless "Good disciple, you should know my situation. I can't leave Longhu Mountain, otherwise it's really troublesome! Moreover, the bronze coffin and dragon vein left by your Shizu must be suppressed by me. In this way, you can study the strange door dunjia in Dayan's Tianji skill these days. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me and arrange it yourself, Believe that you can still arrange simple strange door, dunjia and enchanting array. In addition, I can give you a guy's phone. He is a descendant of the Mohist school. He is known as the white crane monk with money as his life. He is one of the few super craftsmen in China. Moreover, he has 18 disciples, all of whom are high-level secret chess and so on Hand, if he agrees to your request, there will be no problem. "

Cui Hao originally wanted to ask Taoist Tianji to help him arrange a large array. In this way, his original stone was safer, but he was politely refused. However, he also told Cui Hao good news and showed that as long as Cui Hao could buy a guy called Baihe monk, the original stone would be safe.

Soon, Taoist Tianji told Cui Hao a phone number and told him that he loved money very much. As long as Cui Hao took action in this regard, it should be no problem. Although he loved money, Baihe monk still respected his own treasure room and would never reveal any secrets. In addition, he would also help the employer select some suitable modern treasures Chemical anti-theft devices, such as super safe, such as iris authentication and other instruments.


Hearing the explanation of Taoist Tianji, Cui Hao couldn't help feeling this way. He made up his mind that he must help him build a treasure room. In fact, Cui Hao had this trouble before he went to Myanmar, because he had won many precious Jadeites before he went to the gambling street, especially in the gambling competition There are several treasures among the treasures. Once this kind of thing is carved, its value is immeasurable. Wouldn't it be too dangerous without a matching anti-theft device?

With the gradual rise of a series of chain enterprises, such as Boai jewelry store, Boai investment holding group, Boai network platform, etc., Cui Hao has to consider this problem. Where is the wealth? The bank vault? If it is money, Cui Hao feels that it is not a problem. However, if it is some precious raw stones and Jadeites, he feels inappropriate. There is still one belonging to Zhihao A great treasure room is the most suitable.

After obtaining the telephone number of Baihe Jushi, Cui Hao immediately dialed it, and dialed it three times. The other end of the phone came late. He thought of a lazy voice "hello? Who?"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao hurriedly and respectfully said, "excuse me, is it a white crane monk? I am..."

As soon as Cui Hao's voice fell, a very impatient voice came from the other end of the phone, slightly sharp "Don't talk nonsense. My time is very precious. Since you know this phone number, it should be given to you by someone familiar with me? Don't tell me who that person is, because no matter who it is, I won't give you cheap. Come on, what rules and levels of treasure room do you want me to help you?"

"So simple? So strange? Are all capable people and different scholars hanging like this?" he was stunned for a moment. Cui Hao couldn't help thinking like this in his heart.

Now that he has something to ask for, Cui Hao naturally doesn't dare to ask for it. He hurriedly lowers his posture and laughs, "are you a white crane monk? Well, I want a treasure room. The safer it is, the better. As for the specifications, I want......"

Soon, Cui Hao said what he thought in his heart. He was a little uneasy because he asked too much.

Without too much hesitation, a voice came from the other end of the phone, "no problem! Because many of your requirements need precious things, so the price is one billion. Can you afford it? If you can, continue to talk. If you can't, get out immediately!"

Cui Hao was a little uncomfortable with such a simple and rude response. He secretly congratulated himself that Mo Lao helped him ask for another 16 billion yuan. Now, he returned to China with a big fortune. It's time to show his ambition! Although there are a lot of 1 billion yuan, it's painful, but considering that he has 16 billion yuan, Cui Hao said he was rich and powerful "One billion, no problem! Elder, when can you come over? I'm in a hurry."

"Of course, a month later, your treasure room is so demanding. I want to think about it and relax! Of course, before that, you must first pay me half of the deposit, that is, 500 million. If you like, we'll trade. If you don't want, get out!" a response came from the other end of the phone, which was a little careless.

Touching his nose, Cui Hao felt a little unhappy. The white crane monk was really a stone in the thatched house, smelly and hard. If he didn't ask him, he really didn't want to pay more attention to him for a second. His attitude also aroused Cui Hao's ideas of competing with him, so he smiled and said "Senior, if I'm willing to pay you 200 million more, can I catch up tomorrow?"

"What? Add two hundred million more? OK, OK, I agree!" a scream came from the other end of the phone, as if the white crane monk was very excited.

He has seen a lot of rich people, but he smashed 200 million at will. He also met them for the first time. When the white crane monk was still excited about getting a lot of wealth, Cui Hao said carelessly, "if I add another 300 million, senior, I wonder if you can create your most peak treasure room for me?"

"What? Add another 300 million? That's 1.5 billion! Deal! Deal! Don't worry, I'll come with my disciples before sunset tomorrow. Moreover, I can guarantee that this is my most serious and attentive treasure room! Boy, you've earned it. Once I get serious, your treasure room will be the most airtight and safe!" Surprised, the white crane monk was already excited and going crazy.

Money is like life. This title is really appropriate for him.

"It's so cool to hit people with money!" at the moment, Cui Hao was in a great mood and couldn't help but express such feelings.

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