With 2 billion funds in place, the plan was determined, and the deployment of pre opening publicity was immediately determined by Wang Changsheng. Moreover, he immediately assigned many tasks. Almost all employees of the whole Boai investment holding group, including Boai jewelry store, Boai Hotel and Boai health network platform, did not assign tasks. Of course, the focus of this plan is still the bombing propaganda of various media, as well as the shocking lottery. The poor receive it free of charge. The lottery activities have been prepared for the first time. Although the three-day time is not too short, it is still difficult to achieve the maximum explosive publicity.

Because it was still early, Wang Changsheng put himself into work for the first time. He was very excited, because according to the plan, the opening of Boai jewelry store this time will be very popular. Moreover, it has great potential in the future. He was excited to take charge of such an enterprise.

After the meeting, everyone began to get busy. It was still early. Therefore, Cui Hao thought about it and went to fraternity jewelry store. He wanted to visit master Meng xuanlang. In addition, he had to take advantage of his spare time to select several precious original stones, which were an indispensable part of the opening.

Originally, Cui Hao didn't want to disturb his relatives and friends because of the opening, but at the insistence of Wang Changsheng, he personally called the old chief Huang He. Because of his identity, the old chief thought about it and didn't agree to go there. However, he also said that he would let Huang Yanyan go on the opening day three days later. She is the Princess Party of the imperial capital and has many friends, And they are all real Chinese dignitaries. She will bring her good sisters to join us. I believe it will cause a great sensation. In fact, this practice is also for some big people. Many of them are not qualified to know the relationship between Cui Hao and the four divine beasts. However, they know what forces Huang Yanyan represents. If dealing with Cui Hao, they must consider the consequences.

Fraternity jewelry store is brightly lit and bustling. Employees are very excited when they go in and out. They have been specifically notified. Cui will have a dinner party tonight. Moreover, everyone will have a big red envelope. Naturally, they are very happy.

"Cui Zonghao!"

When Cui Hao entered the fraternity jewelry store, he was immediately seen by some employees and greeted respectfully one by one. Cui Hao nodded gently one by one and directly entered it. He didn't go to see the original stones immediately, because Gangzi, Alice and 50 shadow guards were protecting them. It was very safe in safe China. Cui Hao first went to the living area behind the jewelry store.

The whole fraternity jewelry store was established because of mayor Duan Guorong's extensive land occupation. In addition, he invested a lot of money in it, so it was built very well. The living area in the back and various facilities are very perfect, and there is a special area. There are more than a dozen small villas with elegant style built here, in each small villa, They are the residence of a real jade carving master. At the moment, there are people living in three small villas. One is master Meng xuanlang, and the other two are his two good friends. They are also famous jade carving masters in China.

According to the guidelines, Cui Hao stepped into a villa and suddenly smiled, because it happened that under a plum blossom tree in the villa, three old people were sitting, two of them were playing chess, and the other was watching the war. The one watching the war was master Meng xuanlang.

His face was full of smiles. Cui Hao arched his hands and said with a smile, "Grandpa Meng, there are two masters, Hello!"

The two old men playing chess stopped and looked at Cui Hao unexpectedly. They didn't know each other. However, they could see that the young man had a unique temperament, especially his deep eyes, which gave people a feeling of boundless starry sky. At first glance, they knew that he was not a person. Stunned for a moment, after discovering that it was Cui Hao, Meng xuanlang hurriedly smiled and said to the two old people next to him, "old guys, this is Cui Hao, the owner of fraternity jewelry store, a very good young man."

Knowing Cui Hao's identity, the two old men dared not neglect it. They stood up with a hurried smile and said, "hahaha... Who did we think it was? It turned out that the owner came. Come on, please sit down, please sit down."

Cui Hao was installed as an owner. He felt that he had suddenly become an ancient landowner. He smiled "Hello, two masters. I'm sorry. I just came back from the Myanmar gongpan. I was busy in the imperial capital some time ago, so I didn't come to see the two masters. Please forgive me! You three are all my predecessors. It's really polite to call me the host. Don't call me that in the future. Just call me Xiao Cui!"

"You're welcome! You're too polite! Well, then the three old guys will rely on the old to sell the old. Ha, I'll call you Xiao Cui later!"

As jade carving masters, the three of them are very proud. Even if Cui Hao is the owner of the fraternity jewelry store, they just think Cui Hao is rich. If such a capable person wants to really attract in his own enterprise, Cui Hao knows that his owner must learn to be virtuous, automatically reduce his identity and give respect to each other. Obviously, he is like this The practice of self demotion satisfied all three elderly people.

After a brief greeting between the two sides, Cui Hao was dragged by the three old people to sit down and start chatting.

Cui Hao came this time to tell the three masters what he thought, because if he wanted to make the jade carving masters willing to come, the three masters played a great role, because they themselves were experts in the industry and naturally knew many industry experts at the same level. So, after simply organizing words, Cui Hao said his ideas.

"What? Xiao Cui, you said you were going to build the Boai jewelry store into the third jewelry store in the world that only buys high-grade jadeite? The lowest high-grade jadeite... OK! If you can really do this, Meng xuanlang will be the first to fully support you!" surprised, Meng xuanlang said.

Similarly, the remaining two masters were shocked, and one of them, a pudgy master, said "Xiao Cui, your idea is very good. However, there are only two jewelry acts at this level so far. That's because high-grade jadeite is too rare. Are you really sure? By the way, you said you wanted to cut out some good jadeite stones, directly without carving for exhibition, and seduce some old guys to come over on their own. I agree with this idea very much. But, how can we become masters A person has not carved some top-grade Jadeites, and there is no full temptation. Your idea is just a fantasy! Are you confident in cutting out a top-level high ice jadeite with three colors of fortune and longevity again? "

He nodded, and Cui Hao must have said incomparably "Master, don't worry. I can guarantee the supply of goods! You should all know my gambling skills. I have gained a lot from my trip to Myanmar this time. You're welcome to say that I have included a lot of good things in the whole Myanmar market this time, so my inventory is large first. Secondly, senior general Aung San and I have also formulated some plans and terms, which can be used in the future Get the original stone directly from him. As for the best jadeite comparable to the three color top high ice jadeite of fulushou, although there are not many, there are still two or three pieces, one of which I am sure can produce a peerless good jadeite and will become the treasure of the town store! "

"Really? Do you really have this kind of jade? Come on! Come on! Come on! Xiao Cui, our three old friends are just idle. Let's see it!"

"Yes, yes, hurry up. I'm itching to hear it. Hahaha..."

Cui Hao's affirmative words excited Meng xuanlang and other three people. They are all real jade carving masters. They have been immersed in jade carving all their life. For the best jade, they are like a coyote who understands the gorgeous red fruit girl. They can't bear the huge temptation and keep urging.

After thinking about it, Cui Hao didn't refuse and said, "well, since the three masters are so interested, I'll take you to see it!"

So Cui Hao left the villa with Meng xuanlang and other three people and went to the gambling stone storage warehouse this time.

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