About half an hour later, people came one after another, and Yang Chaoqun was in a hurry. When he saw Cui Hao, he immediately hugged him and said "Boss! I'm so happy to see you! Recently, I invested in stocks and made a lot of money, all of which have been invested in our fraternity health network platform. Now, it has been well praised in China's network, and I'm going to expand it next! However, I'm short of money. I've been looking for director Wang more than once, and he always pushes me Buck, say no money, boss, you must support me! "

Yang Chaoqun is now dressed in a famous brand suit and looks like a successful person, which is very different from what Cui Hao met before in Jiangzhou University. Moreover, there is no such submissive. Instead, he has a kind of self-confidence and rich leadership, with bright eyes and occasionally cunning light. He is a typical businessman attitude. As soon as he meets, he asks Cui Hao It's supposed to be a little abrupt, but Cui Hao is very pleased, because it also shows that he is devoted to his work, which is commendable.

Cui Hao is very fond of this bullish business wizard. Pleased with his great changes, he hurriedly patted him on the shoulder and said, "it's easy to say, it's easy to say, don't be like this. What style is it? Come on, how much do you need?"

"Hahaha... You're still the boss! The more the better, at least hundreds of millions. Now the platform works well. I want to rapidly expand my influence and need money! In addition, I intend to cooperate with foreign deadly platforms, which also needs money!" with a smile, Yang Chaoqun stared at Cui Hao.

Unexpectedly, when he just returned to Jiangzhou, he was asked for money one after another. Cui Hao was suddenly very lucky. Fortunately, that spiritual stone had been exchanged for 16 billion, otherwise, he was really embarrassed. So he thought, "well, 2 billion, I'll give you 2 billion. Work hard and make achievements as soon as possible, okay?"

"Two... Two billion?" he widened his eyes in surprise. Yang Chaoqun was very surprised.

"Wow, hahaha... Boss, I love you so much! I love you so much! With this money, I am confident to expand the influence of our fraternity health network platform ten times! A hundred times! Don't worry, after three months, you will find that our platform is already the most influential network platform in China. No one is the first! This is my promise to boss!" With a strange smile, Yang Chaoqun made a promise.

The reason why Cui Hao is so willing to spend money is that he naturally believes that Yang Chaoqun, an arrogant business genius, is destined to become a giant in business. If he cultivates more, he can naturally speed up his transformation.

Seeing that Yang Chaoqun has successfully asked for so much money, if Xiao Lei is also jealous, this guy is also a man with a thick face like a wall, and he will not let go at present "Boss is eccentric, boss, you are too eccentric! Our fraternity jewelry store is your painstaking efforts and the most valued enterprise. You haven't invested so much money in it. How can you spend so much money on his platform? Boss, if you don't invest 30.5 billion into fraternity jewelry store today, I won't follow it?"

For Ruo Xiaolei's Rogue behavior, Cui Hao smiled faintly and said, "smash! And the strength is absolutely fierce! Xiaolei, Hai Rui, let's go to a meeting to discuss an important decision!"

Hearing what Cui Hao said, everyone was a little curious, so they went to the high-end conference room. There were not only these senior executives, but also two presidents who looked very smart and good at management. After the people gathered together, Cui Hao threw out his idea again and was shocked.

Hairui and others didn't respond to the shock for a long time, because Cui Hao was really big this time. If he didn't do it, he would have done it. Once he did it, he had an earth shaking terrorist momentum!

After a moment's shock, people began to think deeply about how to do it. Everyone here is not a fool. Everyone has some ideas. Therefore, you speak to me, and all kinds of ideas and means have been put forward. Because of Cui Hao's insistence, this activity focuses more on the poor. Of course, this measure is also very correct and in line with the times Cui Hao's statement after the gambling contest.

Brainstorming is still a good measure. About ten minutes later, Hairui and others have spoken one after another and expressed some of their ideas. These ideas are very good. Some even Cui Hao marveled. He believes that these measures will have a shocking effect as long as they are implemented.

Finally, it was Yang Chaoqun's turn to speak. He first put forward some ideas, how to publicize, how to better stimulate the purchase desire of the rich on the opening day, how to increase the sense of shock, etc. then, the conversation turned and put forward another suggestion "The boss has said that he has gained a lot from his trip to Myanmar and got a lot of precious raw stones. If this is said by others, I don't believe it, because gambling is the most about luck, but the boss is the king of gambling. Since he thinks it has extraordinary value, there will be no fake."

Speaking of this, Yang Chaoqun paused. Only then did he look around and say something excited "Since we have so many precious top Jadeites in our hands, although they are too late to carve, they are more tempting. If there are peerless treasures, it would be better. After the jewelry store opens, I believe some top jade carving masters will pay attention to them, and we Boai jewelry store will take the opportunity to offer incomparable conditions and invite them to join us! For us, The top jadeite may only represent precious and value, but for real jade carving masters, especially those who are the most top jade carving masters, they simply regard them as life. If they see the embryo of a peerless jadeite, they believe they can't stand the kind of impatience in their hearts, and finally join our fraternity jewelry store! "

With that, Yang Chaoqun smiled. His smile was a bit treacherous.

In fact, his proposal has two meanings: first, put it out and cause a sensation; second, put a long line and catch big fish.

His suggestion is really good, because if a jewelry store wants to be truly famous, it should not only have precious jadeite, but also the handwriting from that jade carving master. If fraternity jewelry store can attract many world-class jade carving masters, I believe it will not be far from becoming the first jewelry store in the world!

Hearing Yang Chaoqun's idea, Cui Hao immediately brightened his eyes and sighed secretly that he was really not a bullish business wizard, but really had a wonderful idea! He pondered Yang Chaoqun's words, and the human jade carving sounded at the first time. It is like Guanyin sitting lotus as a whole. It is a real peerless treasure. As long as it is carved, it will become a unique masterpiece handed down from generation to generation!

Thinking of this, Cui Hao smiled and made up his mind that this unique jade should be the treasure of the town store. I believe that once it is exposed, it will attract the attention of countless people, and such an attractive bait may catch more than one golden turtle for him!

Nodding, Cui Hao exclaimed, "superior, your suggestion is very good. Don't worry, I have a piece of peerless jade, which can shake the four directions and be the treasure of the town store!"

Seeing Cui Hao's confidence, everyone was also very curious. However, he obviously didn't intend to disclose it immediately. He smiled and shut up.

The meeting lasted an hour. All the suggestions and ideas put forward by the people were summarized and discussed again and again. Finally, Cui Hao, the shopkeeper, decided to implement the most feasible and effective ones. Finally, everyone looked at Cui Hao and waited for him to allocate funds.

Cui Hao transferred money directly in public. There were two large sums of money on the books of Boai investment holding group and Boai jewelry company. Naturally, everyone was happy. Wang Changsheng also arranged the work of receiving white crane residents. Many important events were almost handled.

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