Cui Hao resisted the limit of willpower resistance and made his body continuously obtain great benefits. His body continuously accumulated precious terrorist forces, continuously improved and accumulated. Finally, he felt that there was a clicking sound like breaking a cocoon into a butterfly in his body. In fact, this sound was just an illusion, It's not true that something in the body is broken, but this sound represents a consciousness. The physical strength has been improved again, and the breakthrough is about to reach the level of Golden Dragon lock jade pillar!

At the moment, there was no light golden mist in the bronze tripod, and even the pattern of Da Luo 33 divine needle mysteriously disappeared. Therefore, at the moment when the breakthrough was imminent, Cui Hao almost didn't hesitate. With a Shua, the whole person seemed to rise into the sky. The next moment, he rushed out of the bronze tripod and landed in the underground nest.

Because the bronze tripod was so hot, Cui Hao's clothes and shoes had already turned into smoke. Even his hair and eyebrows were burned. The whole person was like a shelled egg. In this way, chitiao appeared in front of summer. Cui Hao wanted to find something to hide his shyness. However, his body's savings reached the peak, but he couldn't allow him to do other things. It broke out in an instant!

"Click! CLICK! CLICK! CLICK!..."

The sound of breaking is so dense that it seems that Cui Hao's body is undergoing a transformation from cocoon to butterfly. Almost with this sound, Cui Hao feels that a terrible force in his body is gradually born in his body, more and more surging and fierce! I don't know what this feeling is. Cui Hao just feels that his physical strength is getting stronger and his body is getting stronger. It's not a little stronger, but a fierce and incomparable stronger!

"Qiang Qiang..."

At this moment, his whole body even made a sound of gold and iron. At the same time, Cui Hao felt that the physical power in his body completely broke out in a moment and burst out in his body! At the moment, in the eyes of summer, Cui Hao is undergoing a shocking change. His body emits a glittering white light, like a jade pillar. After his roar, a light golden airflow suddenly rushes out of his head. It is very light, but it is like a divine dragon. He is surrounded by a fist on Cui Hao, This quickly penetrated into his body and disappeared.

The skin sounds like gold and iron, and the body locks the golden dragon like a jade pillar! Seeing such a situation, summer was shocked because he saw Cui Hao complete the legendary flesh Golden Dragon lock jade pillar! You should know why the King Kong realm is so powerful and messy. The King Kong body is a very important factor. At the moment, Cui Hao has broken through. With the level of dark strength, his body has stepped into the King Kong realm at one fell swoop! It's unimaginable. Although it's just a physical entry and can't show the invincible powerful soul attack of King Kong, Cui Hao's performance at the moment is shocking enough. Moreover, his soul is also extremely strong and can barely break his soul with a fist!

It can be said that Cui Hao's overall strength has more than doubled at the moment, which is much stronger than that of tengbolei before. If Cui Hao fights with him again at this moment, even if he doesn't have to touch his clothes and fall, he can abuse each other. His body is in a mess like King Kong.

At this moment, Cui Hao felt that his body was as strong as King Kong and as thorough as colored glass. He couldn't help but give a happy roar. The sound of the roar echoed in the underground cave for a long time.

The whole person has a feeling of being reborn. The flesh is unprecedented strong, sensitive, light and powerful. This feeling is really wonderful. Cui Hao can't help roaring out. When he stopped screaming, the happy mood in his heart eased a lot, and he realized that his body still had no cover

Fortunately, there was only one person in the whole underground nest in summer. Cui Hao's face was slightly red and took a coat he handed over. He was in a great mood. This time it was really an unexpected huge harvest. Originally, what Cui Hao cared about most was the Da Luo 33 divine needle and the original mother fist. Unexpectedly, he broke through the realm of Golden Dragon locking jade pillar under the light golden mist.

"Hahaha... Good! That's great! Very good! My good disciple, you have reached the supreme realm of Golden Dragon and jade pillar. As a teacher, I've only heard of this realm. It seems that only the strong in the realm of King Kong can step into it. Since then, your body is like King Kong, and your physical strength is incomparable. Unexpectedly, you are the level of dark strength, and you have reached it! That's all It's really rare. Not to mention dark strength, it's the realm of change and holding Dan. I'm afraid few strong people can step in? "He laughed and smiled in summer. He was very satisfied to see that his disciple had made such great progress.

Although Cui Hao's strength today is even stronger than that of summer, he still has great respect for summer. He hurriedly and respectfully said, "second master, if you didn't choose me as your successor and are willing to bring me here, how could I get such a huge harvest? Thank second master, hahaha......"

Seeing that his disciples still respect themselves so much, he was actually very warm and satisfied in summer. He smiled and nodded, and then asked, "good disciple, have you understood part of the original mother fist? And the big Luo 33 divine needle? How many paintings have you remembered? Tell me quickly, these are also a certificate to determine your potential."

Asked so, in fact, he was very excited in summer, because Cui Hao was a real immortal. I don't know whether he could break through the limit? The inheritance of the divine medicine sect continues from generation to generation. It is clear in summer that the potential of an heir can be judged by the degree of accepting the inheritance for the first time. For example, his potential is not as good as Liu Qingfeng. If Liu Qingfeng had not been expelled from the divine medicine sect because of his younger martial sister, he would not have been the sect leader at all. The miracle doctor gate is declining day by day in his own hands, which is not as good as in the past. Therefore, the burden on him in summer is also very heavy, but it has not been revealed.

Cui Hao was a little confused when he stared at himself so solemnly in summer. Then he told the truth "I feel that I have understood a lot of primitive mother boxing and accumulated a lot. I should be able to practice it quickly. However, at the last moment, chaos belongs to everything. The artistic conception and mystery of the finger that is high above and destroys everything are really too terrible. I couldn't accept it at all, so I fainted for a moment. After I woke up, everything was over. As for the Da Luo 33 divine needle I barely remembered 30 paintings. I couldn't see the last three paintings clearly. I just felt like a fog and couldn't distinguish them. Therefore, I just remembered 30 paintings. "

When he said this, Cui Hao was very calm. He seemed to be saying a careless word. However, his answer fell in summer's ears, but it was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky and a thunderbolt. In an instant, Xia Tianlei was almost blinded!

"A finger that all belongs to chaos? Contains a lofty artistic conception? Thirty pictures?"

Summer is also a person who has experienced great storms and waves. He is the master of the divine medicine sect. However, at the moment, he is completely dull, and his eyes are full of incredible and appalling, because he knows too well the inheritance of these two kinds and the extent to which they can reach is already the limit, and Cui Hao's statement is completely beyond his cognitive range! Naturally, summer will not think Cui Hao is He's talking nonsense because he knows his disciples too well. Moreover, he has also seen some extremely long-standing notes and letters of the miracle doctor, among which there are also some records about inheritance. It seems that the possibility mentioned by Cui Hao also exists, but it's too much for bandits to think!

Take a deep breath. Finally, summer calmed down. He stared at Cui Hao and asked in a dignified and incomparable tone, "good disciple, what you just said, are you sure it's true, not lying to me?"

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