In summer, there is a half piece of jade with incomparable simplicity. There are some vague carvings on it, which gives people a strong and endless historical flavor. According to the truth, this ancient and simple jade is not so dazzling. However, when summer bites his finger and drops a drop of crimson blood on it, immediately, the whole jade becomes transparent and bright. Faintly, Cui Hao hears the voice of Feng Ming, crisp and melodious, with a holy and noble taste.

The jade bi was held in the hands of summer, and a kind of light emitted by it permeated the surrounding area of about five meters. The air in this area changed with it. It was no longer cold and humid, but a warm feeling, like spring and snow, which was very comfortable.

Looking at this jade with admiration, Cui Hao couldn't help sighing, "master, what's the name of your jade? It's really a good baby. According to your statement, it's just a key. I really can't imagine what kind of good baby there will be in the treasure house left by our ancestors."

Some proud smile, summer's kind way "I don't know the name of this half jade. I just know that it is the key to the treasure house left by our ancestors. Of course, it has been inherited for many generations in our magic medicine sect, and many functions have been explored. This time we suppress evil ghosts, it is likely that it will play a great role. There seems to be a sacred smell in it, which is very powerful in restraining evil things."

When the two sides talked, the light of this half jade gradually faded down. Obviously, the time that a drop of blood can support is very limited. Cui Hao looked at it and couldn't help but move in his heart. Would the effect be more amazing if he put the golden light of perspective eye into it? However, he can only think about it in his heart. After all, this is the treasure of Shifu, You can't control yourself at will.

The three masters and disciples looked at each other. They were all art experts. They walked directly towards the village.

That half of the jade has been taken back by summer. Although it is wonderful, it will consume the master's blood if you want to urge it. Summer is not extravagant enough to use it casually.


The closer Cui Hao was to the shabby village, the stronger the forest cold was, and the dark wind howled angrily, which was very penetrating.

The whole village was extremely cold, as if no one lived. If there were not some lights in some houses, Cui Hao really thought he had come to a ghost village.

"Xiaomei! Don't scare your mother! You have to hold on. Your grey brother went to the Guanyin Temple in the east of the village to get you incense ashes. You have to hold on!..."

"Evil! What evil did we do in Songjia village? How could we encounter such a thing? Two Taoist priests have been killed by evil spirits. Moreover, it seems that not only evil spirits, but also old Li Tou has seen zombies with his own eyes recently! Our village is over! Old woman, we're afraid we'll all die here!"

"What about the people of the country? Didn't the village head call to report the situation?"

"Shit! I heard that the bastard was afraid of putting the responsibility on his head and taking a gun. He just didn't report it to us. Fortunately, Xiao Hui is kind-hearted and doesn't seem to be afraid of evil spirits. He gave us a glimmer of hope!"

The three entered this small village. There was a constant cry of surprise from the first resident's house. In addition, there were some angry curses and comments. The three masters and disciples were all experts in Chinese martial arts. They heard all the comments clearly. Therefore, Xia Tian winked at Cui Hao, and he went to the door of the family and began to knock.

"Pop pop..."

After knocking on the door three times, Cui Hao asked through the shabby wooden door in a relaxed tone. "Excuse me, is there anyone? We are Jianghu doctors. We are passing through your precious place. Can you open the door and give us a sip of hot water?"

Cui Hao didn't open his mouth. Fortunately, as soon as he asked, the whole room suddenly quieted down. There was no sound at all, but there was a faint sound like the roar of a beast, which was very penetrating.

Cui Hao was also surprised by this situation. He hurriedly opened his mouth again "Hello, two old people. We don't mean any harm. We're just Jianghu doctors wandering around. By the way, we see that your village is full of ghosts. We're afraid of evil things. It happens that our teachers and disciples are good at catching ghosts and have miraculous effects on treating strange diseases such as ghosts. I wonder if you can open the door. We're willing to help you cure your daughter for free."

This time, there was a moment of silence in the room, and an old man trembled and said, "you, how can you prove that you are not a charming evil ghost? How can we believe you?"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao was dumbfounded and said with a smile "Old man, evil spirits lock the soul. Generally, they are looking for young people because they have sufficient longevity and are passed on to him in the future. Evil spirits generally don't like old people like you. In addition, if our teachers and disciples are evil spirits, do you think such a shabby wooden door can block them? Open the door, otherwise, your daughter's disease will be more serious No, we're just afraid we're not sure. "

When summer and Liu Qingfeng heard the speech, they were speechless and smiled. They thought to themselves that if their disciples don't become doctors, maybe it's a good choice to be a divine stick.

Perhaps he was moved by Cui Hao's words. Soon, the wooden door opened with a creak. It was a thin old man with a gray beard and drooping eyebrows, which gave people a very unlucky feeling. He was extremely vigilant and stared at the three Cui Hao outside the door. Seeing that they were really quack doctors, he took a long breath and hurriedly said, "three doctors, come in quickly! Come on! I'll close the door right away. Our village is not peaceful, and the night is even worse!"

Seeing that people know each other well, Cui Hao just glanced at the old man and saw that he was poor and desolate. He was a hard-working life. He felt pity for such an old man, so he said kindly, "thank you, old master, second master, come on! Let's go in!"

So the three entered the shabby wooden house.

The whole wooden house has been obviously built for some years, and there is a shabby state everywhere. In the sobbing cold wind, some old places of the wooden house creak, which is a little creepy. Although the interior of the wooden house is very simple, it is very clean and tidy. At the moment, on a bed, an old woman in shabby clothes is wiping her tears. At the corner of the wooden house, a girl is bound by an iron chain with her right leg, controlling her range of activities in a small area. The other end of the iron chain is tied to a large wooden stake, Put on a big iron rope.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!..."

The bound girl's hair was scattered, her eyes were blood red, flashing a cold, venomous and evil light, lying on the ground like a terrible beast, and she made a roar like a beast from time to time, which was really frightening.

If ordinary people see such a situation, they must be frightened, because the girl's appearance is really creepy. Fortunately, the three teachers and disciples Cui Hao are not ordinary people. They made a judgment almost in an instant. The girl was possessed by a ghost!

Saving people is like putting out a fire. It is also very dangerous for a girl to be haunted by ghosts. If the evil spirits are not removed in time, she is likely to worry about her life.

Cui Hao once had the experience of fighting with evil spirits. Therefore, Cui Hao was still calm. He said to the two old people, "two old people, your daughter has been possessed by ghosts. I will help her get rid of evil spirits immediately!"

With that, Cui Hao stretched out his hand and took out three general talismans of ghost paintings from his arms. On them, some traces were painted with vermilion iron pen and silver hook. It was the three talismans of ghost town written by him.

Originally, the two old people were almost desperate, because their daughter didn't even know them today. It seemed that they were completely manipulated by evil spirits. When they were at a loss, such a request was just a timely help. How could they not agree? Without hesitation, the two old men nodded together, and the old woman fell down on her knees and said, "little master, if you can help us cure our daughter today, we will promise you no matter what you ask!"

I can't stand the suffering of the old man. Cui Hao hurried forward and helped the old woman to be humane. "Old man, what are you going to do? Please get up quickly, I can't afford it! Don't worry, I'll do my best!"

Knowing that it was the most important thing for Cui Hao to catch ghosts at the moment, the old man nodded and quickly hid behind summer and Liu Qingfeng, fearing that he would kill them after the ghosts appeared. This move is a human instinct. Naturally, in summer, Liu Qingfeng will not say anything, but just smile and tell them that his apprentice has some skills in catching ghosts and should be fine. But even with such a promise, the two old men are trembling. After all, they have witnessed the horror of evil ghosts. Since their daughter was haunted by ghosts, it is so easy to deal with them?

Holding the ghost talisman in his hand, Cui Hao opened his perspective eye at the same time. Suddenly, the golden light of the perspective eye burst out and suddenly rushed into the girl lying on the ground. With the golden light, Cui Hao saw a scene that surprised him under the special ability of the perspective eye.

"Woo woo..."

With a terrible howling sound, a ghost eroded by the golden light suddenly rushed out of the girl's body! This is a blood skirt female ghost with extreme terror. She is bleeding all over her body. Her eyes are shining with the most resentful light. Her fangs are dripping blood, and one eye bead is exposed. She is extremely ferocious and terrible. Suddenly she rushes towards Cui Hao.

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