The cold wind is howling, and the moon is cold and quiet. Cui Hao has a dignified look on his face at the moment, because the heavy feeling on him is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that there is really an invisible thing entangled towards his body!

Haunted by ghosts!

At this moment, Cui Hao couldn't help jumping out such a word in his heart, and his face was even more stunned. He was an expert who solved the two ghosts. Unexpectedly, this matter fell on himself. Therefore, Cui Hao opened his perspective eyes. Suddenly, under the golden light of perspective, he was shocked to see that there were more than one evil ghost around him, and there was a white haired evil ghost at his feet. He was going all out to entangle himself.

Angry! Completely angry!

Seeing such a scene, Cui Hao was very angry. Unexpectedly, only he was entangled by ghosts. Did this evil ghost pick up soft persimmons?

Instead of showing the golden light of perspective eyes, Cui Hao just suddenly swayed his body. The originally completely convergent body breath broke out completely, and the terrible masculinity swept across the four directions like a tangible one. Generally speaking, evil spirits will not pester big men with strong Yang, because ghosts are pure Yin constitution, while some old and weak women and children are relatively easy to deal with.

Cui Hao's physique is such that his body has reached the realm of Golden Dragon locking jade pillar. He can be called a King Kong body. At this time, his body swelled, and the terrible masculinity burst out in an instant, which immediately caused terrible consequences to the evil ghost under him. He gave a sharp scream, his body was severely distorted for several times, and the Peng burst directly. Not only this evil ghost, but also three wandering evil ghosts around. Two of them were badly hurt and screamed to escape, while the other one was weaker and directly burst into nothingness in an instant.

"Hmm? What's the matter? Brother, how did I hear the ghost cry just now? You have to protect your little brother!"

As soon as Cui Hao's body shook, a sad ghost cry came out immediately. This was nothing for Liu Qingfeng in summer, but song Xiaohui was frightened. He hurriedly grabbed Cui Hao's arm and made flattering words with a smile on his face.

His face was very plain. Cui Hao smiled and said, "nothing. Just now there were some evil spirits around us. I shook my body, scared two to death and ran away."

At first glance, these words give people a feeling of boasting, but with the sound of miserable ghosts around them, they seem shocking and incomparable. Shocked, song Xiaohui grew up. After a long time, song Xiaohui raised his thumb and said with emotion, "brother, you are powerful! Brother, I will follow you in the future! Is this the legendary tiger body shocked and majestic?"

Cui Hao can only smile at such explicit praise. If song Xiaohui knows that he is the destiny of the son of heaven, he will feel as long as his plump wings become the climate in the future, his body is shocked, and the dragon is mighty?

Overlooking the front, summer murmured, "well, the Yin here is the most strong. I'm afraid there are more than so many evil spirits. Let's go."

When saying these words, summer and Liu Qingfeng also carried out some simple equipment. They performed the authentic art of Taoist heaven's eye. Their eyes were quiet, and they could vaguely see some ghosts. Although they were not as casual and clear as Cui Hao's perspective eyes, they could also see the trace of evil ghosts.

Therefore, song Xiaohui was protected in the center by the three people and continued to move forward.

"Ow ow..."

The four of them had just gone out for less than a hundred meters. In vain, there was a strange howling sound in front of them. Then, Peng, Peng and the ground all sent out a strong shock. They saw a ferocious and terrible thing jumping in the distance. It was a ferocious zombie dressed in ancient costumes, with green face and fangs. His hands were upright and his claws were deep, The body emits a strong smell of corpse, which makes people sick.

"This... This is a zombie! Run away!" Song Xiaohui exclaimed in horror on his face.

Cui Hao didn't move, because they all had a systematic understanding of zombies. In front of him, the Zombie's skin showed a bronze color, which was the lowest copper zombie among zombies. Copper skin zombies, iron bone zombies, silver armour zombies, gold zombies and Zombie King are some simple divisions of zombies. The more advanced they are, the more powerful they will naturally be. If a Zombie King appears here, Cui Hao and other three people will not calm down, but escape at the first time, because according to some ancient classics, Zombie King is comparable to the peak of King Kong, Rare and terrible!

Waving her hand, Liu Qingfeng smiled at Song Xiaohui "Little grey brother, don't be afraid. It's just a copper skin zombie. Its strength is at most comparable to that of the national art experts at Mingjin level. Although zombies have entities, their intelligence is low. Moreover, their attack method is very single and their speed is generally not fast. For example, the copper skin zombie in front of us can be handled by three of us. Zombies Their life gates are different. They are generally in the place with the strongest corpse Qi. We have ways to identify them. For example, the life gate of this end in front of us is the chest! "

Pointing at this copper skin zombie, Liu Qingfeng has a feeling of on-site teaching guidance.

"Ow, ow, ow..."

Although his intelligence was low, he could be instructed by Liu Qingfeng at will. The copper skin zombie seemed to feel a sense of humiliation. Therefore, he roared angrily, his feet suddenly kicked the ground, whew, and his whole body suddenly soared into the air. His claws twinkled with a cold green light, and suddenly grabbed and photographed Liu Qingfeng. It was really fast and urgent.


Seeing that the copper skin zombie didn't give face and attacked himself, Liu Qingfeng whispered and flashed. He had come to the front of a washbasin sized stone on the roadside, and his right foot suddenly kicked out.


With Liu Qingfeng's foot, the stone the size of a washbasin suddenly soared out of the air, tore the void, screamed, and suddenly hit the copper skin zombie. This foot was really fast and urgent. After a loud bang, it immediately hit the chest of the copper zombie, making his body tremble violently. With a bang, his chest burst open, and the body fell to the ground on the spot.

The corpses were torn apart. Naturally, this copper skin zombie is dead and can't die anymore. In this case, Liu Qingfeng seems to play off a annoying mosquito. He is very indifferent and casual. That posture makes song Xiaohui feel like worshipping and praising. Handsome! So handsome!

Seeing such a situation, Cui Hao and summer are very indifferent. Liu Qingfeng is now the peak of the realm, and he can hold Dan only one step away. For a master of this level, not to mention a copper skin zombie, he can handle it if a silver zombie appears, but it may take some effort.

After solving the copper skin zombie, the four continued to move forward. There was no accident along the way. They came to the gate of the ancestral hall safely.

Why such a smooth, perhaps because the copper zombie died too miserably, too fast, so that other zombies faintly feel and fear. It's also because Cui Hao has released his breath. The invisible masculinity radiates. For ghosts, it's like a huge human fire walking. The lethality is too terrible. Maybe they are really lucky

"Three, here we are. The ancestral hall of our family is in front of us." pointing to the building in front, song Xiaohui's face is a little pale. He doesn't have strong Kung Fu. Naturally, he is a little guilty.

Hearing the sound, Cui Hao looked at the ancestral hall. After they could see clearly, their faces showed some surprise and dignity.

The ancestral hall is not so tall, but it seems to have experienced a very long time, very old. The bricks and tiles in the corridor all reveal a breath of historical precipitation. It seems that we have just experienced a terrible catastrophe. The ancestral temple is very dilapidated. Many places even collapsed, making it more dilapidated.

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