Cui Hao's dignified words naturally aroused people's high vigilance. At this time, the land in the central area of the pine forest suddenly vibrated, and then a small soil bag bulged and became bigger and bigger.

This scene is absolutely creepy. In particular, while the small earth bags are constantly bulging, there are strands of viscous gas like ink seeping out from them. More and more quickly, bones gradually emerge one after another. Obviously, it's just a black airflow, but the heavy feeling between its flows is much heavier than mercury. The most important thing is that it contains a smell of corrosion. It seems that no matter what is contaminated by it, it will corrode in an instant.

In an instant, the viscous gas condensed into a big beach, and unexpectedly creeped up strangely, and soon turned into a dark ferocious ghost! The reason why he is called a giant ghost is that he is very large, his eyes are scarlet, and emits a kind of light that is extremely evil, extremely resentful and extremely vicious. This giant ghost doesn't have to contend. Ordinary people will tremble at the first glance, because there is a creepy smell on his body.

After the illusion took shape, the giant ghost stared at summer and was very afraid, because the jade in his hand was blooming with divine light and naturally restrained ghosts. Seeing the giant ghost appear, he hurriedly dropped a few drops of blood in summer, which immediately made half of the ancient jade brighter. At the same time, he hurriedly turned his palm and suddenly pinched a strange handprint.

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

With the appearance of the handprint in summer, a sacred light flowed from the jade wall, all gathered on the handprint, and his whole face became solemn and solemn. Then he suddenly pushed it out!

All this was just in an instant, like the fingerprints of the light gathering, with a strange smell, suddenly rushed towards the giant ghost. Seeing this, the giant ghost screamed constantly, and the body ghost avoided incomparably. At the same time, it suddenly gushed out of its mouth a large amount of black gas, which was extremely evil, entangled towards the summer.

The jade bi was shining, and the Holy Light protected the whole body of summer like a peerless exercise. At the moment, the light handprint had been ruthlessly printed on the giant ghost, and the terrible power burst out, making him make a hissing sound all over and suffer a lot on the spot.

"Ow, ow, ow..."

The giant ghost was extremely ferocious and howled wildly after being injured, and the huge body suddenly began to concentrate. At the same time, his ferocious face became more and more terrible, and his forehead slowly opened an eye! What an eye it is. At the moment it opens, it contains vicious, cruel, cunning, sinister, violent, sad and so on. This is no longer an eye, but a combination of negative emotions. It's like the king of ghosts.

At the moment, the giant ghost's body size has been reduced by one third, and the third eye on his forehead has completely opened, emitting a gray light, with a vicious, evil and erotic atmosphere, suddenly rushed to summer.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

It has to be said that this eye light is really terrible, because the giant ghost's body is half shriveled and its momentum is rapidly weakening after shooting it. Of course, at such a huge price, the power of Mou Guang is also a terrible mess. The sacred brilliance emitted by the jade in summer shows a trend of retreat.

"Bad! Dangerous!..."

Almost after seeing this gray eye light, Cui Hao was shocked by the summer. And then he found that the summer was not good, and he tried his best to resist. Unexpectedly, he also lost step by step, so he didn't hesitate to do it.

Cui Hao's biggest dependence is the golden light of the perspective eye. Therefore, he did not hesitate to urge the perspective eye at the moment. Suddenly, invisible golden lights burst out and collided violently with the gray eyes. The sound of hissing continued. After the golden light of the perspective eye accelerated, the gray eye light began to disintegrate and collapse. Although this speed is not fast, once it begins to disintegrate, it can not be reversed, just like the birth, aging and death of human beings.

Seeing the gray eyes began to disintegrate rapidly, I breathed a long breath in summer, and I had lingering palpitations. He was still a little too proud of his performance just now. Fortunately, he didn't face the danger of his life in the end. Otherwise, he was afraid that he would really become a laughing stock.

The giant ghost was much shriveled and much weaker than when it first appeared, but it became more and more ferocious, made a miserable ghost cry, and made every effort to attack the central area. To become the king of ghosts, his mind is actually very high. Therefore, after discovering that summer and Liu Qingfeng are two difficult bones, he immediately transferred the object and killed song Xiaohui and Cui Hao.

The wind was howling, and the smell of killing came to my face, which made me shudder.

As an ordinary person, song Xiaohui sees too many things today, and even some are incredible pictures. Trembling all over, song Xiaohui felt the ferocity coming from the front. Song Xiaohui hurriedly turned and looked. At such a close distance, he knew he couldn't hide. He could only make a sound. Then he fell to the ground.

When his body was overturned, song Xiaohui had a feeling that he was going to be unlucky, and almost with this feeling, he was shriveled and some trembling giant ghosts had rushed over again.

"It's over!..."

At the moment, song Xiaohui feels that he can't stop it at all, because the distance between them is too close. He even feels the foul gas from the giant ghost's mouth. The next moment, he will be buried in the ghost's mouth.


Cui Hao arrived first. His feet were as light as clouds, so that the opponent's attack could not exert its power. At the same time, he urged the perspective eyes, and the golden light burst out from the perspective eyes and penetrated into song Xiaohui's body. Like boiling soup blowing snow, the golden light of the perspective eye just entered the giant ghost's body, and immediately the ghost Qi and evil Qi melted away. Everything was too fast, but in an instant.

"Ah ah ah..."

With a miserable cry, the giant ghost shrank more and more, less than half of his body. Seeing this, Cui Hao was overjoyed. He urged the golden light of the perspective eye again to kill it.

Cui Hao doesn't care about this giant ghost. Seeing that his momentum is depressed, he immediately burst out with amazing explosive power. The perspective eye is fully opened and ready to kill him in one fell swoop.

The giant ghost screams continuously, which is quite hysterical.

During this time, summer reacts again. Seeing the wonderful fight between Cui Hao and evil ghosts, how can we ignore it? So, without hesitation, he took out a ghost talisman and suppressed it on the spot. Don't say, once this ghost talisman comes out, its power can't be underestimated. It's extremely powerful.

The giant ghost kept screaming and struggling to escape. Unfortunately, it still overestimated itself. Finally, it didn't escape far. The dark body burst into black smoke and dissipated.

"It's not easy to kill the evil ghost at last!" Cui Hao sighed with emotion.

"Hahaha... Second younger martial brother, you have a taste of being old and strong!"

Summer and Liu Qingfeng smiled happily. As for song Xiaohui, his face eased a lot, but he still looked like a lingering fear.

The most important reason why we can kill the giant ghost in one fell swoop this time is that it is completely restrained by the sacred breath. It is obviously more than enough to resist. Of course, in addition to this, Cui Hao's perspective eye golden light is absolutely indispensable. If there is no perspective eye golden light, it may be possible to kill the giant ghost.

His handsome face was pale. Although he tried his best to hide it, song Xiaohui's performance still leaked his heart. Of course, this is not ridiculous, but the most normal reaction of normal people.

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