Standing in front of the ancient stone gate, Cui Hao turned his eyes to Shen Mo and sought his advice. As for summer and Liu Qingfeng, their seniority is more than one grade lower than Shen Mo, so they are naturally not qualified to decide whether to enter. Looking at the stone gate that has already opened part of it, Shen Mo smiled "Don't hesitate. The stone gate has been opened once by this little ash. Even if there is something, it must have run out. Let's go in and have a look. It should be not dangerous. Of course, I must tell you three in advance. They have been guardians for thousands of years. No one really knows what they are guarding, so don't move after entering, Touch it! I'll seat you myself. It shouldn't be dangerous. "

With these words, he took the lead and stepped into the stone gate.

Following Shen Mo's back, Cui Hao and his disciples also entered. As soon as they entered, Cui Hao was stunned, because it was not a secret room, but a huge cave. The cave was very hot and the air was very dry.

In this case, Shen Mo didn't say anything, but just moved forward step by step, and the three teachers and disciples Cui Hao followed suit. Gradually, the huge cave became red. The more they led to the interior, the higher the temperature, the wall of the cave gradually turned a little red, and the temperature reached at least 60 or 70 degrees. Such a high temperature was enough to make ordinary people dizzy, but for the four people But it was nothing. They continued to move forward, getting hotter and hotter. It seemed that there was a sea of fire ahead.

Hot! Very hot! Very hot!

The temperature in the huge karst cave is getting higher and higher, and the rock wall almost turns red. When the shoes step on the cave, they will make a hissing sound, which seems to melt. At this level, even in summer, they start to sweat more, and the unconscious ash is sweating. It's OK. Shen Mo finds their difference, waves his hand, and doesn't know what means they have used. The three people immediately I feel comfortable all over, and the poisonous heat dissipates a lot.

After a while, Shen Mo took the four people to the end of the huge cave and saw a very shocking scene.

"Gudong, Gudong, Gudong..."

At the end of this huge karst cave, there is a rolling magma river. The red magma is rolling, and occasionally some huge bubbles emerge from the magma. However, a moment later, with a slight sound and a pop, it will burst, and the hot magma will burst out, just like red fireworks. It is extremely strong The smell of sulfur is diffuse and pungent.

The huge karst cave is above this magmatic River, but the surrounding temperature is also very high. The blazing temperature distorts the air slightly. Cui Hao is shocked. Although he has long known that there is a magmatic River under the ground, he has really witnessed it for the first time. In fact, don't mention him. He saw Liu Qingfeng in summer for the first time and opened his mouth.

The mighty magma river is surging. This spectacular scene makes people feel the magic of the creator.

"Eh, what's the black spot in front? It seems to be a huge stone! It's too far, I can't really see it." looking into the distance, summer makes such a sound.

Following the prestige, Shen Mo nodded and said, "yes, it's a cyan translucent stone, but it's too far from our cave. What I see is also vague. It seems that there are still some things on it."

Because it was the peak of the King Kong realm, Shen Mo's eyesight surpassed those of Xia and others, but the strong ones were also very limited. Hearing their words, Cui Hao moved in his heart, suddenly opened his perspective eyes and looked ahead. Soon, the scenery in front of him began to enlarge, and the scenery in the distance became clear. Soon, he saw the stone in the middle of the magmatic river.

This magmatic river is surging and spectacular. In the central area of the magmatic River, which is very far away from the karst cave, a huge light cyan transparent spar is exposed. It is also surrounded by magma, but it is a kind of golden and strange magma, rippling like gold water. This light cyan transparent spar is like spiritual, constantly absorbing this A kind of golden magma, and its surface will rise out of a nearly transparent flame, swaying, filled with a powerful and incomparable atmosphere, and even composed of mysterious lines, which bound the whole spar like a flame chain.

When feeling the magic of the scene in front of him, Cui Hao saw the central area of the huge light cyan crystal through his perspective eyes. The almost transparent flame swayed and surrounded by a stone the size of a washbasin. It was ancient and unparalleled, showing a gray color. There was a faint feeling of crystal clear on the surface. At first glance, it seemed to be an original stone.

"Hmm? What's that?" Cui Hao thought so.

This washbasin sized stone looks ancient and plain, but it is so placed on the crystal stone that it is destined not to be ordinary. Cui Hao had an inexplicable feeling in his heart when he saw it. It seems that he has a lot of fate with this stone. This feeling is unreasonable, but it is very clear.

Therefore, Cui Hao told Shen Mo what he saw. He knew that Cui Hao had powers, so he was not too surprised. After pondering for a long time, he said "Xiao Cui, according to what you said, that crystal stone must be a treasure. In addition, the stone on it must be extraordinary. I'll take you and let's see what it is! Your description just reminds me of a material. If this crystal stone is really that kind of material, it is absolutely priceless and is of great benefit to cultivation! Of course, I still said, "don't move or touch!"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao said in surprise, "Mo Lao, you just said you would take me? We are very far away from the crystal stone. Do you have the ability of half step magic power to cross in the air?"

"Hahaha... Good boy, I know a lot now! Yes, I really don't have the volley crossing of half step supernatural experts, but can't I use other methods? Don't worry, since I say I have a way to take you there, I can do it naturally!" hahaha smiled, Shen Mo's face was proud.

With these words, he turned his hands and took out a dozen thin willow leaf throwing knives from his arms. They were bright and shining.

Touching these willow leaf throwing knives, Shen Mo said to himself with emotion, "old guys, I didn't expect you to come in handy again!"

"Shua! Shua! Shua!..."

Suddenly, Shen Mo shook his hand and threw out three willow leaf throwing knives, and he grabbed Cui Hao. His body ran away and roared like lightning. At the moment Shen Mo threw out the willow leaf Throwing Knife, Cui Hao understood what he wanted to do. It's true that he didn't have the empty crossing of the strong at the level of half step supernatural power. However, he only achieved this effect with the help of props, and the willow leaf throwing knife is undoubtedly such a props.

The strong wind roared in his ears. Cui Hao flew forward quickly under Shen Mo's carrying, and flew tens of meters away. Shen Mo was exhausted. Then he suddenly stepped on a flying knife. The whole person used his strength, suddenly soared out and rushed out towards the front. In such a cycle, in a moment, they flew 200 meters. Finally, Shen Mo landed on the light cyan huge translucent spar with Cui Hao. Of course, the area they trampled on was an area without translucent flame, but even so, the terrible heat swept like a wave, which was really surging.

"Hahaha... We're so lucky that it's really a destiny stone! Xiao Cui, you said that a translucent flame was born on the crystal stone. I guessed that it was probably a destiny stone. Unexpectedly, it was really it! I was only lucky to see a piece the size of a fingernail in the four gods treasure house. Unexpectedly, there was such a big one here A piece! OK, great! "Soon after landing on the translucent spar, Shen Mo recognized it carefully and burst out laughing.

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