The lava River roared and roared, a kind of dull and incomparable, as if solidified. The general terrorist force was spreading and diffuse. It was really a terrible mess. In this case, Shen Mo had to give up all his worries even if he was very worried. He caught Cui Hao and fled quickly. He knew that he had made trouble this time, but he didn't know why Cui Hao had such a change in vain, even now Shen Mo didn't know.

"Shua! Shua! Shua!..."

Shen Mo's body was faster than lightning. During this period, he encountered a terrible magma wave more than once, and he skillfully avoided it. The scene was really thrilling. At the moment, Cui Hao was held in his arms by Shen mo. his face was pale and frightening, and his blood essence was consumed too much. In his arms, the stone the size of a face plate made a fluffy sound of jumping, with a sense of joy.

"Hurry! Elder, be careful! Hurry!..."

At the mouth of the cave, Liu Qingfeng was very worried in summer. The magma River riots did not reach the height of the huge cave, so they were safe. They saw Shen Mo grab Cui Hao, dodge left and right, move around in the air, and their hearts were tightly suspended in the air. After all, it's a lava river. The temperature of magma is so high that even the strong in King Kong dare not touch it at will.

"Shua! Shua! Shua!..."

After a thrilling shuttle, with the help of six willow leaf throwing knives, Shen Mo crossed a hundred meters with Cui Hao and finally landed at the cave entrance.

"Let's go! We can't stay here anymore!..."

As soon as he landed at the cave entrance, Shen Mo gave such an order. Although he didn't know what the situation was, Xia and Liu Qingfeng immediately chose to respect him. Among them, Xia grabbed the unconscious little ash and the party fled towards the outside of the cave.

"Mo Lao, i...." Cui Hao said with an apology on his face.

"Don't say it first! Xiao Cui, it's important for us to run for our lives now. If Xiao life is lost here, it's the most unworthy thing!" he directly interrupted Cui Hao's words, and Shen Mo fled quickly with him.

"Boom... Boom..."

In the rear, the violent shock became more and more intense. It seemed that there was an explosion of Jingtian volcano. Shen Mo and his party were very embarrassed and fled quickly. They were lucky. Finally, they escaped from the karst cave and crossed the ancient stone gate again.

"Hua La, Hua La, Hua la..."

The magmatic River rolls ceaselessly, and the huge destiny stone vibrates unceasingly. The transparent flame on it flickers, emits terrible heat, and vaguely forms chains. In the whole magmatic River, there are golden magma, all of which converge on the destiny stone, and I don't know what role it plays.

"Click! CLICK! CLICK!..."

In vain, the whole destiny stone shows that it is cracked and extremely fine, spreading like a spider's web. With this cracking, a chaotic air flow is used in the destiny stone, which suddenly diffuses to the whole magmatic River, which makes the riot converge rapidly, and then it turns into silence again.

In a strange huge space, there is a light blue barrier across the world. However, at a certain moment, it clicks in vain, and there are fine cracks, which is very strange.

In this huge space, everything is huge. Huge trees, mountains and even grass are up to one or two meters high. On a piece of grass not far from the light blue barrier, giants with a body size of nearly a thousand feet are lying there with their eyes closed. A majestic pressure emanates, which is really terrible.

If someone sees such a scene, they will be shocked and scream, dragon!

These two huge dragons are really huge. They are all dressed in scales and armor. Their ferocious dragon horns break through the blue sky. Their lantern like eyes are closed tightly, and their tusks flash cold light, which makes people feel terrible. The two dragons just breathe at will, and a white air stream spits out, like a tornado, and their thick claws seem to be able to breathe Tear apart all powerful existence.

"Wheeze, wheeze, wheeze, wheeze..."

At the moment, the two giant dragons are playing a light sound, and their bodies fluctuate slightly, like mountains. They sleep leisurely and contentedly, as if they could sleep for ten years.

"Click, click, click..."

At this time, the huge light blue barrier not far from them suddenly cracked, and then the cracking speed soon stopped. This slight sound could not reasonably affect the two sleeping dragons, but they all shook and clattered, and turned upside down and stood up!

It's so powerful!

The two dragons suddenly turned and stood up, emitting a strong and suffocating terrible dragon power, and their lantern like eyes have noticed the changes on the light blue barrier and emitted light.

"Ang! Ang!..."

Coincidentally, the two dragons gave out a clear and incomparable dragon chant, which was full of a happy taste. Then, they suddenly turned into human form. They were two men, one tall and one short, all beautiful, with an absolutely right pride on their faces.

If such a scene happens on earth, it must be enough to scare ordinary people to death. Fortunately, there is no human beings in this huge space.

"Hahaha... Hasalu, for many years, the damn barrier has finally cracked! According to the high priest's prediction, once the barrier cracks, the day when our dragon family will come to the source of the world again will not be far away! Great! I've been looking forward to this day for a long time!" the tall man said with great excitement.

Nodded the short man "Yes, our whole dragon family is looking forward to this day! In those years, our dragon family suffered humiliation, and this time we came to the source of the world, we must wash away this shame! Great, this barrier is 5000 years earlier than our high priest predicted. Maybe, this time we came to the source of the world, our dragon family will be the first. Last time, let the bird people in the holy world lead us It's a pity that we missed the first chance! "

"Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua!..."

When two men of dragon illusion were talking, suddenly, the void not far away opened an illusory door, and fifteen figures rushed out of them, all in human form. However, each one was mighty and shining, giving rise to a sacred feeling. The first was a mighty old man, his eyes Like a golden lantern, it gives people a feeling of supremacy. Behind the mighty old man is an old man in a moon white robe. He is very thin, but his eyes twinkle with a light of wisdom. At first glance, he can't help but give birth to a sense of respect.

"See the patriarch! See the high priest! See the elders!"

Seeing this group of people appear, the two men salute in a hurry. However, they are respectful in the face of the patriarch and the high priest, but they seem very casual in the face of the other elders.

Waving his hand, the mighty old man smiled "Elder hasalu, elder Ao Bing, it's hard for you! Hahaha..... Hearing your voice, both the high priest and I are very excited! This damn barrier was cracked 5000 years in advance. Good, great! Last time, our dragon family came to the source of the world and only gained a lot of faith, but there was no information about that thing The most important reason to get it is because the holy world's damned Lord is interfering. This time, we will come faster than him! Of course, we can't underestimate it except the holy world, Lingjie, martial world, medicine world, spirit world, etc. after all, it has too much to do with it! "

Hearing the patriarch's words, all the Dragon elders present nodded and smiled, and there was a crack in the barrier. This is definitely a rare good thing, which filled their hearts with expectation.

Glancing around, the thin looking high priest said "You guys, although the barrier has cracked ahead of time, it will be at least ten years before it really breaks. During this time, I need you to be fully prepared. I hope you don't forget the lessons of the last time! Arrogance is the characteristic of my dragon family, because we are the overlord and the only overlord between heaven and earth. However, it's unclear It would be foolish to be too proud before the strength of the other party! "

At this point, the high priest roared with a sense of humiliation on his face "You can't forget the humiliation of that year, so I want you to be cautious when facing the enemy! Although the dragon family is powerful, it is not invincible. Moreover, there are real experts inside the source of the world. Finally, when we were forced to push aside, how did our Great Dragon Emperor die? I think you won't forget it?"

Hearing what the high priest said, all the Dragon families present lowered their heads, even the head of the clan lowered their heads and listened quietly.

After a slight pause, the high priest's tone eased a little and said "In fact, I don't mean to discourage you. I just want to tell you that you can't be too proud! The Dragon Emperor is invincible. However, under the joint attack of many enemies, especially the sneak attack of the powerful level hidden by the source of the world? He may fall, and any of you may fall, so be careful, Be careful and remember, okay? "

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