Shen Mo also left and gave Cui Hao a bottle of dragon blood essence, which entered the long river of magma. He will spend the rest of his life there, suppress the things suppressed by the destiny stone, silently protect China, and even the safety of the whole earth. There was something heavy in his heart. Although Shen Mo had left for half an hour, Cui Hao still sighed and couldn't let go.

For the first time, he was filled with a sincere worship of the four divine beasts, which were a group of heroes born to protect China!

For the first time, Cui Hao hoped that he would soon become a member of the four divine beasts and join the ranks of guarding China and even the earth!

For the first time, he began to think deeply about the meaning of his existence.

If Shen Mo knew that his departure had brought such a great spiritual change to Cui Hao, he would be very happy. At this moment, he has entered the ancestral hall of Xiaohui family and started his own journey of repression. When making this decision, Shen Mo has already given up all worldly thoughts and spent the rest of his life doing one thing to suppress the invasion of non earth species. But how many people know about his fearless and heroic actions?

In fact, many things are like this. The so-called heroes and philanthropists who are active under the fluorescent lamp may be just animals in clothes. Although some people are unknown, they are real unsung heroes. They abide by their original intention and pay silently for the nation and the country.

The matter of magmatic river is really very important. Wang Kun made the deployment himself. In addition to Shen Mo, he also sent four reserve team members of four divine beasts to sit here temporarily. There are many deployments and so on. This series of measures were completed in three days. On the surface, Songjiazhuang is still as calm as usual, but it has already become the focus of the four divine beasts, but the villagers in general can't know this change.

Cui Hao continued to practice medicine patiently. He liked the feeling of saving the lives and healing the wounded more and more. He enjoyed the patient's happy smile, and worked tirelessly as his miracle doctor. Each patient was reborn under his treatment. Cui Hao can treat all kinds of difficult and miscellaneous diseases and old diseases. He really deserves the title of a miracle doctor. Of course, when treating some weak patients, he still urged the golden light of the perspective eye to assist.

It is worth mentioning that since Cui Hao was forced to draw a large amount of blood essence to breed Xiao Qi, the mysterious beads in Cui Hao's body have become much darker, and the difficulty of urging him has also increased a lot.

In the twinkling of an eye, five days later, Cui Hao thoroughly spread the name of a miracle doctor. He has treated more than 600 patients. Even in summer, Liu Qingfeng and Cui Hao are surprised at this speed. However, they are more gratified because Cui Hao's medical skills have been gradually integrated. Because the things he learns are very complex and precious, once Cui Hao is completely integrated into a furnace, His achievements in medical ethics must be amazing! Apart from other things, the continuous thinking these days has greatly improved his understanding of the Dalai 33 divine needle. This is something he never thought of before.

It is quite reasonable to read thousands of books rather than travel thousands of miles. It is better to do thousands of things than travel thousands of miles. Practice produces true knowledge.

On this day, Cui Hao was still practicing medicine in Songjiazhuang, because the name of a miracle doctor was thoroughly spread. Many villagers came to see a doctor from all over the country. Some of them came for free, and more because of the bombing publicity, they naturally didn't want to miss such a rare opportunity.

He patiently treated patients. For children, women and children, Cui Hao was more patient and showed enough respect. His attitude has won the admiration and worship of Songjiazhuang villagers in recent days, and dozens of young people have come to visit teachers. Cui Hao naturally rejected this one by one. He joked that he is still an apprentice and has not really achieved medical ethics. How can he distract himself from teaching his apprentice? It's too early, and he doesn't have such a mind. Although medical ethics is important, Cui Hao's more mind is still on national martial arts. The more he understands the top secret information of the earth, the more he feels the importance of powerful force.

"Miracle doctor! Little benefactor, go quickly. Brother Xiao Hui wakes up, but, but..."

On this day, Cui Hao and his disciples were still practicing medicine. Cui Cui came panting. Her beautiful face had a look of worry and said hesitantly.

"Oh? Xiao Hui wakes up? OK, I'll be there right away!" Cui Hao nodded as he picked his eyebrows.

At that moment, he stood up and said to the patients around him, "I'm sorry, everyone. I have something urgent and I have to leave. But don't worry. Before our teachers and disciples leave, we must see everyone's diseases."

For Cui Hao's words, many patients naturally responded one by one, very respectful and worship.

So the three teachers and disciples left nonstop and wanted to diagnose and treat Xiao Hui at the first time. Although it's not clear that Xiaohui's body is integrated with things like dragon beads, he and Liu Qingfeng still vaguely saw something in summer and knew his importance, so they went to see a doctor together with Cui Hao.

Soon, they returned to Cuicui's home. When they opened the door, Wang Kun had arrived and was talking to Xiaohui with a smile. The smile on his face was called a kind, just like a kind old man. Where was the decisiveness of the temporary controllers of the four divine beasts?

His face was confused and afraid. At the moment, Xiao Hui shrank into bed and looked at Wang Kun warily. He didn't seem to listen to what he was saying, but he was trembling all over and looked very poor.

"You... Don't come near me! Who am I? I... I don't know who I am..."

"Xiao Hui, you finally wake up!"

With the sound of pushing the door, Cui Hao took the lead in stride, with excitement and worry on his face. Behind him, it is naturally summer and Liu Qingfeng.

Originally, his face was full of confusion and fear, but after seeing Cui Hao, Xiao Hui's eyes lit up. The whole person got excited, got up quickly, rushed into Cui Hao's arms and said in a stammering voice "I... I don't know who I am! I'm so scared. You're my family. I can feel my intimacy to you. The old man has been persuading me to join his organization, but I'm not at ease. I'm... Afraid!"

It's clear that some of the inner activities of the amnesiac. Cui Hao patted him on the shoulder with some emotion. Then he said softly, "I'm not afraid, Xiao Hui, I'm not afraid. The old man is also a good man... Xiao Hui, I'm your sworn brother Cui Hao. It doesn't matter if you have amnesia. I'm here, and I'll help you heal!"

"Hmm! My name is Xiao Hui? Xiao Hui believes in big brother!" nodded heavily, and a smile squeezed out of Xiao Hui's face.

Seeing this situation, Wang Kun was very disappointed. All the signs showed that Taoist Tianji was right. In that case, it was time for him to fulfill his promise. Although he was extremely reluctant to give up Xiaohui, a genius at the level of a peerless demon, he still clenched his teeth and comforted himself. Since Cui Hao was destined to be one of the four divine beasts, Xiaohui must be one of them in the future Four divine beast members.

After thinking about it twice, Wang Kun was relieved. After thinking about it, he said to Cui Hao, "Xiao Cui, you go out with me. I have something to tell you."

At the moment, Cui Hao comforted Xiao Hui while giving him a full body examination. Hearing the speech, he nodded and said, "OK, wait for me a moment, and I'll check Xiao Hui."

Soon, Cui Hao finished his examination. Xiao Hui was in good health, but he really lost his memory. According to various signs, it was a deep-seated amnesia, and it was very difficult to cure.

After knowing this situation, he invited Xia Xia and Liu Qingfeng to make a diagnosis and treatment again, while Cui Hao himself followed Wang Kun out.

Soon, summer and Liu Qingfeng also completed the examination, and they finally came to a conclusion that deep amnesia is very difficult to cure.

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