The old monk smiled kindly and said in a very excited voice, "today, my golden light temple is really shining! All three are real wizards. They can gather together in the golden light temple. It seems that I have a lot of Buddhist roots in my life. I can have three to send each other."

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao was stunned and didn't know what to say. What's the meaning of three people coming to see each other off? For what? Xiao Hui is also very confused. Three, there are only himself and his eldest brother. Of course, he can't ignore Xiao Qi in Cui Hao's arms. After all, a lovely Husky is just a pet dog. Who cares too much? Xiao Hui is even more unlikely to think that Xiao Qi is a unicorn beast!

Respectfully, Cui Hao said, "master, we don't know your name yet. Please forgive me for coming abruptly. In fact, our brother came here to witness the nine decrees of your temple. I don't know if he has this blessing?"

Hearing the speech, the old monk saran smiled and said, "my Dharma name has long been forgotten. All dharmas are empty, and everything is just a passing cloud. As for the nine edicts in your mouth, as early as ten years ago, after a fire happened in the temple, they were all burned."

"Ah? All burned?" smelling the speech, Xiao Hui showed a disappointed color and couldn't help sighing.

After taking a deep look at Xiao Hui, the old monk smiled and said, "benefactor, are you worried about an evil idea contained in your body? In fact, even if the nine commandments are, they are of little use. The treasure that can really restrain and suppress it is extremely rare. I have lived more than 100 years. I know only one kind of treasure. Do you want it?"

The old monk asked, not to mention Xiaohui, but Cui Hao's eyes lit up. He hurriedly asked "Master, you have insight into the mystery. You can actually see that my third brother contains a very evil idea. In fact, I don't hide it from you. It is the residual power of ghosts and gods. I tried my best to suppress it, but I can't completely suppress it. What do you know about the baby? Can you teach me?"

Hearing the speech, the old monk looked solemn and said, "Buddha relic!"

It seems that they are worried about Cui Hao. They don't understand, the old monk explained Heterodox doctrines are the ancient relics of the true Buddhist spirit, which are all left behind by death, and contain a Buddha's law and essence. They have a very strong effect on suppressing evil spirits and so on. I know that the ghosts and gods are horrifying. If anything must be said, what is there can be suppressed, the three doors of the Qing Dynasty are counted, and the Pope of the Vatican holds the hand. I know that there is a Buddha relic that can help the donor completely suppress evil thoughts. "

Hearing what the old monk said, Xiao Hui asked excitedly, "where? Where? Master, please point out the maze. If I can get the Buddha's relic and completely suppress the evil ideas in my heart, I will sincerely pray for you every day."

He waved his hand and disapproved of Xiao Hui's words. The old monk smiled "Benefactor, you are too persistent. I have understood Buddhism for many years and have already understood some of the essence of Buddhism. If my relics can help people, the Buddha himself will be very happy. Therefore, as long as you can take away the Buddha's relic, it will be yours. I'd like to see it. However... It's not so easy to take it. This is also a test If you succeed, not only will there be Buddhist relics, but also my old monk will give some things as gifts. However, if you fail, you will die and lose your soul! "

The old monk's tone was very dignified and didn't mean to frighten people. Hearing his words, Cui Hao smiled and said, "master, tell me, where is the Buddha's relic?"

With a faint smile, Lao he Shangdao "The golden light temple is far away and near. In fact, the reason why the golden light temple has been hidden in the world these years is to gather everyone's strength to recite scriptures every day and temporarily suppress a thing with the strength of all Buddhists. The Buddha's relic is also suppressing this thing. If you want to get rid of this thing, you must experience a series of dangerous things such as the test of demons."

Speaking of this, the old monk looked at Cui Hao "You two, in fact, this little guy's soul power is more powerful and pure, but he doesn't know how to use it at all, and his will power is still too weak. You are different. Your soul power is completely controlled by yourself, and you are entangled with the Great Buddha. You should be a great good man in the world. Your chance of success is ten times greater than him. Of course, even if you succeed, you can Can be ten times bigger than him, but I conservatively estimate that your success rate is 30%. Under such circumstances, are you still willing to do this? Please answer me solemnly, because this decision may be related to your life and death! "

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao was awestruck and had a 30% chance. Although he didn't know how the old monk estimated it, the other party was very mysterious and powerful. If he wanted to estimate it, there wouldn't be too much error.

"Big brother, 30% chance, too dangerous! This is my business, or I'll do it myself!" Xiao Hui said without hesitation.

As if he didn't hear Xiao Hui's words, Cui Hao said solemnly, "master, I think it's OK. I'll come! 30% chance to fight for my third brother. I think it's worth it!"

Without too many words, Cui Hao just showed his heart in a firm tone. Hearing this, Xiao Hui couldn't help but feel his nose sour and burst into tears. He didn't know why he wept so much. Maybe it was because he was moved, maybe it was because of the warmth and palpitation in his heart. But no matter what kind, at the moment, in Xiaohui's heart, Cui Hao, the eldest brother, is worth his life.

Seeing that Xiao Hui was moved to cry, Cui Hao frowned and joked, "what are you crying for? I'm so young. Do you want to cry and let me die young? Don't cry!"

"Well, brother, I won't cry, but I have to do it myself this time. It's too dangerous. I don't want you to break in!" nodded Xiao Hui.

When he stared and smelled the speech, Cui Hao was unwilling and scolded, "bastard! What are you talking about? I'm your eldest brother. Naturally, I should come! Moreover, didn't you hear what the master just said? My chance of success is ten times greater than you! Ten times! Don't talk nonsense and listen to your eldest brother!"


No, Xiao Hui wants to say something more, but he looks at Cui Hao's eyes, spits out words and takes them back, and nods helplessly. Although he was worried, Xiao Hui also knew that his 3% chance was too slim. On the contrary, Cui Hao had a 30% chance, which was relatively large.

Seeing that the two brothers had finished their negotiation, the old monk said with a smile "Almsgiver, now that you have decided, I will tell you. In fact, the significance of the existence of our golden light temple is to erase a terrible consciousness, which is more terrible than the residual thoughts of ghosts and gods. Fortunately, the Buddha's relic has almost suppressed it, and I paid a huge price that year to make it weaker, as long as you can carry its demons If you are tested, you will be directly killed by the terror. Of course, if you don't break through, you will not only be swallowed up, but that idea will directly devour you! At that time, you will be completely scared, okay? "

"Well, I see, master, just tell me how to get in." nodded, Cui Hao's tone was positive.

When he got up, the old monk stood up and said, "the Buddha relic is in the soul tower, and the residual power of evil ideas is also in it. Benefactor, you must be careful. The test of heart demons can be strong or weak. When you enter the soul tower, you are afraid that the heart demons you bear will be very terrible. If you are careless, you may really fall!"

Staring at Cui Hao, the old monk said word by word, which can be said to be earnest and sincere.

Cui Hao is now eating the weight and iron heart. Hearing the speech, he said without hesitation, "I know. Thank you for reminding me. Please take me to the soul Tower!"

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