Because of the serious injury, Gangzi and others were arranged in the physical therapy room inside the bodyguard company of fraternity, and several famous doctors were specially hired to treat them. When Cui Hao entered the physical therapy room, Gangzi and others were all wearing bandages and miserable posture, and were infusion.

"Boss, you... You're here. How's president Wang? Sorry, I didn't protect President Wang. My strength is too weak to disappoint you!"

Seeing Cui Hao entering, Gangzi opened his mouth in shame. As for the elite of the ten fraternity bodyguards, they also bowed their heads one by one, with a sense of shame.

He waved his hand, and Cui Hao said calmly "Victory or defeat is a routine of soldiers. Gangzi, a martial arts man, only when he has a heart that will never admit defeat can he overcome himself and make continuous breakthroughs! Remember, martial arts men can't be proud, but they must be proud! I hope you can practice harder and break through yourself after you recover! As for your hatred... Your boss, I'll repay you! Okay, I'll do it I'll treat you first! "

With these words, Cui Hao took the lead in going to Gangzi. After he looked, heard and asked, he determined the location of the disease, and immediately began acupuncture, massage and massage. During this period, he cooperated with the golden light of his perspective eyes. Suddenly, the sound of clicking and wiping kept coming out, and Gangzi's broken bones kept ringing. However, there was no feeling of great pain on his face, but he felt pain Jue seems to have a very warm thing brewing in his body, which makes him feel very comfortable and almost comfortable to cry out. This feeling naturally comes from the strange effect of the golden light of the perspective eye, and the golden light of the perspective eye is also very obvious for the healing of bone fracture

About twenty minutes later, Cui Hao stopped the diagnosis and treatment, looked at Gangzi who had recovered too much and said, "well, I have helped you completely set your bones. In addition, acupuncture is the disease of your whole body. As long as you cultivate yourself for three or five days, you can recover to the peak! Of course, your broken bone may take about a week to completely recover."

"Ha ha... OK! My injury is basically healed! Boss, you are so divine!" ha ha, Gangzi was very excited.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe that all this was true. Therefore, Cui Hao did the same thing again and treated the remaining ten elite injuries one by one. Their injuries were much lighter than Gangzi. However, they were basically broken bones. Cui Hao gently and carefully helped them with treatment, which cost more than three months Only then will everyone be completely cured.

"Thank you, boss. You are a miracle doctor alive!..."

"Boss, your medical skill is really amazing. I admire it! I admire it!..."

Cui Hao healed all the people. Eleven people, including Gangzi, were very grateful to him, and felt the sincere gratitude of all the people. Cui Hao gave birth to a kind of psychology in vain. This is a kind of compassionate idea of Purdue. His heart is filled with a feeling of great joy. Suddenly in his mind, a sentence "not empty, empty but not empty, not as stubborn as paranoid, this is a vacuum!"

At first, Cui Hao was ignorant, but now he has a feeling of enlightenment. In fact, this is a great realm, a boundless realm of fraternity and joy, and its so-called vacuum is not empty, not empty.

At this moment, Cui Hao was very quiet, closed his eyes, with a quiet smile on his face, and the mysterious beads in his body turned with it. A wave that perfectly matched his realm filled the air. Suddenly, Cui Hao felt that everything in front of him had a strange change. It seemed that he could see all kinds of Qi. Qi was an illusory thing that could not be seen by the naked eye There is peace of mind, which can only be sensed by chance.

Qi is not nonsense. Cui Hao's art of looking at Qi is a special way to look at Qi. People have the Qi of nobility and inferiority, the earth also has the Qi of wealth and wealth, and the country has the Qi of prosperity and decline. It is precisely for this reason that the ancient Confucianism in China highly praises the saying that when the country is about to prosper, there will be good luck, when the country is about to perish, there will be demons.

This time, Cui Hao is also looking at Qi. However, he is not using the art of looking at Qi, but the strange fluctuation of mysterious beads in his body, which matches his current state. Cui Hao's face is more and more quiet and serene, and a sense of treasure light gradually appears all over his body. Although this treasure light is an illusory thing, it also exists.

Among Buddhists, those unfathomable Buddhas have one thing in common, that is, there will be an aperture at the back of their head, which will turn into a boundary. All mortals in the aperture will be in a state of great freedom and bliss. This precious light is extremely rare and is called Vajra Mandala in Buddhists.

In fact, Cui Hao had no chance to understand this without the Enlightenment of the old monk in the Jinguang temple. At the moment, he was not sad or happy, but he involuntarily began to ponder the contents of the great sun Tathagata Sutra, focusing on the vacuum seal, the first of the Three Dharma Seals. Originally, Cui Hao was ignorant of the meaning of the word vacuum. Although he had dharmas and moves, he was unlucky He couldn't show it. At the moment, there was a burst of inspiration, and he found some ways.

Seeing Cui Hao standing with a quiet smile on his face, Gangzi and others were surprised. However, they felt that Cui Hao seemed to emit an atmosphere in his body, such as the warm wind in March, sweeping all directions, filled with an atmosphere of spring, which was very comfortable. However, he didn't move as a whole, but it gave people a feeling of becoming taller and taller. His head Gradually, it seems that there is a starry sky, vast, and it is the only figure standing.

Behind it is the vast starry sky. Cui Hao is the first person under the starry sky!

At the moment, Cui Hao was not aware of his changes. He was in that state and gradually figured out the essence of some vacuum seals. Finally, he remembered a paragraph in the outline of the Tathagata Sutra "The Buddha is the heart. The heart is the Buddha. The heart Buddha has always been vain. If you know that there is no Buddha and no mind, you will be true as a Dharma Buddha. The Dharma Buddha has no shape, and a round light contains everything. The body without body is the real body, and the phase without form is the reality. Non color, non emptiness, non emptiness, non movement, non stillness, no communication. It is no different. It is difficult to take and give up. It is hard to listen to and hope. The inside and outside are round and bright everywhere. A Buddhist kingdom is in a sand. A grain of sand There are thousands of realms. One person has the same mind and body. To know it, one must be able to learn mindless Dharma. It is a net karma without contamination and stagnation. "

For a long time, he had been thinking all the time, and countless spiritual lights burst out continuously. The glittering and translucent treasure light on his body became more and more obvious

I don't know how long later, Cui Hao opened his eyes in vain and muttered to himself, "I see, I see... Vacuum is not empty, empty can't be persistent, phase persistence is not true, and phase breaking is not true. In fact, color is empty. Color is empty, empty is color, persistence is delusion, and putting it down is wonderful. The so-called wonderful has vacuum, not stubborn empty..."

After saying these words, Gangzi and others were in a fog. However, Cui Hao showed a very happy expression and seemed to understand the truth. Ha ha, with a smile, he gently pinched his right hand and immediately formed a handprint. The handprint was ten points strange. His thumb and index finger were put together. It looked like a round, flat or flat. As for the other The three fingers of the show a posture of arc sprinkling.

As soon as the handprint was tied, it immediately showed a mysterious world and inexplicable power. In a trance, Gangzi and others felt that Cui Hao seemed to be an invincible existence, independent of the starry sky, the first person!

This handprint is the vacuum seal of one of the three Buddha seals of the Tathagata Sutra!

Just after the vacuum seal was formed, Cui Hao felt that his strength began to gather madly towards the handprint. A feeling of vastness, terror, ferocity and like the boundless starry sky was brewing in the vacuum seal. It was he, the performer, who was startled and sighed. The vacuum seal was really extraordinary!

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