After unexpectedly accepting Hua Yunbin, Cui Hao found a quiet room and began to help him get rid of Gu insects. Maybe it was because this blood bug had been breeding in his body for too long, and he washed his body three times with the golden light of the perspective eye, which successfully eliminated it.

The blood bug in the body disappeared, and Hua Yunbin vomited five or six mouthfuls of bright red blood. However, his body was very comfortable. Naturally, he was very happy and thanked Cui Hao.

While there was still time in the afternoon, Cui Hao immediately went to Boai jewelry store, because Wang Changsheng told him that the treasure Pavilion had been completed and was waiting for his acceptance. White crane monk is an authentic descendant of Mohism and a world-class master, especially in the construction of treasure Pavilion. He perfectly combines the ancient craftsmanship with modern technology, including strange door skills such as hiding armor and modern verification methods such as iris fingerprint. In addition, he smashed many latest technologies into the treasure room for Cui Hao, Cui Hao's treasure room is absolutely world-class and extremely safe.

After all, only such a treasure room has consumed a full 1.5 billion wealth!

"Hahaha... Dong Cui, you're here at last. I'm impatient to wait! The treasure pavilion was completed three days ago, waiting for your acceptance!" he laughed. Seeing Cui Hao arrive, the white crane resident was very excited to welcome him.

The white crane monk's eyes on Cui Hao are very strange. It seems that he is not looking at a person, but... A pile of treasure. Cui Hao had already seen his attitude, and said frankly, "Hello, monk, thank you for your hard work. Let's start the acceptance now. After I finish the acceptance, the balance of 700 million will be paid to your account! I'm going to hold a dance tonight, and you can also take your disciples to attend and relax."

After rubbing his hands, the white crane monk looked very worried, shook his head and said, "there's no need for the party. Cui Dong, you'd better check it quickly. I've received two lists recently, and the other party has been urging me!"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao was speechless about his money fans. He nodded and began to enter the treasure room with him.

In addition to Cui Hao, there is another person who came to the acceptance this time. That is Wang Changsheng. As Cui Hao's sworn brother and the president of fraternity group, Wang Changsheng is Cui Hao's real right-hand man and relies on him very much. Cui Hao has no time to run his own huge enterprise, and many things have been handed over to his second brother. Naturally, the authority of the treasure room should also be opened to him.

The three soon came to the front of a portal, and the white crane monk pointed to the portal "Come here... Dong Cui, this is the first level. When you stand here, you have to go through 18 physical examinations and identity verification. In addition to infrared, sensory, iris, fingerprint, brain wave and other methods, there is also visual verification of the latest technology in the United States! This is the first time and it is still in the start-up stage. You and President Wang can stand here in turn, input your identity and wait for you After the thorough acceptance, I will open the system of the whole treasure room. At that time, even I am not qualified to enter. It is absolutely safe! "

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao and Wang Changsheng stood here in turn. Sure enough, they started a series of identity information collection. After these were completed, the white crane monk pointed to the silver metal door and told it proudly. Cui Hao and Wang Changsheng were a little ignorant about some of his professional terms, but they understood a meaning. The portal in front of them was a kind of door The special space alloy is extremely hard and can even resist the bombardment of rockets. Moreover, once it is damaged, a series of systems will be started immediately, and then the whole treasure room will fall into a state of self-protection... In short, it is very arrogant!

According to Cui Hao's requirements, the whole treasure room was built very large, and some divisions were made very clearly, including a special top secret file room, a special treasure room, etc. these divisions made Cui Hao feel a bit dazzled.

"The operating system and power generation device of our treasure room are hidden in the safest bottom, and there are special protection. In addition, I have added many strange skills of hiding armor in the whole treasure room. Once an enemy wants to enter, it will be triggered. At that time, the whole treasure room will be killed step by step, which is extremely dangerous. Of course, it's dangerous I can only describe this situation with you. If I really practice, I'm afraid I'll be sieved in minutes! "Complacent, white crane monk told me.

Very satisfied, quite satisfied! After visiting the whole treasure room, Rao Shicui Hao had some psychological preparation, and couldn't help feeling secretly. It was really enough. The 1.5 billion yuan was worth it!

After the acceptance, Cui Hao remitted 700 million yuan to Baihe resident on the spot. After the money was received, Baihe resident nodded with satisfaction and then opened the treasure room. After that, no one except Cui Hao and Wang Changsheng was qualified to enter. However, it was not absolute. Baihe resident instructed Cui Hao if he wanted to increase the entry of others Authority, as the master, he has the right to change

After receiving his own reward, the white crane monk left with his disciples, and the strange man of Mohism began his road of wealth again.

Since the treasure room has been opened, naturally it can not be left empty. Therefore, Cui Hao and Wang Changsheng began to act as coolies and began to carry many treasures in the original stone warehouse. All the original stones and Jadeites that are qualified to be put into the treasure room are valuable, at least hundreds of millions of wealth. As for the treasure of the town store, Guanyin sitting lotus is naturally put into it.

Such a move took more than an hour. It was because Cui Hao and Wang Changsheng had extraordinary physical strength and carried a lot at one time. If they were ordinary people, it would take at least a whole day.

In this way, after some hard handling, the whole raw stone warehouse was empty, and the treasures were carried into the treasure room. The warehouse will still store raw stones in the future. However, all the raw stones stored are not worth more than 100 million. Seeing that Cui Hao has completed such handling, Yang Dian also said goodbye to Cui Hao with a smile and wants to leave.

At first, Cui Hao asked Yang Ying to come here to help him guard his original stone. The original stone was so precious that it hit almost all his wealth. Moreover, at that time, the opening of fraternity jewelry store was so sensational that it was inevitable that some people would be jealous. Therefore, he invited Yang Ying, a great God, to sit down.

Facts have proved that Cui Hao's decision is very clear, because the black mamba killer organization came to attack and kill and wanted to take away Guanyin Zuolian. Fortunately, Yang Ying was in charge, which made them lose their soldiers and lose their generals. It also won a great general in the realm for Cui Hao, tengbolei.

Today, tengbolei is still visiting his master in Wenshui. It will take about a month to return to fraternity group.

"Good disciple, I'm leaving now. Don't miss me, hahaha......"

With such ridicule, he floated away, leaving Cui Hao a free and easy back

The four beasts are extremely mysterious, and few people know where its headquarters is, except the members of the four beasts themselves. At the moment, in a huge secret room of the four beasts headquarters, a thin old man is reading a message.

The old man gives people a sense of being superior. It seems that everything can destroy the sky and the earth. He is the temporary helmsman of the four divine beasts, Wang Kun.

"Hmm! That's good, that's good! Cui Hao, a little guy, is really surprising. He killed the killer's black robe and stepped into the realm by virtue of his exposure. That's great!" nodded, and Wang Kun was happy.

It seems that he thought of another possibility. He muttered to himself, "is he amazing when he stepped into the realm? Well, with this little guy's rebellion, maybe it's really possible! If he is really amazing, that's great!"

After talking to himself, Wang Kun took out a huge rice paper on the table. This is where he practiced his brush writing. He picked up a thick brush, stained it with ink, waved it, and wrote a line of big words freely. After the handwriting dried up, he folded it and ordered it to the dark place "Dark eagle, go and put this painting and calligraphy into the bed of the leader of the Sirius Gang!"


A hoarse voice came from the dark place, and then the dark seemed to be wriggling. Soon, a shadow appeared, swept with a Shua, and the paper on the table had disappeared

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