Hearing the speech, the middle-aged man was surprised and said, "little brother, you really have good eyesight. My son has tuberculosis. To tell you the truth, in order to treat him, I have spent all my savings over the years. Since you are a doctor, can you tell me how my son can be saved? Is there any folk prescription or something?"

Cui Hao understood the middle-aged man's mind very much and said with a smile, "since I told you this, I am sure of diagnosis and treatment. Tuberculosis is a stubborn disease in general hospitals, but in my opinion, it is nothing!"

When he said these words, Cui Hao's tone was very determined and casual. He had such confidence. Tuberculosis may be a stubborn disease in some large hospitals. However, he is a master of medical skills. In some secular terms, he is a real miracle doctor. There are still ways to cure small tuberculosis.

"What? Is this... Is this true? Little brother, don't joke with me! If you can cure my son, you are the life-saving benefactor of our family!" hearing the speech, the middle-aged man opened his mouth in surprise and was very excited.

Originally, a weather beaten middle-aged woman in the shop looked listless. Hearing this, she stood up in a moment of excitement, looked at Cui Hao and said, "little brother, is what you said true? Don't you lie to us?"

In fact, not only the middle-aged women, but also the weak young people in the shop were shining in front of them, showing the brilliance of hope. However, he seemed worried and said to the middle-aged man "Dad, you, don't give me any more wronged money. Have you forgotten that the last time we went out of the second people's Hospital, a guy who claimed to be an old traditional Chinese medicine said that there were folk prescriptions that could cure me. As a result, he cheated you out of more than 300 yuan!"

Originally, the middle-aged man's heart was very hot. When he heard his son say this, he felt cold on his head. His heart suddenly cooled down and looked at Cui Hao, wondering "Little brother, I think you are at most twenty or thirty years old. Can you really treat tuberculosis? You know, this disease is a real persistent disease. Many famous doctors are helpless. Are you sure?"

Although he was very suspicious of Cui haogang's words, the middle-aged man couldn't help opening his mouth like this. His mood was very complex, worried about being cheated, and with a glimmer of hope. If it was really as Cui Hao said, it would be great!

With a smile, Cui Hao said in a positive tone, "old brother, I know your doubts. Since I saw this little brother, even if it's a bit of fate, I'll treat him first. Anyway, tuberculosis is not a particularly troublesome disease. I'm sure I can get rid of it. As for the medical fee, I just need you to answer me a question."

Stunned, hearing Cui Hao's request, the middle-aged man was completely stunned. After a long time, he asked tentatively, "really treat the disease first? And, just ask me a question?"

Nodding, Cui Hao said kindly, "that's natural. I always say one thing and one thing. How about it?"

"Yes! We do. Little brother, come in quickly. Are you hungry? If you are hungry, elder sister, I'll bring you pancakes!" nodded hurriedly. The middle-aged woman was the first to speak and smiled.

Therefore, Cui Hao, welcomed by the family, walked into the cake burning shop. Since he came to treat the disease, Cui Hao didn't talk nonsense. He directly took out the silver needle. At the same time, he asked the young people to take off their coats and start diagnosis and treatment. The so-called expert knew whether there was one. Although he didn't know medical skills, middle-aged couples saw Cui Hao's general acupuncture and moxibustion techniques As soon as he lit up, the look of expectation on his face became more intense. Perhaps the young man in front of him really didn't deceive himself. He has this ability!

At the same time of acupuncture and moxibustion treatment, Cui Hao urged his perspective eye to thoroughly diagnose and treat tuberculosis. In fact, Cui Hao knows three methods, and perspective eye golden light is the fastest method, which can also completely cure, and the effect is excellent.

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

With the invisible golden light from the perspective eyes, soon, a black stubborn disease in the young people's lungs was quickly disintegrated and melted. A moment later, it had completely disappeared.

"I... I feel so comfortable, my lungs are so cool, I feel I'm good, completely good!" jumped up happily, and the young man shouted so loudly.

Hearing this, the middle-aged couple trembled with excitement. They couldn't help asking, "yong'er, do you really feel better?"

Nodded affirmatively, the young man said, "it's really good. Father and mother, I feel better than ever. My whole body is also very good, warm and comfortable!"

"Miracle doctor! Thank you!"

"You are really a good doctor. You are a great benefactor to our family!"

After his son was cured by Cui Hao, the middle-aged couple knelt down excitedly and kowtowed to Cui Hao. Seeing this, Cui Hao naturally helped him in a hurry. He said it didn't have to be so, it didn't need to be so.

"Old brother, we just agreed. I'll cure your son. You answer me a question. Now, I'm going to ask a question?" Cui Hao said with a smile.

Hearing the speech, the middle-aged man nodded without hesitation and said, "little brother, just ask. Don't say a word. Even if it's a hundred or a thousand, I'll tell you honestly! By the way, you're my son's benefactor. I want to know your name. Also, my name is Wang Silang. Just call me brother Wang."

At that moment, Cui Hao nodded and said, "brother Wang, did you sell something that is the size of a palm and weighs more than 100 kg? Where did you get it? Do you know the detailed address?"

It seems that he didn't guess that Cui Hao would ask about it. Wang Silang was stunned and nodded "Yes, I did sell this item to an antique collector. Little brother, there's nothing to hide about the origin of this item. I found it in my field a week ago. It's buried deep in the ground. I found it when ploughing. I found it so magical that I carried it home. If it wasn't yong'er I'm seriously ill and in urgent need of money. I can't even afford the appraisal fee and won't sell it to those who collect antiques. I have a hunch that it's very wonderful, because when I found it, the moonlight at night was different. Bright moonlight gathered in my field, and I don't know what it means. "

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao couldn't help but ask, "brother Wang, is your home far from here? Can you take me there?"

For Cui Hao's request, Wang Silang didn't hesitate at all and nodded without hesitation "No problem, no problem at all! Little brother, my field is not too far from here. If you don't mind, I can drive my broken van to take you over and have a look. It will take you up to an hour. You cured my son today. We don't know how to repay this kindness. As long as you ask, we will meet all your requirements!"

Being able to feel Wang Silang's true feelings, Cui Hao nodded with a smile and said, "thank you, brother Wang!"

"Don't bother, don't bother at all!" hurriedly waved his hand, and Wang Silang responded very simply and honestly.

At present, Wang Silang drove his broken van and took Cui Hao off. Perhaps it was because he had grown up in a welfare home since childhood. Cui Hao was very familiar with the ideas of the poor. The two talked and laughed. Soon after about an hour, he turned left and right. Finally, the van entered a small village.

This is a village with ancient characteristics. It still has many ancient traces. Wang Silang seems to be very popular. Just entering the village, several people greeted him. One of them quietly stopped Wang Silang's car and whispered to him "Brother Silang, I don't know which one slipped the tongue. Now the whole village knows that a treasure has been dug up in your field. Everyone guesses that there is an ancient tomb under your field. Now, the village head is digging in your field with a pole. Go and have a look."

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