This scene looked very strange. Cui Hao clearly stood motionless, but the ferocious policeman who came to arrest people screamed and fell to the ground with a look of horror and pain. Just now, he grabbed Cui Hao with his hand. For a moment, he felt that Cui Hao's body was like electrified. He hit himself all at once. Half of his body was paralyzed. Moreover, his arm was as painful as hundreds of millions of steel needles.

"Ah ah ah..."

At this moment, the fallen policeman howled like a pig, regardless of his identity as a public servant of the people. Seeing this, another bald cockfighting policeman was in a hurry. He pulled out the black pistol from his waist, pointed at Cui Hao angrily and scolded "You... What kind of monster are you? Don't you arrest it? Attack the police openly, boy. I'll tell you responsibly, no matter what kind of cow, ghost and snake god you are, you're finished! You're completely finished!"

Hearing such a scolding, Cui Hao smiled faintly, as if he had heard a funny joke. He turned his body, looked at Wang Silang and said, "brother Wang, is this land yours? Are you willing to let these people dig in your field?"

Hearing the speech, Wang Silang shook his head almost without hesitation and said, "benefactor, I don't want to! Don't want!..."

Although he was afraid of the village head's anger, Wang Silang still felt that he should stand on Cui Hao's side, which was a simple man's inner choice. At the moment, he saw that both sides had started, and even the police pulled out their pistols. The villagers watching from a distance immediately fried the pot and talked about it.

Ignoring other people's comments, Cui Hao was very calm in the face of a black hole pointing at his pistol. He walked step by step towards the gunman and said "This land is brother Wang's contracted land. Since he says he doesn't want to, even the government can't move his land! You have the ability to shoot now and see if you can hit me. I can responsibly tell you that you are in big trouble because I'm already angry!"

Obviously he was the one with the gun, but the bald cockfighting policeman was frightened. His arms trembled and said incoherently, "don't get close! Don't get close! I... I'm the people's police, you can't move me!..."

Hearing this, Cui Hao felt disgusted.

Crash..... Cui Hao's steps suddenly stepped out and suddenly appeared in front of the armed police as if in a blink. He grabbed the pistol in his hand and rolled it in his palm. It looked very natural and unrestrained. This series of actions were really fast, and the pistol was taken away. The police suddenly lost their biggest dependence. In Cui Hao's terrible life Under the momentum, he sat down on the ground and said in a trembling voice, "you... Who are you? I'm a policeman, you..."

Seeing the other party like this, Cui Hao's disgust became more and more serious. He reached out and took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone number directly.

"Hello, is it mayor Tian? I'm sorry to bother you. I'm Cui Hao. Hehe, I have something to trouble you. The thing is like this..." the tone was flat, and Cui Hao called.

Listening to Cui Hao calling, Hao Dongqiang and others were surprised and curious. They thought who he was calling? It seems that the name he called is mayor Tian

After the phone call, Cui Hao casually patted Wang Silang on the shoulder and comforted him: "brother Wang, you'll be fine. Don't worry, these people dig your fields and want to compensate you. Moreover, these two bullshit policemen will be punished for disorderly law enforcement. Don't worry!"

Seeing Cui Hao's determination, Wang Silang couldn't help asking, "benefactor, who did you just call?"

In fact, his question was also the doubts of the people present. Hearing this, Cui Hao smiled and said, "naturally, it's for you, mayor Tian Bonong of Baichuan city. I've just come to Baichuan. I'm not familiar with my place. I only know such an acquaintance."

Mayor Tien Bonong!

As soon as these five words were spoken, the people on the scene turned pale. Are they true or false? This young man, do you know the high mayor? It seems impossible? However, they are not sure, so they are very uneasy.

The two policemen fell to the ground and lost their temper. They were stunned at Zhang Jun and didn't know what to do. Hao Dongqiang was shocked for a while, but quickly sneered: "You know mayor Tian Bonong, nonsense? You want to scare us? Boy, I tell you, it's against the law for you to beat the police and intimidate village cadres! You also want to scare us. Today you and Wang Silang will be imprisoned, and none of them can escape!"

In fact, his heart is also very uneasy. However, it is difficult to ride a Tiger now. He can only be dangerous enough to win back a game in momentum. Moreover, he also doubts that Cui Hao is talking nonsense. Mayor Tian Bonong, can anyone know him?

Cui Hao just gave Hao Dongqiang a cold look and said, "you are also called a village cadre. I think you are vicious and full of resentment. I'm afraid you don't do less evil on weekdays. Good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil. It's not the time to not report. Now, I think your retribution is coming soon!"

Wang Yunlong was furious when he heard the speech. He wanted to come forward, but he was afraid that Cui Haoshi would show his "magic" and fly himself out. He had to stare at him like a ferocious spirit and look like he was going to eat him.

At this time, a policeman's cell phone rang. He was shocked. As soon as the phone was connected, there was a foul scolding in his face "Don't do anything now and don't say anything. Stay there and the labor and capital will come right away! You two bastards know to make trouble every day. Now you're in big trouble, and the labor and capital will suffer with you!"

The tone on the other end of the phone was very angry. It seemed that he was trying to control his temper, and the policeman was almost scared to pee. Did this young man really know mayor Tian Bonong? Otherwise, the director would call himself a brother on weekdays. Why, how could he be so angry?

Just then, Hao Dongqiang's phone rang. It turned out to be the mayor's phone. The other party sounded extremely angry. He shouted and scolded, "Hao Dongqiang, I fork your mother! You're so finished, you're completely finished, and God Lao Tzu can't save you! Now, immediately apologize to that noble man and ask him for understanding!"

Hao Dongqiang was scolded as stupid. What's the matter with the mayor? He's a weak scholar. He's never been so fierce. What's the madness today?

Immediately, Hao Dongqiang realized something and looked at Cui Hao with terrified eyes. He couldn't help shivering all over, and there was a feeling of shivering. There was a cold sweat on his forehead. At the moment, he was almost 90% sure. Cui Hao was afraid to really know mayor Tian Bonong!

Although Hao Dongqiang was arrogant in front of the villagers and did whatever he wanted by relying on several small gangsters, he lost his umbrella and sat on the ground.

A moment later, savoring the mayor's words, he suddenly climbed up to Cui Hao, tears streaming down his face and said, "this... This noble man, you don't remember villains. Don't worry about me when you go! I know I'm wrong. Forgive me!"

In this regard, Cui Hao despised him with a smile, but ignored him. Seeing this, Hao Dongqiang sat down on the ground in despair, his face full of despair.

Seeing such a scene, Wang Silang was surprised to open his mouth and looked unbelievable. He never thought what Cui Hao said was true. His benefactor actually knew such a big man as mayor Tian!

"Great, Hao Dongqiang is going to fall. He's on the iron plate now!"

"Look at his advice. What a shame!"

Among the crowd, the villagers talked one after another, and their faces were full of joy.

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