Because he had the experience of fighting snipers, at the moment when he felt locked, Cui Hao's many emotions flashed in his heart, but his body suddenly flashed, Shua, and immediately crawled to the ground. This is the result of his many experiences. Once the sniper is locked, he squats quickly, which can greatly avoid the attack of the other party. Moreover, his body is close to the ground, which can also greatly avoid being shot.

At the moment of crawling on the ground, Cui Hao didn't avoid moving, but used his hands and feet. The whole person was like a huge spider. His body fluctuated slightly. The whole person had shot out like a sharp arrow. The speed was amazing! Cui Hao's body method is the body method of spiders stepping on water. Although it is not the top body method, it is famous for its dexterity. Moreover, it is very suitable for crawling on the ground.

"Brush! Brush! Brush! Brush!..."

The whole person was like a sharp arrow. Cui Hao quickly dodged, but his posture was not a straight line, but curved, making people unable to see the specific track at all. However, although it is curved, his general goal is still accurate. He is the three snipers in the East!

Since he was surrounded by the other party, Cui Hao naturally thought of breaking the siege. Only in this way can he further turn defeat into victory. In fact, Cui Hao is still very confident, because he has opened the perspective eye. Under the speed of the perspective eye, he is confident to avoid the attack of bullets. Of course, it is impossible to avoid a lot of bullets at one time, and three or five bullets are nothing.

"Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng!..."

Almost at the moment when Cui Hao was close to him, the twelve black thorns pulled the trigger together. When they pulled the trigger, they were flustered, because it was 50 meters away and it was a thunderstorm night. How did this man do it? Unexpectedly, he could predict the danger in advance!

The piercing sound of breaking the air sounded at this moment, setting off a terrible wave of air, and one of the bullets burst at Cui Hao's side, with great power. Fortunately, Cui Hao responded one step in advance. Otherwise, it would be really dangerous under the joint action of 12 top snipers.

An unknown anger rose in his heart. At this moment, Cui Hao was like a huge spider walking on the water at will, light as nothing, not flesh and blood. The speed was amazing. Cui Hao flashed and moved towards the East. Fifty meters may be a long distance for ordinary people. However, for people with physical strength like him, he rushed out twenty or thirty meters and was already close to the three black spikes.

"Oh, my God! Allah is on earth. Is this still human?"

Twelve black people failed in one strike. They were shocked to find that Cui Hao hit 20 or 30 meters like a big spider, but they were shocked. They couldn't feel a strong sense of crisis, especially the three snipers in the East. They were creepy, as if they had been stared at by the great beasts of the wilderness.

"Shit! It's a group of blacks. It seems that it's a foreign organization!..."

Although the distance was still about 20 meters, Cui Hao clearly saw the three people in front of him at this moment. Under his perspective eyes, his body saw the frightened color on each other's face. The water vapor was misty, which could not affect him at all.

"Brush! Brush! Brush!..."

With both hands and feet, Cui Hao's speed was really fast, which made people stunned. He suddenly rushed out more than ten meters. A cold light flashed in his eyes, which was awe inspiring!

"Peng! Peng! Peng!..."

These snipers are worthy of the top existence. Another round of continuous shooting, especially the three snipers in the East, is the closest. However, most of these bullets are far away from Cui Hao. Only the bullets of the three people shot beside Cui Hao. With the help of perspective eyes, he is naturally not afraid.

These bullets are very powerful and obviously special. When they hit the ground, they burst out a series of sparks. The bullet head is like a spiral, deep into the cement ground, and all around it cracked. If such power hits Cui Hao, even if he is Jinlong Suo Yuzhu's physique, I'm afraid it's enough for him to drink a pot.

"My God! This Chinese is not a human, he is a devil, the most terrible devil!..."

The twelve snipers were shocked by Cui Hao's level of avoiding bullets, especially the three snipers in the East. At such a short distance, they had no time to shoot again. They had to fight in the flesh. However, in the face of such a terrible existence, wasn't they looking for death?

"Kill! It's time to die for the great Allah!"

"Kill! Allah is invincible. One day, the great Muslims will rule the whole world!"

"Kill this heresy! All those who do not believe in Allah should go to hell!"

When Cui Hao approached, the three blacks roared together. They knew that it was too late to snipe. Qi Qi threw away his heavy sniper. At the same time, he pulled out a dagger from his waist, sharp and cold, flashing cold light.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!..."

They roared together. Three blacks rushed to Cui Hao to have a bloody hand to hand fight with him. Unfortunately, they overestimated themselves. Cui Hao's figure flashed and brushed at this moment. The figure they had just rushed out had stopped. Among them, two people's throats had been crushed, and the remaining one was directly beaten and fainted. Since the other party came to attack him, Cui Hao certainly had to be prepared.

"Oh, my God! Damn it!..."

"Kill this pagan!"

"It is glorious that they have sacrificed their lives for the great Allah. We will defend the majesty of Allah and kill the blasphemer!"

If ordinary people saw Cui Hao so powerful, they were afraid to run away immediately. However, none of the remaining nine blacks ran away and shouted one by one. At the moment, they can't hide their body shape. They pick up sniper guns one by one and start shooting at Cui Hao, because Cui Hao's speed is really too fast. Aiming and shooting actually makes little sense. On the contrary, it's not as good as this kind of shooting. The shooting of several people constitutes a bullet wall, but it is more powerful.

"Peng! Peng! Peng..."

In an instant, a series of bullets hit and screamed, with amazing power. In the face of all this, Cui Hao smiled coldly. This kind of point shot, regardless of the accuracy, may threaten others, but he has perspective eyes close to his body. What are you afraid of?

At the moment, he urged his perspective eyes and dodged easily. At the same time, when dodging, his body suddenly turned around. The whole person was still like a big spider with a discount. It was very fast. He suddenly hit the front, and his body flashed and moved, with amazing dexterity.

"Damn, it's empty again! Kill! Kill the pagans!"

Seeing that this round of shooting failed, the remaining nine blacks were angry, but the next scene made them even more angry, because Cui Hao impacted again in a very short time. The goal was three blacks in the West.


With a living mouth, Cui Hao naturally let go of his hands and feet, bang bang, and killed three blacks with three fists and two feet. What these blacks are good at is sniping. Their real physical strength is up to Mingjin level. In front of Cui Hao, a high-level master of the realm, they have no ability to fight back.

After killing the three snipers, Cui Hao continued to turn around and kill. His posture at the moment was like a tiger entering a sheep.

Bullets roared and fists blew. Soon, three blacks in the South died.


There were only three people on their own side. Even though they were crazy, the three blacks in the north were still frightened. They had no courage to fight with them anymore and fled in a hurry.

Unfortunately, their speed was not as fast as Cui Hao. They were caught up quickly and killed on the spot.

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