The Yang family village, which is like a paradise, is really small. After the affair between Xiao Hui and Yang Xue was bumped into by the village head's grandson Yang Qiang and others, it soon spread. Yang Xue's reputation has always been excellent. However, because of this gossip, she suddenly became a bad girl, restless and shameless.

Yang Xue doesn't care much about these rumors, because her heart is completely concerned about Xiao Hui. The two people love concubines. You don't care about me. So, Xiao Hui made up his mind to propose to Yang Xue's mother immediately and marry Yang Xue! Although she was shy and shocked by Xiaohui's decision, Yang Xue's heart was actually sweet and happy.

So the two men held hands and went straight home, ignoring the eyes of others. When they entered the house, Yang Xue's mother was peeling corn. When she saw them holding hands, she was shocked that the corn cob fell to the ground. Her mouth was wide open and shocked. Her incredible expression filled her face.

She lowered her head shyly. Yang Xue was embarrassed under her mother's shocking eyes. Although I feel a little shy, as a man, I must stand up bravely and take responsibility at this time. Looking at the shy Yang Xue beside him, Xiao Hui said in a deep voice, "aunt, I want to propose marriage to you. I want to marry Xueer. We two like each other and want to be together forever. I hope you can help us!"

"You... You... How can you! Hey... Xueer, you dead girl, tell me what's going on?" she was very angry, and the old woman said so.

Listening to Xiaohui's sincere words, Yang Xue was also very moved, so she nodded firmly and said, "mother, what Xiaohui brother said is also good. We two agree and want to be together forever. This is also my daughter's wish. I hope you can fulfill us!"

The old woman was surprised that her daughter should answer so firmly. In her impression, her daughter has always been very gentle and obedient. This is the first time she has spoken to herself with such firm words

Although she didn't like Xiao Hui very much because he was an outsider after all, the old woman remained silent for a moment before she asked "Now that you have made such a decision, don't you know that Xiao Hui is an outsider. We don't know his identity, or even whether he is a good man. Such a person can't compare with Yang Qiang. Daughter, daughter, I really don't know what you think. Do you want to go outside with this person, regardless of his mother "I know you have been longing for life in the outside world since childhood, but the outside world is really too dangerous!"

With that, the old woman's face showed a look of hatred for iron and steel, and continued, "have you ever thought about whether this little gray is willing to be accepted by our song family village, and what will the villagers think even if you are together?"

Yang Xue was a little stunned at the moment, because although she thought that her mother might disagree, she didn't expect her opposition to be so firm. So he thought and continued "Mother, no matter what you say, I've confirmed brother Xiao Hui. Don't worry, how can we ignore you? Even if I want to go outside with brother Xiao Hui in the future, I must take you away! Moreover, you may not know that brother Xiao Hui has a sworn brother, who is a very powerful miracle doctor. Your sick leg can't be seen by Wang Damao in our village, It doesn't mean that his sworn brother can't see it. After all, the other party is a miracle doctor! "

With that, Yang Xue showed a vision in her eyes and continued to say, "if your legs are cured by brother Xiao Hui's sworn brother, you can not sit in a wheelchair. If you can do that, it would be great!"

After hearing her daughter say this, the old woman still has some desire in her heart. After all, anyone with a broken leg hopes to be cured, and the old woman is no exception. However, she soon suppressed such thoughts and shook her head stubbornly, which is why she used the language of affirmation "No, no, you two are too immature. As soon as your head is hot, you will get married. This is no good. I disagree, absolutely disagree!"

Hearing the speech, Yang Xue was in a hurry. She hurriedly asked, "mother, why do you want to stop me? I want to be with brother Xiaohui in my dreams. Please, don't be difficult for us, okay?"

Frowning, the old woman was unhappy when she heard that Yang Xue begged so much "Daughter, daughter, I'm not trying to embarrass you, but you're embarrassing me! He's just an outsider. No one knows what his heart thinks and why he came to us. What's his plan in the future? How can I betroth you to him? Don't dream!"

Unexpectedly, the old woman refused so firmly. Xiao Hui was worried and hurried forward "Aunt, although my Xiaohui hasn't been in Song family villa for a long time, I think I'm still a very kind person. You can feel it. In fact, my identity is very simple. I'm an orphan. I have no father or mother since childhood. I was raised by the state. Later, I met a sworn brother, so he's the only one for my relatives. Later on , by chance, I came to your paradise like place. I'm glad I came here. Otherwise, I wouldn't have met Xueer! "

"Little grey brother......"


At this moment, the two people's four eyes are opposite, affectionate, and everything is silent. Their posture, anyone who sees it, will feel that it is a very suitable little couple. However, the old woman's head is shaking like a rattle, and she is stubborn "No, I can't! I don't know your confidence. I'm a disabled person again. If you plot to abduct and sell my daughter, where can I find my daughter? I know that many of you outsiders are very bad. I don't know what kind of person you are!"

The old woman has already expressed her heart and worried that Cui Hao is an emotional liar. Of course, as a person who has stayed in a village for many years, it is normal for her to have this idea.

After thinking about it, Xiao Hui tried to ease his tone and said "Aunt, you don't have to worry about me. If you don't trust us, I can stay here for another year or two. Or, after we have children, I'll take you and Xueer out of here, okay? The medical conditions here are really poor. I have to take you to the outside world, so your legs can be cured. I have a sworn brother, who is a very outsider A famous doctor can certainly cure you. This is my promise to you! "

"No, I don't care how nice you say, I'm still not at ease, so I don't agree with you and Xueer, because you're really inappropriate. Maybe you'll understand later." shook her head, and the old woman responded stubbornly.

"Mother, you agree with us, otherwise, I'd rather kneel down!" with tears streaming down her face, Yang Xue begged.

As she spoke, she unexpectedly fell to her knees in front of the old woman, looking pathetic. Seeing Yang Xue so, Xiao Hui was also very distressed. He also fell to his knees in front of the old woman, saying for sure "Aunt, please believe me once. I Xiaohui can swear here that I will bring happiness to Xueer! Also, we will take good care of you. I hope you can help us, can you?"

"Ah... What a sin! What a sin!" sighed. The old woman's expression was very complex.

After a while, she waved her hand a little tired and said, "well, well, in that case, stand up first and I'll think about it. I need time to think about it!"

Hearing the speech, Yang Xue and Xiao Hui felt hope. Naturally, they were very happy. They stood up in a hurry and were very happy.

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