Lying on the wedding bed, Yang Xue had already burst into desperate tears. Xiaohui's angry voice made her feel that her heart was dripping blood! Helpless sobbing, Yang Xue sprouted a death idea in her heart. Then she remembered that there was a brand-new pair of scissors under her pillow. It is a village tradition for newlyweds to put a pair of scissors under their pillows to suppress evil.

Finally, she took a deep look at the little gray that was about to crack. Yang Xue's eyes didn't give up and didn't know where the courage came from. The jade hand suddenly pulled out the big scissors from under the pillow, clicked and inserted them into her chest!


This is a pair of sharp big scissors, which instantly pierced Yang Xue's skin and deeply penetrated into her heart. The severe pain made Yang Xue scream, and a stream of blood shot out. There was a touch of despair and sadness on her face, panting in pain, and finally said to Xiao Hui "Brother Xiao Hui, goodbye, Xueer... Right... You... You must be good, you must be good, promise me..."

The heart was punctured. Yang Xue said so few words intermittently, and she could no longer insist. Peng fell on the bed and lost her vitality. Her eyes were still open, as if she was complaining about her misfortune to the world.

Yang Qiang, who was lying on Yang Xue's body, was frightened by such a sudden scene. His face turned white. The whole man shouted and fell down on the wedding bed, completely flustered.

"It's over, it's over, Yang Xue... She... She killed herself! My grandfather, even the village head, can't protect me. Run! I want to run!......" he was trembling all over, and Yang Qiang had such an idea in his heart.

"Ah! No! Xueer, my Xueer! No!..."

Heartache almost suffocated. Xiaohui looked at this scene, and the whole person was completely crazy. If it weren't for his drunken body, he had no strength and had already rushed over! Unwilling, anger, resentment, madness, killing and hatred, at this moment, Xiaohui's chest was full of endless negative emotions, even the Buddha relic hanging on his chest could not be contained Its birth. Good and evil are born from the heart, and the Buddha's relic can suppress external evil. This kind of original evil born by Xiaohui himself is helpless, and this towering resentment almost makes Xiaohui crazy. At the same time, it also completely stimulates that there is only a slight dark smell in his body. He swam with excitement and quickly merged with the resentment born by Xiaohui himself.

There was only a trace of darkness left. Naturally, it was ghosts and gods. It was about to be wiped out, but now it is resurgent.

All this quickly, in an instant, the ghost and God thought grew more than ten times, and even made a connection with the dragon ball in Xiaohui's body and absorbed its power

At this moment, Xiao Hui's eyes are extremely terrible, blood red, and contain a kind of vicious, cruel, evil, resentment, madness, blood eating, cold and killing atmosphere. His eyes are really terrible. After seeing them, people can't help but feel creepy and chilly!

After opening his terrible eyes, Xiao Hui's face changed. Originally, he was incomparable in England and full of infinite charm. He could be called a girl killer. At the moment, his face showed an iron cyan, ferocious and shaking feeling. At this moment, Xiao Hui completely turned into a demon like existence, and his whole body was all over The black hair was very strong and hard, and the nails were long for a moment, flashing a dark light.

When he was possessed, Xiao Hui was possessed again. In this state, he was full of strength and stared at Yang Qiang with extreme resentment, which made him shudder.

Originally, Yang Qiang had already climbed down from his wedding bed and was about to escape. In vain, he saw such a scene, and he was frightened and screamed. He was extremely frightened. Xiao Hui was really frightened, just like a ghost. At the moment, Yang Qiang was trembling, and he didn't even have the power to take a step.

At the moment of entering the devil, the intelligence in Xiaohui's heart also disappeared. Except that he was full of love for Yang Xue's body lying on the wedding bed, the rest were all boundless resentment and madness!

"Ow ow..."

Suddenly, there was a terrible scream. Xiaohui's body moved instantly and came to Yang Qiang with a crash. His black palms suddenly grabbed Yang Qiang's two arms and then tore them!


"Ah ah ah..."

Cruelty is incomparable. Xiaohui's eyes are full of resentment and madness. He tore Yang Qiangsheng in front of him alive!

Blood and scream make Xiaohui more and more crazy. Xiaohui who has lost himself screams under the control of ghosts and gods. He wants to start a crazy killing

Like a terrible demon, he threw away Yang Qiang's body torn in half. He didn't care that his body was splashed with blood. Little ash rushed out of the broken window. He wanted to release his madness and carry out the most ferocious killing!

Kill! Kill! Kill

Xiao Hui shuttles through the small village, screaming and killing constantly. This night is destined to be a desperate night, especially for this isolated small village. The devil turned into Xiao Hui roars angrily, completely loses his mind and kills madly. Only screams and blood can satisfy his crazy heart

In this crazy killing, the ghost and God idea is also growing rapidly. It has completely replaced Xiaohui's soul and controlled this body.

The constant killing, roaring, and the devil incarnated by Xiao Hui made the whole small village dead and injured, almost all of them. Except for a dozen lucky people who heard the news and fled in advance, the whole village was filled with a strong smell of blood everywhere. Xiao Hui killed all the village head and two monkeys, and it was tortured and killed in a cruel attitude!

Unconsciously, Xiaohui comes to Yang Xue's house again. The devil he incarnates rushes into the wedding room. At the moment, Yang Xue's mother is crying and heartbroken. When she heard the scream in the wedding room, she quickly rushed over, but still a step slower. Xiao Hui was possessed and killed Yang Qiang, breaking the window.

"Ah! You... You..."

Seeing such a demon in vain, Yang Xue's mother trembled with fear. Her face turned white and she was very frightened. Judging from the broken clothes hanging on the black hair, is this demon... Little ash?

After seeing the Buddha's relic hanging around the devil's neck, Yang Xue's mother confirmed the speculation more and more. She vaguely understood what, and said sadly and hopelessly, "you kill me, my daughter is dead, I killed it, and I don't want to live!"

Yang Xue's mother really doesn't want to live after her daughter's tragic death.

"Ow, ow, ow..."

Xiaohui howled wildly. Although she was controlled by ghosts and gods, Xiaohui's soul has not been completely destroyed. Looking at Yang Xue's mother, she couldn't help but think of Yang Xue

Yang Xue's appearance appeared in her mind. Her crazy resentment was suppressed a lot. Xiao Hui trembled all over. In her mind, there were two forces fighting for control!

"Ow, ow..."

After a long time, Xiao Hui howled again. He ignored Yang Xue's mother, suddenly turned into a strong wind, picked up Yang Xue who died miserably in his wedding bed and went away in a twinkling.

Xiao Hui ran out of several mountains and finally stopped in an open area. He was still a devil. When he looked at Yang Xue in his arms, Xiao Hui's soul would emerge and fight with ghosts and gods.

"You are a weak and humble soul. If you integrate with me, you can become an invincible Dragon King!"

"Fart, I'm a noble guardian. I don't want any Dragon King. I'll kill you! Completely destroy your ghost mind!"

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