Now, although Cui Hao can't use perspective eyes for the time being, through temperament and so on, it can also be seen that the girl headed opposite is very extraordinary and noble. Although she is not a stunning beauty, her baby's fat face is also very cute. There is a flexible light in her eyes, which is obviously the existence of a cute and naughty little Lori. In addition to these, there are two points that make Cui Hao wonder. First, why is this girl, as a witch doctor, not wearing the ethnic costumes of Miao village, but a city girl? Second, why does she have a special familiarity that makes her feel warm and comfortable?

When Cui Hao looked at the girl carefully, the other party was staring at him.

At first, the girl was very casual, with a kind of aloofness and carelessness. However, at one moment, she suddenly trembled all over. There was an electric current all over her body. Moreover, it became more and more intense. Her heart couldn't help but rise a strong sense of pleasure, and there was a thrilling feeling that made her palpitate!

This feeling is too abrupt. At the moment, the girl is like a girl shot by Cupid's arrow. Xiafei has only one person left in her cheeks, Cui Hao! At this moment, Cui Hao's every move, every frown and smile, are so charming, so full of infinite charm and masculinity! Drunk, crazy, heart turned

I can't describe this feeling. It's a kind of joy. It seems that the whole world is full of flowers and carefree. The girl can't help but breathe. Her agile big eyes shine. She has a feeling of longing, excitement and excitement.

"This... This... This feeling! This is... My life bug has awakened? It has found my predestined friend? This feeling is really wonderful. Is this the feeling of love? Love at first sight?" the excited chest waves fluctuated, and the girl in the posture of little Laurie stood in place with her eyes shining, but she made such a sound in her heart.

At this moment, I don't know why, Cui Hao also felt that the girl in front of him was getting closer and closer. He wondered why the other party was as cold as ice just now, but now he was standing blankly, and he looked shy?

"Little master, what's the matter with you? Why did you suddenly stop?" she frowned suspiciously, and xiaorou couldn't help asking.

The girl didn't answer xiaorou's words, but the jade hand opened in vain. It was strange. A translucent object suddenly appeared in the palm of her hand. When she looked carefully, it was a insect pupa that seemed to be flashing with five colors. Among them, there seemed to be a curled five color insect, fat and shaking, as if it was going to break out of the cocoon!

In a hidden corner far away from several people, at the moment, there was a man standing with a hunchback and one arm in shabby clothes. His shocked eyes appeared in vain, and he couldn't help muttering to himself "RuRu's original life Qinggu has awakened? Is that young man his destined lover in his life? It's just that the other party seems to have some physical problems. Although it's strong, I feel that his life breath seems to be passing very slowly! How could it be him?"

After talking to himself, the man continued to watch, but a pair of thick eyebrows gradually twisted into a ball

If the girl is near the man at the moment, with her blood induction, he will be surprised to find that this man is the father she has been looking for for for a long time! Of course, the man at this time seems very ordinary and ugly, but it is very different from what others describe.

The expression was very strange, with a smell of obsession. The girl still stood on the spot, and the insect pupa in the palm of her hand finally broke open, and a colorful bug flew out. First, it quickly swallowed the broken silkworm pupa, and then, with a buzz, a pair of thin, transparent wings appeared on her back, clattering, like a streamer Rushed to Cui Hao.

"Hmm? A winged insect?"

Seeing this, Cui Hao was surprised. Although he didn't feel that the insect was malicious to himself, he made a response for the first time. His body shook slightly and his strength spread all over his body.

Most of the avatar masters have reached a high level. They can reach the point where a fly can't fall, and beating people is like hanging a picture. Cui Hao has been subtle, and the unique skill of dipping clothes and falling down can protect himself. With such a shock, the whole body has been impeccable and doesn't leak any flaws.


In a moment, the five colored insect had already impacted. Finally, it was shocked by Cui Hao's strength of body protection, and immediately bounced back and twisted twice in pain.


At the same time, the girl who had been dull also made a cry of pain, and her face was about to twist. It was obvious that she was in great pain.


Slightly flapping her wings, the multicolored bug hit again, and when it was forced back by Cui Hao again, after being hurt, the girl in the posture of little Laurie shouted ah. The whole person fell to the ground and vomited blood in her mouth. Finally, she covered her chest in pain and fainted. While the girl fainted, the multicolored bug also fell with a loud cry On the ground, he seems to have passed out.

"What is this?"

Seeing this, Cui Hao was stunned and puzzled. It was only an instinctive action for him to resist the colorful insects. Why did the girl scream, vomit blood and faint together like the colorful insects?

At this moment, xiaorou, who responded, shouted, cried, picked up the girl in tears and said, "ah! Little master! What's the matter with you? Don't scare xiaorou!"

"Hua la..."

At a distance, the two men in war clothes were also anxious. They hurried and ran here quickly. While running, they also shouted "little master, what's the matter with you?"

At the moment, the girl who has vomited blood and fainted naturally can't answer them. She's at a loss. Cui Hao is blinded. What's the situation?

Xiaorou is now crying and sobbing anxiously, "little master, don't scare me! It's all xiaorou's fault. I shouldn't let you come. If you don't come, your own life bug won't wake up! Before every witch child's life bug wakes up, there will be high priests and other people to help tide over the difficulties. There are no our people in Longjian Miao stronghold. What can you do?"

This xiaorou is obviously very close to the girl. She knows that the multicolored bug just now is the girl's original life.

Every child of the witch clan has their own life insects, and many noble blood vessels will be given to high-level insects. The insect of the girl in front of her is obviously high-level insects instead of the 11 low-level insects.

"ADA, let's go and kill this guy!"

"It's said that the life bug who just woke up is the most vulnerable. He attacked the life bug of the little master twice. Damn it! We killed him and avenged the little master!"

Shouting angrily, two men in war clothes rushed towards Cui Hao. Their eyes showed a strong and incomparable killing intention. Roaring, roaring, Qi Qi hit it with one punch, just like a huge wave rolling, with a ferocious momentum.

"Hmm? This fist technique is very simple and exquisite..."

Nowadays, it's no exaggeration for Cui Hao to be called a master of Chinese martial arts. Hundreds of Chinese martial arts are integrated with one heart. Every move contains the style of a great master. At a glance, we can see the subtlety of the two men's boxing skills.

The strength of the two men is about the level of the middle period of dark strength. With such strength, Cui Hao is naturally relaxed.

At this moment, Cui Hao has understood. It seems that the girl will fall into a state of fainting because she resisted some of the girl's own life poisonous insects, resulting in the injury of the poisonous insects. But even so, under the joint attack of the two men in war clothes, Cui Hao will not sit and wait to die. His body is ingenious and twinkles. At the same time, his body is like a monkey crouching, and his toes spin. Then, he broke out violently, and his fists collapsed like a huge mountain, hitting each other's fists heavily!

"Boom! Boom!..."

With two loud noises, the two men in war clothes shouted together. Their bodies fell heavily to the ground like a broken string kite, spewing a large piece of blood out of their mouth, revealing the color of decadence.

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