In any way, long Aotian is completely in line with the four words of the proud son of heaven. Looking at her brother Aotian, who has loved him for many years, Yang Qingqing is very happy. She doesn't regret running away from home. Even, sometimes she is glad that Cui Hao, who has never met before, appears. If it weren't for him, she doesn't have the courage to abandon her family and pursue her own happiness.

With a happy smile, Yang Qingqing said proudly "Brother Aotian, are you green? I'm one of the top three hackers in the world. Don't mention this small base. If I spend my time, I'm the most advanced defense system in the United States. I'm sure to break it! By the way, when will we start action? I'm so excited. This is the first time I fight with brother Aotian!"

With a spoiled smile, long Aotian was full of pride at the moment and said, "you can start action at any time! However, in order to ensure that everything is safe, the time of this action is set at three o'clock at night. As long as your Crystal Dragonfly super virus works and completely paralyzes the defense system of this base in the United States, we can rush in and kill all directions!"

Hearing the speech, Yang Qingqing nodded heavily and smiled brightly.

At this moment, looking at the beautiful girl's face in front of him, long Aotian was also shaken in his heart. He stretched out his ape arm and took Yang Qingqing into his arms. Although it is not the first time, every time he touches long Aotian so close and breathes his unique masculine breath, Yang Qingqing can't help feeling a little drunk

At three o'clock in the morning, it was dark and the cold wind was howling. It was a typical night. Long Aotian, who was already ready, led 18 members of the dragon group and Yang Qingqing, who was constantly breathing.

They sneaked in the dark. About 20 minutes later, they quietly came to a hidden base. After they easily killed several American soldiers in charge of the sentry, Yang Qingqing began to press it with the computer. Soon, she entered a unique page, and her fingers were fast, constantly typing all kinds of characters on the screen Soon a line of words flashed out, the Crystal Dragonfly started, and the base system has collapsed

Sure enough, with the appearance of this line of words, the front door of the base opened with a click, and there were all kinds of red alarms flashing inside. At this moment, the obvious large-scale and extremely advanced base fell into absolute panic, and countless people began to shout. For a base, the internal defense system was paralyzed, which was definitely a day Big things lose their eyes in an instant.

Seeing this, long Aotian smiled with satisfaction, then waved his arm and shouted "start action!"

Therefore, he led 15 members of the dragon group and Yang Qingqing to rush into the base. With a high-tech machine gun in his hand, he was as fast as lightning.

Soon, as they rushed into the base, there was chaos, all kinds of screams and fierce fighting. Originally, all this was planned by the dragon group, with the cooperation of super virus Crystal Dragonfly, and the ten terminators in the base were nothing at all! Unfortunately, they still miscalculated, because there was a hidden room in the base A terrible figure appeared. He was a white man with long hair. Beside him, there were two werewolves with evil smell, extreme violence and wolf hair! These two werewolves were strong, ferocious and terrible, with biochips in their heads, and their every move had been secretly controlled by the United States.

"No! There are two SS Level werewolf warriors and one destroyer. Run away, cancel the plan, run away!"

When the hidden power of the base broke out, long Aotian, who was originally in the upper hand, roared in surprise and began to order the people to evacuate. Unfortunately, it was too late. The werewolf's speed was amazing. Moreover, the SS level was comparable to the realm level. He was brave and fearless. In an instant, he tore up two members of the dragon group. It was violent and bloody.

The fierce fight began. However, this time, the war situation has changed 180 degrees. The members of the dragon group who were just chasing fiercely fled one by one, with terror on their faces, while long Aotian shouted angrily and reluctantly resisted the attack of a werewolf warrior.

"Puff ~!..."

At one moment, a member of the dragon group was torn to pieces by a werewolf warrior. The bloody picture was very cruel, and the destroyer shouted angrily and smashed a terrible blow to kill long Aotian. He was not a fool. He saw at a glance that long Aotian was the person in charge of this mission, and his power and potential were the most amazing and terrible.

At this moment, long Ao was naive and frightened. Although he had the strength of the peak of Huajing, the destroyers were biochemical soldiers, steel bodies and terrible monsters comparable to Baodan level. How could he resist them?

Run! Run! Run!

At this moment, long Aotian was trembling in his heart, and his fear grew like a dark cloud. He had never experienced the feeling of death approaching. He shouted and fled in a hurry.

"Brother Aotian... Help me!"

While fleeing, long Aotian heard such a call. His body trembled and wanted to turn back and rescue Yang Qingqing. However, there was another scream behind him. It was a member of the dragon group who had his head blown out. He was very afraid and hesitated. He tried his best to block the terrible blow of the destroyer. With the help of a force of anti earthquake, he fled in a hurry, but he didn't care It's Yang Qingqing. In front of the bloody killing, long Aotian, the proud son of heaven, finally chose to save his life first.

Long Aotian ran away like crazy, regardless of his own life and death. At this moment, Yang Qingqing's heart almost collapsed. He looked at this scene incredibly. At the moment, facing the strong enemies of the four sides, Yang Qingqing had to resist with all his strength.

"Don't hurt him. He may be a light spirit rose. If you catch him, Lord Tang will be rewarded!" the destroyer roared and prohibited the two terminators who besieged Yang Qingqing from killing.

"Go to hell!"

At the moment, Yang Qingqing was disheartened. Without hesitation, a strange ball suddenly appeared. She suddenly pinched it, and the sound of Peng made a gray smoke rise. This is a strange and incomparable poison, which can make the inhaler weak and weak in a short time. Yang Qingqing hurriedly took the antidote and began to flee.

Even the destroyer didn't expect such an abrupt scene. He roared angrily, leaving half of the people to continue to surround and kill the people of the dragon group, and he led the crowd to hunt down. Perhaps it was because of this poisonous smoke that Yang Qingqing escaped alone. After he ran out of the base, he was very flustered and sad in his heart. Now, she can't accept the fact. In the face of danger, her brother Aotian abandoned himself and ran for his life alone

"Chase! She's over there and can't escape!"

Behind Yang Qingqing, three terminators at the dark strength level are desperately chasing after him, and a little far away, the powerful destroyer is also coming. He seems to be good at strength, and his speed is a little worse than the three terminators who are good at speed.

"It's over. I'm going to be caught by them. Do you want to commit suicide?" Yang Qingqing thought with despair on his face.

"Don't be afraid, younger martial sister. The eldest martial brother is here!..."

Just when Yang Qingqing was in despair, a clear and incomparable long roar came out, and a figure came rapidly in the distance. His breath was sharp and cold. He was a very handsome man. His deep eyes under his eyebrows revealed a beggar who looked at the world. His handsome face had sharp edges and corners, giving people a feeling of standing like a huge mountain, Behind him is an antique and fragrant sword.

This man is none other than Dong Peng, Yang Dian's Apprentice. When Yang Qingqing ran away from home, Yang Ying was worried, so he ordered his disciples to protect secretly. At this moment, at the critical moment, Dong Peng appeared and saved Yang Qingqing.

"Senior brother!..."

Seeing someone, Yang Qingqing burst into tears. Unexpectedly, at her most dangerous moment, her beloved abandoned herself and ran away. On the contrary, her eldest martial brother appeared and saved herself. Her heart was very complex.

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