Long Aotian didn't know. Just when he discussed with his father how to wipe himself completely, in the deep forest not far from the base, Yang Qingqing was running away with Dong Peng, who was seriously injured and vomiting blood. Her heart was sad and desperate. Fortunately, her body method was very dexterous. She moved quickly and escaped all the way without being caught.

Being able to vaguely feel that the crisis is around, Yang Qingqing naturally doesn't dare to slack off. She tries her best to escape, but her heart is very sad. It's cool.

While fleeing, Yang Qingqing recalled the previous scenes and asked long Aotian for help. However, the other party ran away. It was like a little boy frightened by a bad dog. He was so panicked and weak. In the past, Yang Qingqing always thought long Aotian was a man. She had a strong masculine breath and her face was angular. However, at the moment, she found that she was wrong. Long Aotian was just a boy who had not grown up. Moreover, his essence is not as good, cowardly and selfish as he imagined!

Yang Qingqing is not the kind of girl who is completely blinded by love. He is very intelligent. He has seen through long Aotian through this matter. He is sad and has made up his mind secretly. If he can get out of trouble this time, he must get rid of his relationship with long Aotian! Of course, if long Aotian can now give up all dangers and come to the dense forest to find himself, then he can give him a chance. After all, he is too young and can give him a chance to forgive

This is the real idea in Yang Qingqing's heart.

After running away for most of the day, the feeling of being chased gradually disappeared behind him. During this period, Dong Peng suddenly vomited blood twice in his coma. Yang Qingqing looked carefully and was pleasantly surprised to find an extremely hidden cave. Therefore, he carried Dong Peng into it. The cave was very dry. Yang Qingqing simply paved some withered grass and hurried out to find water.

Half an hour later, when Yang Qingqing returned with some streams, Dong Peng sat up with his back against the cave. His face was very pale and clenched his teeth, but he didn't hum. He was slapped by the destroyer. He was badly injured. It took years of hard work to resist him. At the moment, the injury was deteriorating, and Dong Peng felt very painful.

Seeing Dong Peng wake up, Yang Qingqing hurriedly walked over, took a small jade bottle out of his arms with concern, and said, "elder martial brother, are you awake? How do you feel? Drink this elixir on me quickly. This is a strange healing medicine given to me by my grandfather. It is refined by the elders of yaoshengu. It is very effective."

Forced out a smile, Dong Peng said weakly "Younger martial sister, I'm not in the way, but I'm seriously injured. It may take more than ten days of cultivation to recover. Don't worry about me. This time your mission fails, a large number of experts will be sent to encircle and suppress in the base. Although the dense forest we are in is very large, it's easy to leak. You leave first. I'm seriously injured now and can't help it Drag you back... "

Hearing this, Yang Qingqing's nose was sour and she couldn't help crying. She said sadly, "no, even if I die, I won't leave the eldest martial brother! If you didn't fight to save me, Qingqing might be dead now! Maybe brother Aotian will come to save us? At least, he will inform grandpa?"

With a weak smile, Dong Peng was sure to be incomparable "That long Aotian is not a real man. He is a cowardly waste in his bones. Even his beloved can be abandoned in a critical moment. Qingqing, the eldest martial brother doesn't want you to mention him again! I know the nature of this kind of person too well. I won't come to save us 100%. Maybe he has fled back to China in a hurry. Maybe he's hiding it, Even Shifu won't tell! Qingqing, remember my words, long Aotian, you can't make too much friends! "

Hearing this, Yang Qingqing wanted to explain, but she didn't know what to say for a moment, so she said something sad "Eldest martial brother, if it's true as you said, I won't pay attention to him in my life! If he comes here to save us, this matter will be exposed. Promise me not to tell Grandpa. Although I'm very sad, I still have him in my heart..."

With that, Yang Qingqing couldn't help crying.

Originally, hearing Yang Qingqing's words like this, Dong Peng was very angry and was ready to teach a few more lessons, but it was distressed to see her pear blossom with rain, so he had to sigh "Hey... Qingqing, you are not a good person. Why should you persist and refuse to let go? Just, just, it's up to you. Anyway, this selfish ghost won't come! I don't understand that you ran away from marriage at the beginning. Although the younger martial brother has some unclear rumors with some women, he is a real man and dares to love for himself And it's a rare talent in both literature and martial arts. I really don't understand why you resist. "

If it was in the past, Yang Qingqing would refute a few words, but now she didn't know what to say, so she had to pretend to be angry "If I don't like it, I don't like it. I haven't even seen Cui Hao. Why should I make an engagement with him? Moreover, he is my grandfather's closed disciple. I'm still his senior sister. How can I marry his junior brother? Moreover, I don't like the playful man at all."

Hearing the speech, Dong Peng lost his smile. He is a little younger martial sister. He can't say anything about her.

Because of Dong Peng's silence, the atmosphere in the cave suddenly became a little dull. Yang Qingqing was worried that Dong Peng was unhappy, so she thought and wanted to laugh "Elder martial brother, you must have been sent out by my grandfather after I ran away from home. Have you been silently protecting me? Hee hee..... Thank you so much! By the way, you were really good. One person hurt three terminators of the United States with a sword. Although those guys are only dark strength, they are also very powerful. They are not enough in front of you, elder martial brother Where is it? "

Hearing the speech, Dong Peng laughed at himself "Am I powerful? If I were really powerful, I wouldn't be sitting here in such a sad hurry. However, I have to say that the destroyers of the CIA in the United States are really powerful. It's rumored that they are all biochemical people and are no longer real humans. Fortunately, it's very difficult for such destroyers to be born. Otherwise, if science and technology can achieve mass production, wouldn't the United States want nothing in the world The enemy? "

Nodding, Yang Qingqing is also a way with lingering fear "Yes, the destroyer's explosive power is very powerful. Although there are some differences from the real King Kong strongman like my grandfather, their strength is almost the same. Moreover, their skeletons are said to be made of refined steel. I'm afraid they are a little more powerful than the flesh of the real King Kong strongman? Of course, their biochemical people are worse in move attack A lot. "

Dong Peng agreed with Yang Qingqing's statement and said, "yes, if I were a real King Kong Master, even if I had a sword in my hand and resisted for a moment at most, I would be killed on the spot! The most powerful person in the King Kong realm is the breaking of the soul with fist intention, which is very evil."

With these words, Dong Peng's face showed a kind of expectation and emotion. He has been pursuing martial arts all his life. Now, he is already a great master at the peak of the realm. However, there is still a big gap from holding Dan, not to mention the realm of King Kong. His fist will break his soul. For him, it is only a powerful ability he is eager to obtain.

"Hee hee..... Elder martial brother, let's not talk about these heavy things. Let's talk about some happy topics. I was bored some time ago. I wandered on the Internet and saw a lot of news about my younger martial brother. Our younger martial brother is really promising and loving. Although he founded philanthropy soon, it is better than some old brands in China For example, the Red Cross and other organizations need more and have helped many poor people, "said Yang Qingqing with a smile.

"Really? Hahaha... I said younger martial brother is not bad." hahaha, Dong Peng responded happily.

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