When the four destroyers gathered together and were discussing defense, they didn't expect that Cui Hao had broken into the base alone. Moreover, the art expert was brave, hypnotized a terminator and went to the laboratory. Of course, according to the rules of the four divine beasts, Cui Hao also carried ten characteristic grenades with him, which are powerful in case of need.

If the base's defense system did not completely paralyze, Cui Hao's move had already been noticed. He was lucky to avoid these unnecessary troubles and finally came to the entrance of the laboratory. Although Cui Hao's strength is now strong and his self-confidence has burst, he also knows that he is alone and in-depth, extremely dangerous, and does not dare to slack off at all. Quietly urging the perspective eye, Cui Hao saw the interior of a hidden huge laboratory through layers of walls and protection.

At the moment, countless people in the laboratory are cheering. They are all scientists in white coats, surrounded by four white people dressed as terminators. In the central area, all kinds of precision instruments are flashing. A few big words are flashing on a huge supercomputer. The experiment is successful and the extraction is completed.

On the table of the laboratory, a short white man laughed with a broken beard and looked slovenly, but his eyes flashed a crazy color of joy. He held a transparent crystal bottle and laughed "Hahaha... After seven years, how many days and nights, I Salam spent so much effort and wasted so many brain cells, and finally succeeded! Everybody, this is our common achievement! This is a peak achievement in our scientific community! Infinite divine gene has finally been refined by us, great! Great! Caesar, bring me the phone and I'll give it to you in person Lord Tang on the phone... "

This little white man is the head of the base laboratory, the first scientist of the infinite God gene program, and Salam, a strange scientist in the field of Biological Science in the United States.

"Is there infinite divine gene liquid in that bottle? It's extraordinary!..."

Outside the laboratory, Cui Hao clearly saw this scene through his perspective eyes, especially the infinite God gene liquid, which surprised him and gave birth to a sense of crisis in an instant. He saw that in the crystal bottle, there was a small half bottle of brilliant liquid, and there was a gorgeous flame around it all the time, which was unpredictable and scattered everywhere, It gives people a mysterious and powerful feeling. The most important thing is that it exudes an unspeakable tenacity. It seems that it can evolve infinitely, which is very creepy!

With a slight frown on his brow, Cui Hao had an idea. In any case, the American people must not get this infinite God gene! The significance of the base is to pay a great resource and price for this half bottle of infinite God gene liquid. It can be seen that Tang Xiao attaches importance to it. The more so, Cui Hao feels that it must be stopped Stop!

Without delay, Cui Hao knew that the situation was urgent, and immediately issued an order to the terminator next to him, "open the door to the laboratory immediately, and then open the killing to create chaos as much as possible, okay?"

"Yes... Master!" the white man bowed his head and responded stiffly.

Under hypnosis, the white man completely executed Cui Hao's order, and then strode forward. When he came to an area, he clicked, clicked, opened a strange refined steel wheel, turned it around a few times, and then took out his palm and scanned it on a glittering white biological sensing board.


With this series of actions, finally, a closed steel portal in front of him opened, revealing a long passage. At the end, two white men dressed as terminators stood with submachine guns and stared at the entrance. Now it is an extraordinary period, so every time the laboratory portal is opened, they make a serious investigation. Of course, The laboratory is located in the hinterland of the base. Generally speaking, even if the base is attacked, it cannot spread to this place immediately. The laboratory can also be reported in time.

"Hmm? What's going on?"

When the door opened, the two terminators looked at the scene in front of them in surprise. Cui Hao, a stranger, attracted their attention at the first time. If a stranger appeared without being reported, he must be killed. This is a dead order! Subconsciously, the two terminators grabbed the submachine gun in their hands at the same time, pulled the trigger and prepared to shoot!

Unfortunately, their actions are still a little slow. They already know the strength layout of the whole laboratory. Cui Hao naturally won't give the two terminators such a chance. At the moment when the door was opened, he didn't hesitate to activate the hypnosis function of perspective eyes! Since Cui Hao's soul became the Yang God, it's more and more easy to activate Wanjie Tianzhu, and some are attached Special assistance, etc.

"Clatter, clatter..."

In an instant, the invisible hypnotic ripples suddenly filled the air. The bodies of the two terminators trembled, and a struggling look appeared on their faces. Then, their eyes soon stagnated and were hypnotized.

"Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua!..."

All this was already expected by Cui Hao. With a smile, he stepped out step by step and gave birth to Lotus step by step. He was very clever and fast, like a hazy phantom, and had rushed into the laboratory. At this time, the three controlled terminators roared together, were controlled and rushed to the laboratory to kill!

Although he also felt that scientists were innocent, Cui Hao knew the truth of natural selection better. Since he stood in different positions, he naturally wanted to work for himself. Therefore, he did not hesitate to issue an order to kill the members of the laboratory to the three terminators.

Of course, these are just incidental. Cui Hao himself, like a hazy phantom, rushed into the laboratory and went straight to Salam standing on the table laughing.

The goal is the infinite divine gene liquid in his hands!

"Ah! Who? Come on, stop him!..."

Such a sudden scene naturally aroused the other party's vigilance and yelled. At the same time, the four terminators responsible for safety in the laboratory also responded, roared, roared together and rushed towards Cui Hao.

Cui Hao chose a really good time. It happened that the defense of the laboratory was the weakest and the four terminators met together.

It's too abrupt, because Cui Hao's speed is so fast that everyone is basically a flower in front of him. Those who respond quickly can only roar. The four terminators rush out at the same time, but it's still a distance from Cui Hao.

In this regard, Cui Hao just smiled coldly. He showed a step-by-step lotus at his feet. His palm suddenly explored and found the moon at the bottom of the sea. He was very clever and clattered. He immediately incorporated the infinite divine gene liquid in Salam's palm into his palm!

After completing this move, Cui Hao smiled and was very satisfied.

"Ah! No!...... My infinite divine genetic fluid!" howled angrily, and Salam's whole popularity was going crazy.

So far, he has not seen clearly who robbed his achievements. He just felt that the shadow flashed by and took away more of his seven-year research achievements. At this moment, Salam had an impulse to go crazy and howled angrily. Unfortunately, it didn't help, because Cui Hao cleverly dodged and rushed to the door of the laboratory again.

Now that things have been obtained, it's time to retire. Cui Hao put the crystal bottle in his arms and was very satisfied.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!..."

At this time, the three terminators temporarily controlled by Cui Hao roared together and launched an attack at the same time. Suddenly, there was chaos in the laboratory, screaming and begging for mercy.

Originally, the four destroyers rushed towards Cui Hao and wanted to stop him. Because of such a fuss, one terminator was stopped, and only three were left to rush to Cui Hao.

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