In the face of such a blow, Cui Hao was very calm and carried his hands. At the moment when the attack was about to come, he suddenly stepped on his feet and clattered. His body was like a lotus swaying, dreamy, blurred and cleverly flashing. He even avoided this powerful blow. It can be seen that the top body method is mysterious step by step! At the moment of avoiding, Cui Hao smiled and grabbed it with an overbearing and mysterious gesture, which was like the divine dragon's hand. It was the Shaolin dragon's hand.

At least dozens of jabs broke out with all his strength, which was a huge consumption for the black destroyer. Originally, he wanted to make Cui Hao hurt by this move. Unexpectedly, the other party was ghostly, and even avoided it and failed his attack. At this moment, the black destroyer felt a deep sense of fatigue and loss. Such a fierce move... Missed!

Of course, he also knew that this was not a time for disappointment. Cui Hao's Dragon grab came overbearing, which shocked him and made him feel vaguely locked.

At this moment, the eyes of the black destroyer flickered fiercely. In an instant, he made up his mind, and the whole man flew forward. In an instant, the caudal vertebrae exploded and moved like thunder. At this moment, the joints of bones shook violently and made a whoosh sound, like a rattlesnake in the desert. The route was mysterious, and the breath had an unspeakable poisonous smell, Dragon's grip against Cui Hao!


At the next moment, Cui Hao's Dragon grip was exquisite and caught each other's palm. However, at this moment, the black destroyer smiled strangely. His palm was suddenly soft and boneless, like a swimming Python rolling. All of a sudden, his palm got rid of Cui Hao's capture.

The strange move of the black destroyer made Cui Hao unprepared and immediately got rid of success. At the same time, his body suddenly approached, but his body up to two meters was strangely twisted, and his legs were like two big snakes, which suddenly hinged out, vicious and ferocious.

Python entangled!

The black destroyer's move was very bloody, just like the scene of Python strangling and killing in the primeval forest. Unfortunately, his move did not succeed. Cui Hao's body was shocked, and his strange strength of touching clothes and falling all over his body. All of a sudden, it acted on the black destroyer, and his whole person fell to the ground involuntarily, There was an incredible look in his eyes. He really didn't understand that Cui Hao had nothing around him. Why did he give birth to such a strange strength as soon as he touched it?

"Go to hell!"

Fighting is not a drill. At the moment, the two terrible smells are approaching and will arrive in more than ten seconds at most. Cui Hao doesn't intend to practice with this person anymore. At present, he gives a violent drink and hits it with a fist, just like rolling a mountain!


Cui Hao agreed that the blow was an all-out blow and directly hit the head of the black destroyer who had just fallen. Suddenly, with a bang, his head made a dull sound like the explosion of a watermelon. Ah's scream, his facial features immediately penetrated a stream of red blood. His body trembled violently twice, burst, fell to the ground and died on the spot!


One punch killed the black destroyer. Cui Hao exhaled and closed his fist. His face was as calm as water. However, his heart was more and more belligerent. He glanced at the six grenades around his waist and said with a smile, "there are two destroyers left, so I'll give them the rest of the good gifts. Then, fight with them well!"

In a moment, accompanied by two powerful sounds of breaking the air, two figures came in front of us. A white man and a yellow man were all wearing the destroyer's combat clothes, with an extremely angry light in their eyes.

The white man has a handsome face and charming blue eyes. He has a kind of evil smile on his face. Just as he goes to the door of a nightclub to hook up, he can hook up some little sisters to the hotel. As for the Yellow skinned man, he is a short Japanese, with a unique Japanese moustache and shining eyes, giving people a very cunning feeling.

These two people are the remaining two of the four destroyers.

"Damn, you killed our two destroyers!" the white man shouted angrily, but his eyes were flashing, and his body flew away at this moment!

Not only him, but also the Japanese is retreating rapidly. At the same time, a series of bird language is sent out in his mouth. Cui Hao doesn't understand Japanese, but he can probably hear that it's not good. Why? At the moment when these two people appeared, Cui Hao's palm shook and clattered. As soon as six grenades took off, they attacked and killed them!

After such a blow, Cui Hao shrunk. At the same time, the strength of touching clothes and falling all over his body. He had just finished this action in a flash, and the terrible explosion had been sent out.

"Boom... Boom... Boom..."

It was terrible. In an instant, there were six loud sounds that destroyed the sky and the earth. The whole alloy channel was torn and collapsed. Under such a terrible explosion, the two destroyers who had just been natural and unrestrained were all screaming and embarrassed. They didn't expect that Cui Hao had no integrity of a master of Chinese martial arts. As soon as he met, he threw six special grenades. Although he was strong and unmatched, he was also blown to pieces and blood flowed. His strength suddenly fell obviously, but he was defeated.

A moment later, the terrible aftermath of the explosion was still raging, but Cui Hao laughed, gave birth to Lotus step by step, rushed towards them and punched the nearest white destroyer! In an instant, he felt a vast fist for convenience, which was intended to flourish. He squeezed it all over the place, making him feel like suffocating in an instant, and Cui Hao's fist had arrived!

"How fierce! This man... Is terrible!"

The white destroyer had such a thought in his heart, but in a hurry, a carp stood up, arched his body forward suddenly, held his hands falsely, one hand in front, five fingers like a hook, and looked like a rake, while the other hand was pressed on his waist and put forward! His gesture was like an old farmer doing farm work with a rake. However, the power of the front arch of his body was in a ferocious mess, full of a violent wild atmosphere, and his combat clothes were stretched tightly and bulging, with a ferocious momentum.

In fact, there is a saying about this move, which is called Bajie throwing rake. It is a fierce move among Hong Quan. The front hand is a pure rake fist, and the movement of claws is like the wind. Once it is hit, it is a fierce hook, which can open a monument and break a stone. Then the hand holds the rod, which contains the secret of avalanche boxing. Once it breaks out, it will rise like the wind, arch like thunder, and build like a rake, making a ferocious mess.

Not only that, the white destroyer bent and cut like a sickle at this step, directly impacting out. In an instant, the void made a sharp sound like a sickle, which made people's scalp numb.

Obviously, the white destroyer is a master of Hongquan.

"What a move! Bajie loses the rake! However, in front of Cui Hao, it's not enough!"

At the moment, Cui Hao had a sneer on his face. He naturally understood this move. Moreover, he knew the way to solve it. He suddenly slipped like a clever big civet cat. At his feet, he stepped on the seven stars against each other and avoided it skillfully. Then, his fist shook like Mount Tai, covering down and making a cruel mess!

Compared with these destroyers, Cui Hao's biggest advantage is that he has a good knowledge of all families. He is not a little stronger than the four people in the mystery of Kung Fu. After all, they are calm foreign things, turn themselves into biochemical talents, and have the strength almost comparable to that of the strong in the realm of King Kong. Most of their real Kung Fu is mysterious and stays at the peak level of the realm of King Kong.

"No! I avoided it!" I was surprised. The white destroyer's face changed and a strong sense of crisis filled my heart.

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