At the beginning, the Taliban organization was hidden in the mountains of Baichuan city and was extremely hidden. Cui Hao quickly found the place by relying on the art of looking at Qi, and then the four divine beasts attacked, so he got a great credit. Now, in the face of the vast dense forest, Cui Hao's technique of looking at Qi came in handy again. Naturally, he had no opinion and nodded and agreed.

"Brothers, go with me!" Cui Hao ordered with a wave of his arm.

At present, he boarded the helicopter with the affiliated members of the four divine beasts at the level of six military kings. With the rapid rotation of the propeller, the helicopter rose rapidly and began to fly towards the dense forest.

At the same time, in the depths of the dense forest, Yang Qingqing was running away with Dong Peng on his back. The cave they had hidden before was discovered by the enemy. Fortunately, Yang Qingqing carefully planned around in advance. A series of traps temporarily blocked the opponent for a moment, and they took the opportunity to escape and started their escape again.

His face was pale and frightening, and Dong Peng said painfully "Qingqing, put me down quickly and I'll give you a moment to resist. In this way, your hope of escape will be greater. Otherwise, we'll both die here! Don't be stubborn. The enemy's strength is too strong. We can't resist two werewolf soldiers at the level of avatar and ten terminators at the level of dark strength! Damn, I'm seriously injured now, such as If you don't get hurt, you may be able to compete with each other. "

At the moment, Yang Qingqing stubbornly ran away with Dong Peng on his back, but ignored his request. Until he asked again and again, he stubbornly shook his head and said, "no! Senior brother, I won't give up you! Even if I die, I will die with senior brother, and I will never be afraid of death! Maybe someone will come to rescue us?"

With that, Yang Qingqing's eyes flashed a ray of hope. Although she was very desperate and sad to be ruthlessly abandoned by long Aotian, she still longed for him to appear again and save the United States.

Dong Peng naturally knows what the younger martial sister thinks. He smiles bitterly, but he doesn't open his mouth to ridicule, and he despises it. Long Aotian's existence, even if he is the favorite of heaven, is inferior to dog shit in his Dong Peng's eyes. Such a person doesn't even deserve to be mentioned by himself!

She gasped violently. Yang Qingqing tried her best to escape. At the same time, she comforted Dong Pengdao "Elder martial brother, did you find that these werewolf warriors and destroyers didn't kill us. Before, we were less than 100 meters away and could definitely shoot, but the ten terminators with submachine guns didn't do so, which shows that they want to catch me alive! I'm one of the three top hackers in the world. If they catch me It's a great credit for living me. Naturally, I'm reluctant to kill me. Therefore, if I have to, I can force them with death. In this way, I can certainly scare off these people, don't you think? "

Dong Peng was amused by the innocent proposal of the younger martial sister, but he didn't say it. Naturally, it's impossible for the enemy to retreat because Yang Qingqing forced him to die. However, it should be true that they want to catch him alive. This also made Dong Peng feel a little better. He may not be able to complete the master's entrustment, but fortunately, the younger martial sister may not die, which is also true OK.


Just as Yang Qingqing and Dong Peng fled quickly, there were two shrill wolf howls far behind them, full of vicious taste and chilling. Hearing such howls, both Yang Qingqing and Dong Peng trembled. The wolf howls are not ordinary wild wolves howling. They are werewolf soldiers. They are very close!

Werewolves, born with a powerful sense of smell, are masters of tracking. Moreover, they are cruel and vicious. They are one of the maces of the CIA.

The Western werewolf has always been a legend, but it actually exists. Even some high-level officials have been circulating the news that the wolf king is a wife of Tang Xiao! The more powerful the werewolf is, the more human he is. It is said that the wolf king has no wolf appearance. His skin is snow-white and his face is incomparably beautiful. He is a rare beauty because Her relationship with Tang Xiao, so the werewolf has become a great help to the CIA.

"Wheeze, wheeze, wheeze..."

At this moment, in the area far away from Yang Qingqing and Yang Qingqing, the werewolf soldiers with ferocious faces at both ends are galloping, with amazing speed and fierce breathing. The big smelly smell is emitted from their mouth. Their eyes are extremely sharp and give people a feeling of cruelty. Their noses are constantly sniffing and searching for the residual smell in the air. Behind them, there are ten Famous terminators with extraordinary momentum followed one by one and pursued them.

"A bunch of rubbish! Keep up, keep up with us! Hurry up!..." an angry roar, a werewolf was very dissatisfied.

As elite troops, they are called waste. The faces of the ten terminators are very ugly. They are all elite trained by adults Tang! However, they know that their strength is not as good as werewolf soldiers. Although the ten terminators are angry in their eyes, they can only endure and dare not attack. In the CIA, werewolves have a special and high status as long as they don't make particularly serious mistakes Wrong, no one dares to provoke and point it out.

"Ow, ow, ow..."

Two werewolf soldiers howled and ran forward. They were filled with cold murderous gas, and their teeth glittered with cold light. It seemed that they were ready to fight at all times.


At this time, the ground in front of them suddenly shook and quickly puffed up a big bag. Then, a figure suddenly appeared in it. It was a short Japanese with a Japanese unique moustache and shining eyes, giving people a feeling of cunning. The Japanese was no one else, but the Japanese destroyer who escaped from the base. Originally, he was frightened by Cui Hao. The other party killed two destroyers in a row, and his arrogance was too arrogant, so he chose to escape. However, I feel bad after running away. If I go back like this, how can the great lord Tang bear his anger? Therefore, after thinking about it, the Japanese destroyer decided to go to the dense forest. If the hacker could be caught back, it should offset Lord Tang's anger.

In front of the land suddenly appeared such a Japanese. The two werewolf soldiers were startled. Then, after seeing who was casting Tu Dun, they all changed their faces and said hurriedly and respectfully, "Lord Yihe hero, why are you here?"

In the face of such inquiry, Yihe hero naturally couldn't say that he was frightened, so when he escaped, he said solemnly "You losers, after so long, a little hacker can't be caught. Naturally, I was sent to command you and catch the hacker! Don't talk nonsense. You two guys have a nose than a dog Turin and lead the way ahead. You must catch the hacker as soon as possible, okay?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!..."

Hearing the words of hero Yihe, two werewolf soldiers and ten terminators responded together. However, it is obvious that there is a cold light in the eyes of the two werewolf soldiers. They are actually very dissatisfied with the words of hero Yihe.

With the addition of Yihe hero, the destroyer, these people were more confident. Therefore, they made every effort to impact towards the front, and gradually narrowed the distance between them and Yang Qingqing.

At the same time, in the sky, a helicopter was flying. There was a huge sound of breaking the air. While standing on it, Cui Hao was carrying his hands. He had the style of a divine stick and was looking down. At this moment, with the help of thousands of heavenly beads in his body, he showed the art of looking at Qi. At this moment, his eyes became deep and mysterious, attached with mysterious power, looking down Look ahead.

Suddenly, there were some great changes in the scene in front of Cui Hao. Many of the towering trees and even in the dense forest gave off some breath, some strong and some weak. These are the manifestation of their luck and life style.

Looking around, Cui Hao said, "there's nothing here. Keep going!"

"Woo woo..."

At present, a military King drove a helicopter and rushed forward. As for Cui Hao, he still urged the art of looking at Qi, looked down and looked for

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