"Ha ha... Do you want to die? That's really great. I have a hobby, that is, I like female corpses. I don't like how to deal with women. However, if it's a female corpse, I will treasure it, put it in the refrigerator and spoil it five times across the mountain! You are so beautiful. You are definitely the best in my collection! Die, die now, I can't wait to see you die! Yihe hero's eyes twinkled with an extremely vicious and Yin measuring light, which was absolutely chilling with his words!

Perhaps, Yihe hero is deliberately deceiving Yang Qingqing and trying to give up her idea of suicide. Perhaps, as he said, this is his biggest hobby! At this moment, Yang Qingqing was creepy. He thought of some kind of picture, and goose bumps sprang up all over him. It was disgusting. Because of the past aggression, the Chinese people have an instinctive resistance to the Japanese, and the barbarians of this small island country are not only wild like beasts in their bones, but also famous for metamorphosis. At the moment, Yang Qingqing really appreciates its style.

Listening to such crazy words, Dong Peng was creepy. His face suddenly changed. He shouted angrily, "bastard! If you dare to do this, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost! A Japanese dog is a Japanese dog, and dog shit is 10000 times more noble than you!"

For Dong Peng's reprimand, if it was an ordinary person, he would be furious. However, the Yihe hero was not angry, but smiled like a spring breeze. It seemed that he enjoyed the sound of reprimand very much. His behavior undoubtedly expresses his heart. It's really abnormal!

Staring at Yang Qingqing coldly, at this time, Yihe hero stepped out again and asked, "chick, are you sure you want to commit suicide? Hurry, hurry! I can't wait!"

For the first time, Yang Qingqing's hand trembled, and her original firm heart suddenly became hesitant. Yang Qingqing is not particularly afraid of death. However, she thinks that if she dies, she will be locked in the refrigerator by Yihe hero and taken out every three or five times... She has a feeling of incomparable inner collapse. Such a thing is definitely beyond the limit of her inner tolerance.

Seeing Yang Qingqing's trembling hands and desperate and hesitant eyes, Yihe hero smiled strangely. This is the picture he wants to see. If he made a move now, he felt that he had at least seven levels of assurance to control Yang Qingqing who was going to commit suicide. However, he still didn't make a move, but smiled coldly and was ready to attack with words again, which would completely collapse Yang Qingqing. At that time, his grasp was 100%!

The vicious heart of little Japan can be seen!

At the moment, Dong Peng's lungs were about to explode. He gasped violently. He stared round and vicious. If his eyes could kill, Yihe hero had died at least dozens of times.

Maybe there is a kind of abnormal psychology in his heart. Therefore, Yihe hero enjoys the despair and anger of the enemy before he dies. He smiles and opens his mouth again "Don't stare at me. Don't worry. I don't like men. If I kill you, I will only give your body to my dear baby, a red phosphorus python. It likes men like you best, ha ha ha..."

At this moment, two werewolf warriors and ten terminators have all arrived. Listening to the Yin measured laughter of Yihe hero, each one is also creepy in his heart, and his fear has increased a bit.

At the same time, they didn't know that there were six figures quietly around. It was the six warlords led by Cui Hao that existed. They surrounded the place far away and quietly locked the scene with sniper guns. However, after Cui Hao's reminder in the headset, all of them avoided the Yihe hero in the center of the field. The other party was the destroyer, although they relied on Transformation for a living Huaren gains great power, but he is also a great master at Huajing level. Once locked by a sniper gun, he will have a whim and produce a sense of danger.

Alone, Cui Hao quietly touched here and looked at the arrogant Yihe hero. The corners of his mouth rose slightly. It's really a narrow road for enemies. This little Japan escaped. Now, he unexpectedly met him here again. Good! Good!

When he saw the hero of Yihe, Cui Hao had a murderous intention in his heart. When he saw the two people opposite him, Cui Hao was stunned. Immediately, his eyes turned red and a surge of anger filled his chest!

Damn little Japanese!

Although he doesn't know Yang Qingqing, Cui Hao knows Dong Peng. That's his eldest martial brother. Although the two martial brothers haven't been together for a long time, Cui Hao can also feel the kindness and care of each other. His eldest martial brother is seriously injured and dying. He is carried by a girl. Obviously, he is seriously injured. Instinctively, Cui Hao will This injury is attributed to Yihe hero. He doesn't know Yang Qingqing, but he can vaguely guess that the other party should be the Qingling rose, one of the three top hacker kings in the world!

He didn't act immediately. Although Cui Hao was not afraid of the Yihe hero, he was also worried that the other party's mysterious Ninja could avoid his sense of the unity of heaven and man. This person's Ninja was afraid to surpass ordinary ninjas, and he didn't know how many flowers it had reached?

After a little thought, Cui Hao made a decision. If he didn't fight, he would fight the other party. He had no power to fight back and killed him directly! Therefore, the best solution is naturally to use the hypnosis function of perspective eye to make the other party dizzy in an instant. When it recovers, what to wait for is a storm like attack!

Therefore, Cui Hao quietly approached again, looking for the best time and preparing to make a move

At the moment, Yihe hero smiled darkly and approached Yang Qingqing again. At the same time, his eyes narrowed slightly, just like the fierce beast that locked the prey. The next second, he would ruthlessly kill and kill the prey!

"No! He's going to attack. What should I do? I'm really scared!" it's creepy, and Yang Qingqing is nervous.

Licking his lips, Yihe hero said, "chick, I asked you for the last time, do you want to surrender? If you surrender, you are the king of hackers, and I won't touch you. I will only give you as a gift to the great lord Tang. However, if you don't know how to be funny, you will be another beautiful body in my refrigerator! Don't worry, I will take good care of you at that time!"

"Bastard! You have the seed to come to Grandpa Dong. Don't embarrass a girl, madder, you Japanese dog. If you have the seed, come to me! Come!" his eyes were red, and Dong Peng roared angrily.

His angry roar looks arrogant, but in fact he is very powerless, because Yihe hero, a pervert, doesn't even look at him. Instead, he looks happy and stares at Yang Qingqing. His body is slightly bent. It seems that he may explode at any time!

At this moment, the atmosphere at the scene was extremely tense. Even the two werewolf soldiers and the ten terminators subconsciously breathed and wanted to see Yang Qingqing's final choice.

At this moment, Yang Qingqing's heart was really chaotic. The whole person was almost collapsed. She was not very afraid of death. However, she could not imagine whether the body would be put into the refrigerator after death... In this case, Yang Qingqing was more and more hesitant, so she was ready to surrender and begged Yihe hero to let go of her senior brother.

Moving her lips, Yang Qingqing's words haven't been exported yet, but the scene in front of her suddenly changes!

This is the moment!

At the most critical moment, Cui Hao took action and suddenly urged the ten thousand heavenly beads in his body. Suddenly, invisible perspective golden lights filled the air. In an instant, he impacted on Yihe hero. At the same time, his whole person also moved suddenly. He grew lotus step by step, his posture swayed, dreamy and dazzling, and approached in an instant.

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