In the northwest of the Netherlands, a remote town has been in continuous rain recently. In a small manor near the edge of the town, at the moment, a young girl is standing in front of the window and looking at the continuous rain. Her eyes move like a dream.

This is a girl in a white skirt. Her face is pale, her blue eyes are large, and her face is almost strange. She has a feeling of purity and charm intertwined. Behind her, there are a pair of huge white wings, emitting a holy smell, which makes the young woman look very mysterious.

If Cui Hao were here at the moment, he would recognize at a glance that the girl was no other than Vivian, who had an extraordinary relationship with him.

Behind Vivian, there is a young man standing respectfully at the moment, with short blond hair and blue eyes. He has a special temperament of nobility and a special black iron ring on his hand. It is very simple and seems to be extraordinary. In addition to this young man, there are eight people, men and women, all white, and there is an absolute worship and respect in their eyes.

Looking at the continuous rain outside for a long time, Vivian turned around, sighed faintly and said in a very sad language, "we Nicholas family have a proverb that people have bad luck in rainy days. It seems that this sentence is very right."

The eight men and women kneeling on the ground were all crawling, and no one dared to speak, but the young man standing behind Vivian was a respectful salute, which used a soft language "Dear master, you don't have to worry. After all, the Netherlands is a country. If the saints want to find you, it's like looking for a needle in the sea. Even if they have opened the holy light wave, you will be fine as long as you don't leave the Netherlands!"

Hearing this, Vivian shook her head, turned around and said to the eight creeping men and women behind her "You are descendants of my blood. Now, my life is seriously threatened, so I need you to leave Poland and send me a message for help! I will give you a keepsake and try to leave Poland in eight different directions and ways. The message I ask you to convey is very simple. Go to Phuket Island, find an island owner named hasalu and ask him to tell him My uncle wolf king, I'm in trouble in Poland. Please ask him to meet me in the old place in Northeast Poland. "

"Yes, great master!"

Hearing Vivian's orders, the men and women on the ground spoke in unison. Immediately, they got up together and respected each other. At that moment, Vivian took out a picture, tore it into eight pieces and gave it to them respectively. At this order, the eight people left quickly.

As the eight people left, the room suddenly became quiet. At this time, Vivian waved. A huge pengbird flew into the room, opened its mouth and highlighted a strange ball. Vivian opened it, with a line of tiny words. Looking at the lines of handwriting, Vivian's face suddenly became very embarrassed ! quite embarrassing!

Feeling the dignified atmosphere in the room, the young man was surprised, and then hurriedly asked, "master, what happened? Did Xuepeng bring any bad news? I think you look bad!"

She rubbed her temples with a headache, and Vivian said "A lot of trouble! According to the news from Xuepeng, not only the deputy director of the inquisition, but also a cardinal with a group of crazy believer soldiers came to hunt me down this time, in order to catch me completely! The Holy Church has successfully arranged the holy light wave, so the final outcome of the eight guys can be imagined and will be detected, and then, Killed by the burning sun! Fortunately, I want to use the trick of luring the tiger away from the mountain, so the news I sent before is also false. They were caught, which just makes the plan more realistic and feasible! In addition, the news also says that the spider demon Henry has also participated in and collaborated with the saints to harm the dark compatriots. Hateful! "

There was a flash of anger in his eyes, and the young man said angrily, "damn the Holy Church, this time, so many experts have been sent out! Master, why don't you hand over the ring of glory of the holy light? In this way, you can be more peaceful, otherwise, there will be a lot of trouble! With Henry's participation, they will find you much faster!"

Shaking her head, Vivian said stubbornly, "no, this is the only task certificate for me to enter the dark temple. If I hand it in, I will never enter the dark temple or the ancient blood pool for awakening."

With these words, Vivian was silent and didn't know what she was thinking.

After ten minutes, Vivian suddenly looked at the young man and said, "Renault, do you remember the first time we met, you insisted on following me, even asked to be my descendant, and gave up your noble identity. Now, I want to lift the blood connection between us and give you freedom, but it will be very painful. You can bear it!"

Hearing the speech, Renault was surprised, fell to his knees and shouted, "master, what's the matter with you? Do you want to abandon Renault?"

With a faint smile, Vivian used a soft language "Renault, I don't want to abandon you, but I want you to save me! Now the whole Dutch bean is secretly surrounded by saints. The special smell of vampires can't avoid the feeling of the fluctuation of the holy light. Therefore, I want to remove the connection between you and me, and then send you to send a letter for me. This is the most reassuring and secure way for me to be grateful."

Still kneeling to the ground, Renault said suspiciously, "really, master, don't abandon me! Don't worry, since it's to save you, I'm willing to let me die!"

Although knowing Renault's words is largely because he is the descendant of Vivian's blood, it is also partly because he is a typical love at first sight for Vivian. Otherwise, I won't see his first face again, so I insist on following her and guarding her.

The jade hand suddenly clapped like electricity, Vivian's face became more and more pale, and her palm suddenly fell on Renault's head, clattering. Ben rushed into Vivian's palm with a strange blood air flow, and Renault howled hysterically. After howling for ten minutes, he gasped violently. The expression on his face was very strange, like sadness and joy.

Looking at Renault, Vivian said, "Renault, now you are free. In fact, I understand your feelings for me. Only by being free can we be together equally. Moreover, you are the son of the king of Brazilian jujitsu. You have a noble status. In fact, I have always appreciated you! This time, I need your help, can you?"

The first time I heard Vivian say such words, Renault's eyes were red with excitement. He was almost excited to jump up and said happily, "yes! Of course I'm willing to help. Even if I die, I'm willing!"

She swayed and Vivian was close to Renault. Then she breathed out Youlan. The beautiful voice had been transmitted into his ears. "Renault, you can leave Holland immediately and go to Jiangzhou, China. There you can find a man named Cui Hao. He is very famous. After finding him, explain my situation and be sure to ask him for help! As for my location, he naturally has a way to find me!"

Men's sixth sense is sometimes terrible. After hearing Vivian's words, Renault instinctively feels that Cui Hao and Vivian seem to have something to do with each other. So Renault inquired, "who is Cui hao? Is he trustworthy? And can you tell me your relationship?"

With a smile, Vivian said lightly, "Cui Hao is a good friend of mine. He owes me a favor, and there is a guardian of the King Kong realm around him. Therefore, if he is willing to save me, he should be a little sure."

Hearing this, Renault's face improved slightly, nodded and said, "don't worry, Vivian, I won't let you down!"

With these words, Renault turned and left the room, looking at his leaving figure. Vivian sighed faintly and muttered to herself, "Cui Hao, Cui Hao, what are you doing now? Do you know, I've had a hard time!"

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