Staring at the door called the door of truth by the four Highnesses, Andy, who was hidden in his black robe, said "Your Highness, what is the most powerful part of the door of truth? As a demon descendant, although your blood essence has the ability to stimulate many artifacts left by the great dark god, such damage is also huge. You must make up for it as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will hurt the source. Even if you have the support of your father, you may not be able to occupy the first place in the competition among the nine Highnesses One's position, you know Oliver, saran and vegeta, these three guys are cruel characters, and each has powerful hiding means. "

His words had a profound meaning. His Highness the fourth chose to show the most powerful means to the two at this time, and he already had the heart to accept them. However, which one can become a strong one is not firm in his heart? How can he surrender unless he is really confident in someone? After these words were said, the orc barut also responded from shock and nodded , he said in a deep voice, "yes, your highness, although the magic tools are extremely precious, other Highnesses may not have similar things in their hands. Therefore, even if you have such a good thing, you must not be proud. You must be modest!"

Your highness is so smart that he can't hear the true meaning of their words. He didn't want to take out the door of truth and completely accept them. You know, these two people are geniuses in the real dark creatures, especially the orc barut. The terror of heaven's blood is more than he's afraid of not being successful. If the ethnic group hadn't declined now, what would it be like How could it be reduced to the current situation? And Andy, the man in black, is also very extraordinary.

With a smile, his highness said confidently "Baruch, Andy, since you two were sent by my father to help me, you must know what he meant. It's too difficult for the devil to be born. It's been 270 years. My father has only one child like me, so I'm destined to inherit everything about him, including his attack magic weapon black sky saber! Now, I have this truth in my hands You don't think I'm inferior to other Highnesses with the cooperation of two or two. Magic has been extinct from the earth since endless years ago. Even the so-called light magic of the holy religion actually depends on sacrificing pure souls or our dark creatures to obtain the gift of the God of light. Then, they have to use special spells and so on A power similar to light magic erupted. In fact, the fundamental reason is that people know. If I didn't get the door of truth, I wouldn't know this secret! Now, I'm going to share this secret with you two! "

Hearing this, both the orc barut and the black robed Andy are shocked. What his highness four said is really of great significance and the answer to the lifelong pursuit of countless powerful existence in the West. In ancient times, the West was also very powerful, because there are not only legends of the dragon family, but also many magicians. The powerful existence is basically All know magic, and even the Necromancers who command thousands of troops and horses. Magicians have special levels. Primary magicians, intermediate magicians, senior magicians, Great Magicians, mages, great magicians and holy magicians. The stronger their strength is, the more they have the power to destroy the sky and the earth. Unfortunately, magic was completely cut off thousands of years ago, as his highness four said , even saints only rely on sacrifice to get feedback, store the power of light in special containers, and obtain power similar to magic.

There was a faint light in your eyes. Your highness four waved to the door of truth. Suddenly, the door opened with a creak. You can see a strange air flow floating, not so strong, showing colorful colors. It exudes a surging breath that people worship from the heart! Although you don't know what it is, you are looking At the moment of this colorful air flow, an idea came out of the hearts of barut and Andy. This is a magic brand! Precious magic brand! Even they don't understand why. They seem to know its purpose just by looking at it. This is a precious thing, which can only be stored in a particularly powerful soul and blood , then it can hatch and grow slowly. Finally, when it reaches a certain degree, it can be integrated into the void of the whole earth. At that time, when the void has a magic brand, it can display magic! As for the owner of this magic brand, don't think, it must be invincible. All magicians must obey him and become invincible!

He flicked his fingers, and his Highness's tone was carefree and arrogant "I can tell you that this is the seven series of magic marks! In those years, the reason why magic cannot be performed on the earth and the magician has disappeared since then is that the magic mark marked on the Western void was broken by an invincible and terrible existence. This is a legacy! I have refined it. As long as I continue to grow, with my blood, I will be able to complete it in the end Another feat of branding in the void. At that time, I can also take this to become a new God. Moreover, it is not the God of light, the God of darkness, but the seven series gods! The invincible seven series gods, at that time, darkness, light, water system, fire system, wind system, thunder system, earth system and seven series magic will be completely awakened, and I am the invincible existence, you say , isn't my door to truth very powerful? "

After that, his highness continued to laugh "In addition to my biggest secret, I can also tell you the power of the truth gate! It is particularly powerful in besieging the enemy. Unless the enemy is more than ten times stronger than me, he can't escape once he enters my truth gate. This truth gate has the ability to hide the void, and can be changed and distorted according to the internal physical objects, Attract the enemy. Once the enemy enters its light curtain area, I can trap him inside the door of truth at will. The inside of the tower has a radius of kilometers. Many of my precious things are stored in it, ha ha...... "

"What? There's such a magic weapon. It's... Invincible! It's terrible! Although it doesn't have strong lethality, as long as you use tricks to attract your opponent into it, it's not your kneading? Your strength has just stepped into the King Kong level, ten times stronger than you. It's only half a step of magic power. Ha ha ha..... Your highness uses the truth The door of, you are really going to rise! "The eyes flickered and shocked, and Andy in Black opened his mouth.

There was a kind of heat in his eyes. The orc Baruch was very eager. However, he soon restrained this desire, because he knew very well that he could not get the door of truth. As for the seven series of magic marks, according to his Highness the fourth, it seemed that except for the devil, it was difficult to breed other blood. Of course, his blood was strong enough, but even if he was pregnant The possibility of education, there is no chance to get such a good thing!

There was a smile on his face, but the four Highnesses waved again at the moment. Suddenly, he saw the door of truth closed and shrunk rapidly. A moment later, it turned into a dark little object the size of a thumb. If you don't watch carefully, you really can't see what this dark little thing is, and no one would guess that it should be so rebellious and terrible!

He cherished the narrowed door of truth and put it into his arms. The fourth highness laughed and looked at the orc barut and the black robed Andy. At this moment, he didn't speak again, because he had shown enough sincerity, and showed the two people his most powerful means and great potential. At this moment, what he had to wait for was the best of the two people After the decision.

Surrender, or be killed by yourself!

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