Three days soon arrived. During this period, after Cui Hao's treatment, Vivian's injury was basically healed. On this day, the four divine beasts sent Cui Hao what he needed. Therefore, these things were secretly sent to the treasure house of fraternity jewelry store. Cui Hao and Vivian naturally entered it.

In a quiet secret room, Vivian and Cui Hao stand side by side. In front of them, there is an ancient pool with exquisite reliefs, which exudes a breath of a long history. It is very extraordinary under an unspeakable terrorist blood. This is a dried up ancient blood pool, which is now filled with hundreds of precious animal blood. In addition, there are many precious items floating, such as snow ginseng, Centennial Ganoderma lucidum and so on.

Beautiful eyes are hot. Vivian stares at the ancient blood pool in front of her and is full of expectation. She has been waiting for this day for too long. Only the ancient blood pool can awaken her blood as soon as possible. Moreover, if she wants to revitalize the Nicholas family, she must have the ancient blood pool of the blood family. This is what she needs most! Now, it is about to really recover. How can Vivian keep calm?

Reaching out to her arms, she took out the crystal bottle, which was the super beast blood essence of the five clawed golden dragon, flowing and gorgeous like a flame. Vivian took a deep breath, which opened the cork and slowly poured it all into the ancient blood pool.

"Gudong, Gudong, Gudong......"

With the blood essence of the five claw Golden Dragon pouring in, the whole ancient blood pool suddenly boils, and huge blood bubbles constantly emerge. Moreover, the blood is shaking at this moment, making a strange and incomparable sound.

Under the gaze of the two people, a large amount of blood kept boiling inside the ancient blood pool. Finally, it all turned into a kind of light gold, which was the same as the super divine beast blood essence of the five clawed golden dragon, and then its color slowly changed. That kind of light gold seemed to be swallowed up by the ancient blood pool, Its noumenon turned into a kind of pale gold, which is very magical.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

Suddenly, the whole ancient blood pool vibrated in vain at a certain moment, which was extremely violent, and it sent out a strong and violent breath. The horror of the breath made the whole quiet room tremble constantly. Moreover, what is more surprising is that after this vibration, a red light suddenly rose over the ancient blood pool, This red light is unspeakably bright and dazzling. It is a long river composed of blood, running continuously, containing an unspeakable mysterious atmosphere! Moreover, what is more surprising is that in the long river of blood, Cui Hao was shocked to see a gorgeous coffin surrender, each containing a terrible breath, and at the end of the long river of blood, there was a most huge bronze coffin

Such a scene is so similar that Cui Hao can't help thinking of seeing similar scenes when he captured Edward's book of blood. Even his Wanjie Tianzhu helped him repel a guy who wanted to kill himself and claimed to be Cain, the ancestor of the blood family

A long river of blood appeared in the void. Seeing such a scene, Vivian trembled with excitement and knelt down piously. At this time, the shadow of the long river of blood soon darkened and became invisible

Everything disappeared, and now the ancient blood pool has changed greatly. The whole body has turned into a kind of light gold, which is more gorgeous and noble. Moreover, the blood in it has been transformed into a kind of pure, red, slightly with some gold spots. Seeing such a scene, Vivian opened her mouth excitedly and didn't make a sound for a long time.

"Vivian, what's the matter with you? Is there anything wrong?" Cui Hao couldn't help asking.

At the smell of the speech, Vivian shook her head, and the whole person jumped up excitedly. She couldn't help hugging Cui Hao and kissing him. She was as happy as a child and said, "honey, great! That's great! You know, Vivian is so happy! There are also high and low levels of blood in the ancient blood pool. This is the most advanced blood, the blood of burning gold!"

"Oh? That's good! Hahaha..." with a smile, Cui Hao was very happy for Vivian.

For a blood clan, the ancient blood pool is very attractive, and an ancient blood pool containing gold burning blood, even at the prince level, will be treated as a treasure. At that moment, Vivian took off her white dress directly in front of Cui Hao, just like the most holy and beautiful Venus, walked straight into the ancient blood pool and soaked in it

"Oh... Honey, this feeling... Is really wonderful! I feel my whole body is comfortable to tremble!" there was a feeling of intoxication on her face, and Vivian said so.

"Clatter, clatter..."

The ancient blood pool was shaking, and the blood surged in waves and slowly penetrated into Vivian's body. Under this state, her whole person gradually fell into a calm state of cultivation

In the quiet room, Cui Hao stood there alone to protect Vivian.

Time passed slowly. With Vivian's continuous absorption, she absorbed about one tenth of the blood in the ancient blood pool. At this time, her whole person became more and more noble and sacred, and her whole body burst out a light golden flame, and her eyes turned into a broken gold at this moment, which was very mysterious

Half an hour later, Vivian's whole body was shocked and roared. A light golden flame was rising all over her, and her eyes had returned to blue, with a smile on her face.

succeed! Finally awakened again!

Vivian at this moment is very different from before. She is more mysterious and noble. The most obvious thing is her breath, which is ten times stronger. Even Cui Hao has to pay attention to it. This breath is really strong!

Almost at the moment when Vivian completed her transformation, Cui Hao was also happy, because he clearly felt the blood gas passed by the praise of blood, which was incomparably harmonious with the blood gas around him, and immediately integrated into his limbs and bones. At this moment, he felt that his whole blood seemed to be burning, and a little broken gold was integrated into it, heavy and noble, Mysterious, extraordinary

There is no doubt that Vivian has awakened, raised a level again, and really stepped into the glory count. Cui Hao has also obtained great benefits, and the overall strength of the whole person has been greatly improved. Cui Hao is very satisfied with this situation. Everything is as he wishes.


Straight out of the ancient blood pool, Vivian's whole body was burning a broken golden flame. Soon, they converged and turned into a gorgeous flame dress.

At the moment, Vivian smiled at Cui Hao and said happily, "honey, I finally broke through! From then on, I am the count of glory and have the qualification to settle down in the dark temple! Next, I will break through to the level of the Grand Duke of glory. At that step, I will be sure to master the position of a temple Lord in the dark temple!"

With a gentle nod, Cui Hao grabbed Vivian and said in a worried language, "Vivian, although your strength has increased greatly now, to be honest, I'm still worried about you. Do I have to go to the dark temple?"

Nodding stubbornly, Vivian said softly, "honey, you don't have to worry about me. Your Vivian is very smart! Honey, give me the guy detained in the door of truth. Don't worry, I won't do anything uncertain!"

"Well, since you insist, I won't stop you. Stay with me for another two days. I don't know when to meet again, hey..." sighed, and Cui Hao responded.

Hearing the speech, Vivian nodded cleverly and then waved her hand. She saw that the ancient blood pool suddenly shrunk, rushed into her body and disappeared.

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