Recalling the benefits of Skynet, Cui Hao urgently wants to join it. Although he is famous in China, he is still a small person and businessman in the world. Skynet is a platform that brings together human elites all over the world. Naturally, he wants to join in. Even Cui Hao has a wild hope that he can get one million points and become one of Skynet's directors!

This is not impossible. Nowadays, the development of fraternity group is becoming more and more powerful. Moreover, Cui Hao is also a master of medicine and has the ability to rejuvenate. Naturally, there are many people with serious or even strange diseases in Skynet. As long as he opens the market, Skynet's accumulation is naturally second to life, I believe that many people will be willing to take out a lot of points to find their own treatment.

Of course, the premise of all this is that you must obtain a Skynet crystal!

At this moment, Cui Hao's breath was a little hurried. He hurriedly asked, "tell me, old Wang, what's the task?" with a slight smile, Wang Kun said "You should know that Skynet's purpose is to protect the earth. It has no racial distinction. As long as it is human, it can join in to obtain the crystal of Skynet. For the invasion of some other species, it will release a task. This is the case this time. The earth has many sealed channels, and I don't know which channel is wrong. Now, there is a terrible huge monster He appeared in Myanmar and fled all the way. After being chased and killed by experts sent by Skynet, he fled to Yunnan in China and disappeared. No matter who catches this monster and gives it to Skynet, the task is completed. If he kills it, the task fails and he has to bear 10 billion compensation, because once the monster dies, it is equivalent to a broken clue, and there are many hidden dangers in the earth A mere $10 billion in compensation seems nothing to you, a rich man. "

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao said with a bitter smile "Mr. Wang, don't make fun of me. Although my fraternity group is developing rapidly, its working capital is tens of billions. Well, since this task is related to the crystal of Skynet, I'll take it. Please report it to Skynet cafe for me! Also, Mr. Wang, do you have some video materials about this monster, so-called knowing yourself and knowing the enemy, you won't be defeated in a hundred battles!"

"You little Cui, I'm very excited. It's easy to say. I'll try my best to help you win the image data. This task is an indefinite task. However, it has been released for seven or eight days. Therefore, I believe that many experts in Yunnan have rushed there, such as dragon group, special attack group, national security, and even holy church, shenting, and some mystery groups Weaving, I'm afraid they will send experts to go. After all, the crystal of Skynet is a good thing! Xiao Cui, you should be careful, understand? "Wang Kun told with a smile.

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao nodded, but his eyes were full of fighting spirit. Did many experts gather? Just in time, he can meet the four masters for a while!

As Wang Kun said, after Skynet released such a task, the four forces gathered together. Of course, Skynet refused to accept non-human forces such as vampires, werewolves, orcs and demon descendants, because Skynet accepted all human beings. It has a general policy that will not change. The hearts of non-human beings will be different!

Wang Kun's efficiency is very fast. He has a crystal of Skynet himself. Therefore, he successfully signed up for Cui Hao and took over the task. At the same time, he also obtained some materials transmitted by Skynet.

There is no audio image. What comes from the transmission is some photos, most of which are destroyed scenes, and some villages are slaughtered. It is very bloody. Human beings die miserably, covered with blood, and huge footprints will be left on the ground!

The footprints are very huge, impressively the posture of human footprints, and the last picture is very vague. You can vaguely see a terrible back, very tall. The ancient trees are only as high as his waist, covered with a layer of black hair, facing his back, giving people a shivering feeling.

Although it's just a photo, it makes people see how terrible this monster is. It's a monster as tall as a giant. Its power must be incomparable!

According to the truth, such a monster should not disappear without a trace. However, it disappeared so strangely after entering Yunnan. It's really strange. Now, where does this monster hide?

Looking at this photo, Cui Hao's heart is heavy and very uneasy. If one or two monsters invade China, it may be easy to deal with it, but what if it is a group? What if there are other monsters invading the earth together?

At this time, Cui Hao couldn't help thinking of the sealed channel in Xiaohui's hometown. It was suspected that the sealed channel was the channel from the dragon family to China. If this channel was forcibly opened, what would happen if countless dragons rushed into China? Although China regarded the divine dragon as the patron saint and sacred thing, they were essentially invaders, and in those years But no matter what the truth is, there is only one thing I have to do to protect my hometown, China and the earth!

This time, Cui Hao accidentally learned the news of the monster invading China. Cui Hao thought a lot. China has too many relatives and friends he wants to protect. Therefore, he does not allow it to be invaded by monsters and become ruins.

Enhance strength and become stronger!

At the moment, Cui Hao's heart is very urgent and hopes to continuously improve his strength.

After giving many video materials to Cui Hao, Wang Kun waved his hand and said, "well, Xiao Cui, since you have taken this task, let's go. In order to facilitate your task, I will specially dial you a supersonic stealth plane of my four divine beasts. In this way, you are more convenient. Go!"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao was overjoyed and hurriedly thanked him. Then he left.

Half an hour later, Cui Hao stepped on a supersonic stealth plane. The plane was small. Among them, there were four pilots who flew in shifts. They were auxiliary members of the four divine beasts.

They have long admired Cui Hao and know that he is the greatest hope of ZTE, so they treat Cui Hao very politely and warmly.

"Brothers, let's go near Lijiang, Yunnan!" Cui Hao gave orders with a smile.

According to the information provided by Skynet, the last place where the monster appeared was near Lijiang, Yunnan Province. There, it attacked a small village with a size of 100 people, slaughtered the whole village, leaving a terrible picture. Then it disappeared. So far, it can no longer be found.


The supersonic stealth plane flew rapidly and soon left the headquarters of the four beasts and flew towards Yunnan

When Cui Hao left for Lijiang, Yunnan Province, more than a dozen waves of forces have come here recently. All of them are people who have taken over the Skynet task. None of them dare to take over the task. They are full of confidence in themselves. Moreover, there are forces behind them!

The new director of Lijiang police station has been very distressed recently. She feels very depressed about such a thing in the territory under her jurisdiction. Fortunately, this matter seems to be related to some particularly important things. As soon as it happened, the state immediately issued a secret order. This matter should be strictly sealed and no one is allowed to reveal the slightest. At the same time, the state also issued another task, ordering the public security bureau to strictly monitor the whole Lijiang. In case of any disturbance, Especially if there are any strange monsters, you should report them immediately!

In the office of the director of Lijiang Public Security Bureau, the telephone rang constantly. All the calls were from the National Security Bureau and provincial departments, and the meaning was almost the same. There may be many terrorists and terrorists in Lijiang recently. The police station was ordered to keep up the spirit of 12 points and not be slack!

"Hey, it's a headache. Why does a small Lijiang City seem to be the focus of attention of big people?" sighed. The director rubbed his temples reluctantly.

This director is actually a woman in her twenties, who is beautiful and has infinite charm in every frown and smile. She is not others. She is Meng Ying, the first beautiful police flower in China who has left Jiangzhou and has an unusual relationship with Cui Hao!

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