Cui Hao was practicing medicine when he passed a village. Unexpectedly, he saw a child called Wolf boy at the entrance of the village. He was thrown away by a group of children in the same village with stones. They were laughing at and abusing him one by one. It seemed that he was a disaster star. Subconsciously, Cui Hao looked at the young man. He was a ragged young man. He was thin and stubbornly standing there. He exuded a strong and incomparable cold breath. His eyes were extremely cold. It seemed that there was no human fluctuation. Some were just loneliness, cold, dead, despair, resentment, ferocity and tyranny

Cui Hao was startled that a teenager had such terrible eyes. He couldn't help thinking, "what has this wolf child experienced? Has there been no trace of human emotion?

The wolf child's eyes are really frightening. He is extremely cold, cruel and resentful. He even doesn't hide the madness and resentment in his heart. He complains about heaven, earth and people. It seems that everything in heaven and earth is the object of his hatred. Cui Hao can't believe everything he sees if he doesn't have personal experience.

Cui Hao doesn't know what the so-called wolf child has experienced. However, he feels the cold and dead silence of the wolf child's heart. Some of them are just despair and dead silence of the world. There is no warmth and complete ice! I don't know why, seeing his extremely cold and cruel eyes, Cui Hao is very distressed. He is just a teenager. What kind of tragedy is it The experience of the world has made him what he is now?

"You little guys, spread out, spread out, don't bully people!" Cui Hao scolded with a frown.

A group of children were throwing stones at the wolf boy. They were all shocked when they heard Cui Hao's scolding. After all, they were children. These people quickly dispersed like birds and animals. However, several naughty children kept shouting "wolf boy, kill parents, brother and sister, unknown people, leave the village!"

When these children yelled like this, although the boy tried his best to endure, Cui Hao keenly saw that his palm trembled, bent into claw shape, and his face was green with veins. He seemed to care about the words of these people. However, he soon recovered. There was only despair and silence in his eyes, and he had no interest in everything in the world Fun.

He walked gently towards the boy. Cui Hao thought to himself, "how can such a little guy bear such a terrible evil spirit? Is it because he has a special physique? Yes, it must be so. If you were an ordinary person, you would die in three or two days?"

As soon as this idea appeared, Cui Hao couldn't help but urge the perspective golden light. With it as an aid, he opened the art of looking at Qi and looked at the wolf child.

"Sleeping trough! This... This is!"

The art of looking at Qi began, and Cui Hao looked at the boy. At such a moment, he almost burst out a rude remark. It was not that Cui Hao's concentration was too poor, but that the scene in front of him really shocked him!

It turned out that under Cui Hao's skill of looking at Qi, a thick and pure black evil spirit rose above the head of the boy who was called a wolf child. The evil spirit was deep and incomparable, emitting a kind of cold, madness, resentment, madness and all kinds of negative emotions. What a terrible evil! The evil spirit billowed and formed a thick and terrible pillar directly into the sky The scene is really against the sky. Around the evil spirit column, there are countless dark and illusory light spots, like stars. A huge star composed of evil spirit is floating and sinking, especially dazzling among the countless dark and illusory light spots!

Seeing such a situation, how can Cui Hao not be shocked? Because this scene is a precious and mysterious life style recorded in the art of looking at Qi. It can be regarded as a top-notch life style, Tiansha lone star!

Tiansha lone star, as the name suggests, contains the evil spirit of heaven and earth, and can only live alone. This is a real life style, which is extremely terrible. However, the person with this life style must be a real person who is in danger of being killed. He has contained the great evil spirit since he was born. Therefore, people close to him will die because of him. No one can be exceptional. This is a miracle An alternative life style is also a sad life style.

Most of the ordinary first-class lifestyles are priceless. At least, they are as beautiful as Wang Changsheng. They have a bright future and enjoy all their lives. His lifestyles are suffering. He has been suffering from birth. Because the evil Qi contained in him is too pure and terrible, ordinary people can't bear it at all. Once they get close to him, the Yang will be very weak, Become weak, easy to get sick, all kinds of disasters begin to entangle, coupled with the life and death of Tiansha lone star, it is almost certain to die!

Although this kind of life style of Tiansha lone star is very bad for family and friends, it is a life style after all. Therefore, it is also very extraordinary. In addition to allowing the owner to obtain extraordinary wisdom, his talent will also be especially against the sky. Generally, he can have very extraordinary achievements in martial arts.

Tiansha lone star, the word "lone star" is well used. It skillfully expresses the life of a person with this life style. He lives alone and adheres to the evil spirit between heaven and earth. On the contrary, those close to him must be killed. This is Tiansha lone star life style.

Think about it, how can he not be shocked when Cui Hao finds out that this life style is so precious and rare? After the shock, Cui Hao's expression changed and soon became ecstatic again.

The evil spirit contained in the Tiansha lone star is too terrible. For ordinary people, it is absolutely impossible to get close to and get involved with the relationship, because it is easy to be unlucky, but Cui Hao is not afraid. His own life style is also a life style. He is a big man who wants to become a Buddha in the future. The evil spirit of the Tiansha lone star can not cause any substantial and great harm to him.

In other words, if you have to determine who is not afraid of being killed because of his relationship with Li Laifu, Cui Hao is definitely one of them.

At the moment, Cui Hao looked at the wolf boy. He was very happy. He was such a great apprentice. Moreover, he was only fourteen or five years old. He was the most suitable age for learning kung fu. God, he really treated himself well! Some experts can't find such disciples all their life. Their talent for martial arts is definitely the same as that of Xiaohui. Unexpectedly, they have no place to find them. It takes no time.

At this moment, Cui Hao couldn't help grinning. The gesture was like a wolf grandmother. He smiled and said, "child, what's your name? Can you tell your uncle?"

Cui Hao's tone of voice was very kind and gentle. When he wanted to come, the other party would tell him. However, unexpectedly, wolf boy just looked at him indifferently and then ignored him.

"Er..... What's the situation?" with a bitter smile, Cui Hao was a little depressed. Unexpectedly, he put a cold butt on his hot face. He just chatted up and touched his nose.

He didn't give up because of this little setback. Cui Hao smiled again and said, "little guy, don't be so cold. Let's talk about it. I'll treat you to roast chicken. It's the roast chicken I just bought today. It's very delicious."

As he spoke, Cui Hao took out a paper bag from his arms, in which there was half a roast chicken, greasy, but the taste was very fragrant.

For Cui Hao's words, the young man is still very cold, just like a walking corpse. Especially with his eyes at the moment, he is so dead and desperate, and contains a kind of extremely resentful eyes, which is really chilling.

In this case, even Cui Hao can't help feeling in his heart that this teenager is a freak without any human emotion!

In this case, Cui Hao knows that no amount of kind words he says will have any effect. For today's sake, if he wants to communicate with the wolf child, he must attack his heart. In other words, if he wants the other party to speak to him, he must give him a strong dose of medicine. The medicine must be strong!

After thinking about it, Cui Hao had a way in his heart.

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