He thought for a moment and suddenly realized the truth "I see. Lock the turbid gas, refine the Qi and turn the essence, and return my strength to myself as much as possible. For example, when I burn firewood, the flame is too large and spread out. In fact, it is not useful for cooking. What is really useful is the flame in the central area! In a vulgar word, it is a careful calculation! Master, I want to ask you how to lock the turbid gas?"

Unexpectedly, Ruilin has such a talent for martial arts. Cui Hao sighed and explained carefully "Ordinary people who practice martial arts have been searching for strength all their life. In fact, they don't know that strength also needs to be cultivated! The key to the difference between Chinese martial arts and Muay Thai and Jeet kune do lies in one word! It's too difficult to practice Chinese martial arts. One in a hundred people can make great achievements, but that's really great, and boxing skills such as Muay Thai are quickly completed , the attack power is fierce, so it is most widely spread all over the world. However, the masters of Muay Thai are actually consuming vitality and don't know how to Nourish Qi at all. Therefore, they are generally very short-lived. There are many methods of locking Qi in Chinese martial arts, which involves the essence of internal boxing in Chinese martial arts. How to ensure their Qi through breath cooperation, exhalation and operation This is to Nourish Qi by operating in the way you need, breaking out and not leaking out. Learning to Nourish Qi, you can naturally lock the turbid Qi, refine Qi and turn essence. This is known as the eternal breath method in daomen. Of course, ancient yoga in India, jujitsu in the west, the holy breath method, and even the famous Huatuo Wuqinxi are all such methods. "

It seems that he is worried that Ruilin doesn't understand it thoroughly enough. Cui Hao explained that "there is a good saying in the classic righteous Qi song of Confucianism. I am good at cultivating Haoran righteous Qi. In a word, it reveals the subtlety of cultivating Qi in the Chinese national skill. Cultivation is an internal practice, do you understand?"

Cui Hao has made it clear that the essence of internal boxing is to raise, that is, how to lock the gas. Hearing this, Ruilin felt that a door in his heart seemed to be pushed open at once. His heart was itching. He said with embarrassment, "master, can you practice for me? The simplest kind, I am more and more curious about the essence of internal boxing you said!"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao stopped directly on the road. His toes instantly drew a straight line on the ground and ordered Ruilin to stand on both sides. In an instant, the straight line suddenly divided it into two, but Cui Hao made Ruilin press one hand on his lower rib and the other hand stand up. It was like holding a bayonet.

After completing this action, he said with a smile "Disciple, the line I drew for you is the midline, which completely coincides with your spine. The key to why people can stand upright is that it is supported by the midline spine. The top of the spine is the back brain, which goes straight to the brain, where the soul is, and the tail extends to the caudal vertebrae. If you don't practice the spine well, you can push it through step by step, and everything is from the body to the spiritual transformation and sublimation A void is the foundation of all Kung Fu! However, understanding is the same truth. It's too difficult to really practice well! Practice muscles, bones and skin outside and breathe inside. The real Chinese martial arts are divided into internal and external boxing. Internal boxing nourishes Qi and external boxing kills the enemy, just like Yin and Yang, with a degree of relaxation. "

"Master, it turns out that Chinese martial arts are so magical!" his eyes lit up, and Ruilin was very excited.

Cui Hao was very satisfied with the disciple's performance and nodded with a smile "Good boy, are you interested in Chinese martial arts so soon? Well, today Shifu will encourage you to feel what is called Qi and what is called strength. My requirement for you is to understand how to use strength within an hour. This is the beginning of your real step into martial arts. Strength is clear strength. When strength breaks out, your muscles, bones and joints move with it, Of course, your body is still in the growth stage and your strength is limited. It is qualified to blow like firecrackers. "

In fact, Cui Hao's practice is very common. Really clever martial arts experts will make their disciples listen to their strength. In this way, they can make the other party less detours and really understand the mystery of strength and Qi.

With that said, Cui Hao stretched out a hand and touched the back of Ruilin's head, and then began to fall inch by inch. Cui Hao's fingers were right on the nodes of the spine, very accurate and slow. As his fingers clicked on the nodes, Ruilin felt that his whole person was raised and upright, and his spine was also standing Slowly shaking, in a special way, he felt in vain that his whole body was very dry and hot, and his body was sweating faintly.


At this time, Cui Hao suddenly hit a bone joint of one of the spine vertebrae of Ruilin with his fingers as fast as electricity. For a moment, he felt that his center of gravity shifted suddenly, dropped rapidly, and reached the tail vertebrae in an instant. At this moment, Ruilin felt like a dog stepping on the tail, and all his pores burst open, which was still on his skin There are dense small pimples, which are goose bumps. They usually appear in the cold.

In an instant, he felt that his body was all in a ball and everything was under his control. The feeling that all his powers were under control was really wonderful!


Subconsciously, he suddenly slapped, and all the forces rushed out and burst, like the sound of firecrackers.

"I... I made a crisp sound? Is this Mingjin? What a powerful force!..."

Ruilin was shocked, and the next moment this feeling disappeared. He savored it again, but he couldn't find that feeling, because Cui Hao had loosened his finger and was looking at him with a smile.

"Mingjin..." in a daze, Ruilin fell into deep thought

The so-called master leads in the door, and the practice is personal. Cui Hao can only do this. For beginners like Ruilin, it is already a little encouraging to directly make them understand Mingjin. Time passed slowly. As if he was possessed by magic, he was stunned. Sometimes, he would punch. In this case, it happened again and again

More than half an hour later, at a certain moment, Stephen laughed in vain and was very happy because he realized and understood the true meaning of it.

"Master, I understand Mingjin! I finally understand!"

Ruilin excitedly expresses to Cui Hao. At the same time, he is calm and calm. The whole person stands upright and straight. The spine behind him winds and clicks like a big dragon.


At a certain moment, Stephen's face flushed slightly, and he breathed out. The whole person punched with a straight fist. With a bang, there was a crisp sound like the explosion of firecrackers in the void. Mingjin, it's done!

For ordinary martial arts practitioners, it takes at least a few years, or even longer, of hard cultivation to make a clear and crisp sound. Of course, that's because they don't have the correct cultivation method and take a fork. However, even with the guidance of a famous teacher, they can understand the mystery of clear strength in just over half an hour. This talent is absolutely against the sky!

"Well, that's good! Disciple, you did a good job!" nodded gratified. Cui Hao was very satisfied.

In this way, Cui Hao accepted the apprentice of Ruilin, a celestial ghost and lone star, and embarked on the road again. He constantly instructed him along the way. Cui Hao's savings are so rich that even some half-step magic levels are not as good as others. With the guidance of such a super famous teacher and Ruilin's extraordinary talent, his growth can be described as rapid.

Of course, Cui Hao is also very aware of the harm of pulling out seedlings to encourage him. After listening to him once, he began to focus on stabilizing the foundation of Ruilin, constantly pointing out some of the most basic things of his kung fu, demonstrating and telling him carefully.

Under the guidance of a qualified master like Cui Hao, Ruilin's foundation has been quickly consolidated. Moreover, he often has some fantastic ideas and bypass the analogy. Even Cui Hao often brightens his eyes and likes this disciple more and more.

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