Early in the morning, a red sun leaped out of the horizon and sprinkled the first ray of warmth. Cui Hao, who had stood still for a whole day, opened his eyes. Endless benevolence, compassion and greatness were contained in his eyes. This scene was seen by Ruilin, who was guarding the side. He was deeply shocked. He felt that the Master seemed to have become a Bodhisattva in the temple. His benevolence was unparalleled.

At this moment, Cui Hao smiled, giving people a very kind and peaceful feeling, as if he had turned into a real Buddha, smiling at all sentient beings and sprinkling infinite compassion and benevolence. At the same time, his hands moved and his palms were perfect. In an instant, he pinched out handprints. The handprints changed constantly, sometimes blooming like lotus, sometimes smiling, sometimes pointing together like a sword, and sometimes forming a ring of fingers. It was really changeable.

If this scene is seen by a virtuous monk at the moment, it will be deeply shocked, because Cui Hao pinched out 18 handprints in an instant, such as fearless lion seal, lotus flower seal, great sorrow seal, diamond wheel seal, lotus platform seal, Aquarius seal, dragon subduing and tiger subduing seal, fetal Tibet seal, heart seal, etc

Eighteen famous Buddhist fingerprints were integrated and appeared together in an instant. This scene was absolutely shocking. Finally, Cui Hao's hands were empty, with a kind of compassion on his face, and the powerful physical power in his body was surging. Even the strange golden elixir was also shocked, pouring out furious and noble power. All of his hands were gathered in his hands and rushed out in an instant!

In an instant, with Cui Hao as the center, a fierce force emerged, but it did not contain any lethality. It gave people an infinite beauty and infinite hope. The idea of immediately converting to Buddhism covered a radius of 500 meters.

For a moment, he was also wrapped by this power. His whole person showed a very comfortable expression. His heart was like rain pouring into the dry soil. His whole body was warm, and his heart was moistened and protected indescribably.

Ruilin thought in his heart, "what a comfortable feeling. I feel my heart has been washed. It's ethereal, wonderful and happy! Shifu is so powerful. I worship him!"

"Give to the world, and all sentient beings will be happy!"

Cui Hao was very satisfied with such a sentence flashing in his heart.

At this moment, he finally understood the second seal of the Tathagata Sutra, the perfect seal! This seal is undoubtedly several times more powerful than vacuum seal, and its power is simply a huge mess! You know, Cui Hao's majestic physical strength is enough to support the application of vacuum seal. However, the application of this full seal requires a lot of strange golden elixir power. Of course, its power is also multiplied.

Cui Hao was pleasantly surprised to understand the full seal. Moreover, he was very satisfied that this was the first time he had used his own secret skills and was able to trigger the strange golden elixir in his body to cooperate. Usually, when he used his unique skills such as dipping clothes and falling, growing lotus step by step, this did not happen at all. From this we can see, Although the great sun Tathagata Sutra and those two Kung Fu are at the unique level, they are fundamentally different, more precious and mysterious.

"The perfect seal is so powerful. If it is the last big day Tathagata seal, how powerful is it? According to the inheritance, this is the unique skill personally created by the legendary Buddha big day Tathagata. If it is true, it must be very powerful!" Cui Hao thought so in his heart, full of expectation.

This move can not only be used against the enemy, but Cui Hao found another wonderful use. That is, within 500 meters around, he can use this seal. As before, he can give alms to living creatures, but this kind of alms is actually consuming his own strength. When facing the enemy, Cui Hao's happiness turns into killing intention. Then, this move is a powerful mace!

"Master, you are so powerful. What did you show just now? How can I feel that my mind has been washed and comfortable?" asked Ruilin with worship in his eyes.

At the moment, Cui Hao is in a good mood. Hearing this, he joked "My dear disciple, I once met an eminent monk who was enlightened. He kept saying that I was fit to practice Buddhism and that I had deep Buddhist roots. I didn't believe it. Now it seems that I really have some potential to be a monk! What I just showed was that the eminent monk passed me a unique Buddhist skill, the great sun Tathagata Sutra. How is it? Is it powerful?"

"Awesome! That's awesome!" he nodded seriously, and the answer was very sincere.

Now that he had treated the last village, Cui Hao got rid of the Jianghu doctor's dress, took out his satellite phone and began to contact the four divine beasts.

Through the four divine beasts, Cui Hao learned the latest situation and learned that many people such as Yang Tiangang had given up the task. Cui Hao was not surprised. This monster is obviously a hard bone. Moreover, it is still hidden in the vast Erhai Lake, not to mention whether there is any way to deal with it. Even if you want to find it, it is difficult. It is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Although ordinary detection instruments can't find the trace of the monster, Cui Hao doesn't worry. He is very confident in his skill of looking for Qi. This Kung Fu has never disappointed himself. This time, he shouldn't!

So Cui Hao took Ruilin on his way and soon reached Erhai Lake.

Cangshan Erhai Lake is a famous tourist place in China. Tourism drives the economy. Therefore, it is very prosperous and lively here. Because this action is very dangerous, Cui Hao chose a good hotel to stay. He simply arranged for Ruilin. In addition, he taught him a lot of Chinese martial arts and ordered him to understand it well. Then, Cui Hao went to school On the way, go to Erhai alone.

Because of the monster, Erhai Lake was temporarily sealed off, but Cui Hao, as a member of the four divine beasts, naturally had no obstacles. He spent money to buy and rent a small motorboat and drove it on the Erhai sea.

Erhai Lake has beautiful scenery and makes people linger. It is very deep. The bottom is dark and there are many strange rocks. In a certain area, a huge piece of it has no breath. It seems like a huge stone. It shakes for a while. Then, it stands up. It is very dark. Therefore, only a pair of broken golden eyes can be seen, Huge and dazzling, giving people a shivering feeling!

The owner of these eyes is the giant monster who fled to Erhai Lake!

At this moment, after standing up, the giant monster was extremely excited. Its body suddenly squirmed. Suddenly, there were bursts of dirty gray air flowing out and turned into blisters. At the moment, its original huge height of more than ten meters was shrinking, shrinking and shrinking again

In an instant, his body had shrunk to a height of about 1.85 meters and turned into a man with a dark face and an ordinary face. The only thing that could prove his identity was his belly mouth, which was still open and closed, emitting a terrible breath.


A large amount of water was shielded all around in an instant. The man grinned and was surrounded by black airflow. He turned into a set of black clothes to cover it. At first glance, he was no different from ordinary human beings.

In an instant, the monster turned into a man in black. Although his body size was reduced by more than a dozen times, his strength seemed to be more powerful. Moreover, his whole body was filled with a strange and dazzling fluctuation, which was very strange and evil.

"Ha ha... I swallowed so many human souls and finally recovered some strength. My strength now should be regarded as the peak of King Kong according to the strength of the human world. Combined with my demigod's body and special secret method, it's safe at last! However, I can't be careless. There are still many experts in the human world. Even in my heyday, it's just The demigod level is more powerful than the half step magic power of ordinary human beings, but it can't be invincible. Be careful. It's time to leave. As long as I'm careful, I should be able to swallow enough souls quickly. When I return to the demigod level, I'll be completely safe! "

With such laughter, the man in black was shocked, and the whole man rushed up like a shell to leave Erhai Lake.

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