The whole body was wrapped in a gorgeous light. Cui Hao felt confused. When he was stable again and the gorgeous light dissipated, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly and he felt very uncomfortable. First of all, Cui Hao can no longer enter the realm of the unity of heaven and man, and there is no aura in the void. On the contrary, there is a sense of destruction and decay everywhere, as if he is going to perish!

If the earth's world is full of vastness and vitality, like a strong man, then this world is decaying and weak, like a dying old man. As soon as he entered the small world of Tianbei, Cui Hao felt very deeply. The creatures in it lived in this declining world all the time. We can imagine how painful it was.

At this moment, Cui Hao found himself in a golden desert, with endless stretches of barren sand dunes and extremely hot baking the world. At this time, the voice of the spirit of Skynet sounded in Cui Hao's ear "This is the small world inside Tianbei. It is not complete. There are only some simple rules. The void is also very fragile. The first layer of aura is completely dry and may collapse at any time. The more it goes down, the more aura. Therefore, in order to survive, the creatures of each layer want to go to a deeper level, so that they can live longer. The small world of Tianbei originally There are thirty-three floors. Now, there are only ten floors left. It has been collapsing! Alas, the master fell into a deep sleep, the Tianbei lost its source of strength, and has been consuming its source to maintain the internal small world for thousands of years at most. I'm afraid it will be completely destroyed. "

Hearing this, Cui Hao suddenly felt that he was very clear about this Skynet test, so he began to walk on the vast desert.

He has refined the test stone. However, there is no reaction in the desert. It seems that the monster with the token is not here. Therefore, Cui Haoxin's horse walks freely from the reins and looks for it.

The desert environment is extremely harsh, with intense heat and sandstorms. During this period, there are occasionally some desert rattlesnakes, which naturally can not affect Cui Hao. He keeps walking in one direction for more than two hours. Cui Hao's eyes brighten, because his test stone vibrates and senses the token, right in front of him!

At present, Cui Hao's feet were as fast as electricity and went towards the target.


About ten minutes later, there was a dense sound of sand in front of him. It seemed that something was swimming under the yellow sand. A large area of sand even showed a posture of siege to surround Cui Hao. Cui Hao was not interested in this. He opened his perspective eyes and clearly saw what was under the yellow sand! Under the yellow sand It's a scorpion the size of a fist. It's red all over. It has a very hard shell. Its long inverted hook tail is up, and a dark poison needle flashes blue light, giving people a feeling of extremely toxic!

Cui Hao glanced through his eyes and locked the right side of his body. According to the induction of the test stone, the token is also there! On the right side, covered by yellow sand, there is an oversized fire red scorpion, the size of a face, with vicious light from his eyes. He quickly approached Cui Hao and was ready to launch a terrorist attack.

It is not difficult to see that this super large scorpion is the leader of many scorpions. He leads all scorpions to hide in the yellow sand and kill them!

"It's a little scorpion, go to hell!" feel the breath of the fiery red scorpion. Cui Hao's mouth rises slightly. The breath is not strong. He can handle it easily!

"Whew! Whew! Whew! Whew! Whew!..."

At this moment, it seems that you have been ordered. All the scorpions hidden in the yellow sand emerge. Then, they suddenly impact out, scratch marks in the void, and have killed Cui Hao! There are so many red scorpions around Cui Hao, and attack him at the same time!

At the same time, the super large fire red scorpion swam in the yellow sand and came to Cui Hao's feet, suddenly gushing out, and its super large scorpion claw had been pinched out, and the target was Cui Hao's feet! Not only that, his slender scorpion tail also shook and snapped, stabbing Cui Hao's ankle with a blue poisonous needle!

In the face of all this, Cui Hao smiled calmly. Maybe other martial arts experts will be in a hurry and even poisoned when they suddenly encounter this group attack, but it's unbearable for themselves!

When Cui Hao moved slightly, he moved and fell. Suddenly, a strange invisible force intertwined and wrapped Cui Hao's body tightly. One by one, the scorpions hit the bulletproof glass, banging, splashing blood, broken bones and broken tendons. They fell down powerlessly, and even some weak scorpions were directly fooled by the force of the eighteen falls The field shook to death.

Among the many scorpions, only the super large one was slightly injured and gave out a sharp squeak. A pair of super large scorpion pincers and scorpion tails hit an iron plate, and immediately blood flowed. His body was shocked back, rolling in pain in the yellow sand. His small eyes shot shock and resentment, squeaking and screaming, and he was very frightened 。

With one step, Cui Hao has come to the super large scorpion and touched his clothes and fell to protect his body. Although there are still scorpions rushing out of the yellow sand and attacking him, they all return in vain, and even many die in shock.

Regardless of these, Cui Hao suddenly stretched out his palm, and a move to catch the Dragon hand has been displayed. His palm is like a dragon's claw. A powerful force of swallowing and sucking erupted wildly. In a moment, it acted on the super large scorpion and took it.

With Cui Hao's current strength, he can already do the strength of empty photography. Although he can only take some simple things, it is enough to shock the world.

"Squeak, squeak..."

Under such an attack, the super large scorpion screamed sharply. He felt the crisis of life and death. Suddenly, he opened his mouth and a large canopy of blue gas suddenly spewed out. Obviously, it was a terrible poison.

Cui Hao ignored this. The scorpion poison was useless to him.

In an instant, Cui Hao's palm had firmly grasped the super large scorpion, and then made a slight force. Peng's sound had already pinched and exploded the scorpion, and there was a special golden token in his body, which emitted an extremely special smell. It was this token that the test stone sensed.

Strange to say, as the super large Scorpion was suddenly pinched and exploded by Cui Hao, all the small scorpions who had just attacked Cui Hao like moths to the fire stopped. The next moment, they hurriedly began to flee and get into the yellow sand. In an instant, they disappeared without a trace, leaving only the dense scorpion bodies on the ground. These little scorpions also have some wisdom. The boss has been killed. Naturally, there is no need to continue to work hard.

"I've got the token. What should I do next?" Cui Hao thought to himself with the golden token.

"Hua la..."

At this time, a bright light appeared in front of him, converged rapidly, and the shape of the spirit of Skynet appeared, nodding with satisfaction "Yes, although the first level is very simple, it's very good that you can get a token so quickly. The reward of the first level is 100 days net points. Next, you just need to crush this token, and an energy channel can appear nearby in a short time. You can test the second level from the next level!"

"OK, thank you for telling me!" Cui Hao smiled and nodded, grateful.

At present, Cui Hao crushed the golden token according to the method of the spirit of Skynet. Soon, a one person high transparent portal appeared beside him, which was constantly twisted. The interior was dark and couldn't see anything. Without too much hesitation, Cui Hao took one step. The next moment, he had entered the transparent portal and appeared in a new place in an instant.

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