Entering the transparent portal, Cui Hao appeared in a forest, where there are luxuriant branches and leaves, and the aura in the void is obviously rich. Here is the small world of the fifth level. After he appeared here, the test stone on his body didn't respond. Cui Hao walked in the forest at will. This forest is very vast and primitive. Occasionally, some ordinary beasts haunt and walk. Cui Hao vaguely feels that there seems to be a breath in front of him, which is not strong, but he has some strange connections with himself. He was surprised and went on with his breath.

Following a trace of induction, Cui Hao shuttled through the forest and gradually came to an area with excellent scenery and ancient trees and vines. After arriving at this area, the beasts that used to haunt from time to time disappeared, quiet and very quiet. Cui Hao continued to follow the induction. Gradually, a clear song sounded in front of him. He crossed a bush and saw a scene that shocked him!

Goo, goo, goo... "

In the depths of the forest, there is a small steaming hot spring gurgling and rolling. The whole body of the hot spring presents a kind of crystal milky white, curling water vapor rising, reflecting a gorgeous and incomparable brilliance. A girl as white as jade is lazily bathing in it, and the ketone body is looming, which is very attractive.

The girl is a rare beauty. She has a delicate melon seed face, small cherry lips, picturesque eyebrows and long blond hair, revealing an elegant pink neck like a white swan. She is very happy while taking a bath and humming a crisp song.


Suddenly, seeing such a scene, Rao was Cui Hao's determination and couldn't help swallowing. This was entirely based on a male instinct. Then, he noticed his abruptness, hurried and flashed, and wanted to escape. However, it was over. Her figure appeared at the edge of the Bush for a moment. The girl noticed it, turned her body slightly and looked over.

"Ah! Coyote!"

The girl suddenly gave a scream that pierced her eardrum. The language was a pure foreign language. After Cui Hao was stunned, her face showed an embarrassed color. Anyway, what I just did was a little too abrupt.

At the same time, the girl's jade hand bloomed like an orchid and hid it in front of her white jade chest. Unfortunately, the perfect and towering radian could not be hidden, but had a taste of shame.

At this moment, Cui Hao's breath was faint and hurried. Because the girl's jade hand was so covered, some snow-white and pink were faintly exposed. It was amazing!

"No disrespect, no disrespect......" Cui Hao apologized and twisted his body.

The girl hurriedly put on the clothes hanging by the hot spring. It was a kind of very rough linen clothes. However, it was difficult to hide the temperament of natural beauty and self abandonment, which contained a kind of dignity and elegance.

"Human! You are human!... you don't have the breath of our blood family. You are a human! Human from the outside world!"

Staring at Cui Hao, the girl screamed and her eyes were shocked and ecstatic!

Looking at Cui Hao with hatred, the girl remembered the scene just now, angry and angry! This forest is her area. Even if other members of the blood clan come, they must say hello first, and this hateful human broke in directly. Moreover, she is still bathing, which makes the girl have a crazy impulse!

"Hmm? Human? Blood clan? Are you a vampire?" Cui Hao asked in a foreign language.

It seems very surprising that Cui Hao knows a foreign language. The girl Daimei picks it up. Then, her face shows a look of pride and says elegantly, "stupid human, close your mouth, not vampires. We are noble blood, blood, do you understand?"

Cui Hao naturally knows what blood clan is, and strictly speaking, since he and Vivian have confirmed the praise of blood, there is also a smell of blood clan in his body, and it is a noble blood gas like the original species! With a smile, Cui Hao joked, "I know the blood clan. What's your name? Sorry, I didn't mean to..."

At this time, Cui Hao naturally knew why there was a faint feeling just now. It must be the praise of blood in his body that sensed the blood family flavor of the girl. Therefore, he gave birth to a familiar feeling.

Hearing what Cui Hao said, the girl became more and more crazy. Looking at the sincere eyes of human beings in front of her, she felt that her heart was laughing at herself, so she said with open teeth and claws "Shut up! Shut up! You didn't see anything just now! You don't need to know my name is Jenny, let alone that I am a high-level blood family of the noble Munster family, because you will soon become my prisoner. Oh, no, it's a gift, a good gift for my father!"

The girl's speech is very interesting. Her eyes are staring at Cui Hao. It's really like looking at a gift.

For such a blood girl, Cui Hao naturally had no intention of killing. He smiled and said, "Oh? Do you need my consent if you want to take me as a gift?"

A little puzzled, the girl frowned and said, "you still need your consent? Blood clan is the most precious species. You humans, like beasts, are just our blood food. Shouldn't you feel very honored to be sucked by us? Of course, human beings are very rare. There are only four human slaves in the whole blood clan. I take you as a gift, but it's a big gift!"

Cui Hao was completely speechless about the girl's ignorant words. He stimulated the hypnotic function of the perspective eye. In an instant, the blood girl Jenny trembled and was controlled.

"Come on, tell me more about your small world? What is the strongest force, who is the first strongest? Where do you live?" Cui Hao asked with a smile.

Her face was dull, Jenny said stiffly "Our world is the world of blood clan. Our blood clan is the most noble existence. The most powerful is the Great Duke Haru, the ancestor of our Munster family. He is thousands of years old. His life is coming to an end and has been sleeping. In addition, my father and several uncles are count strength. I don't know who is stronger..."

Jenny is obviously a core member of the Munster family and knows a lot. Cui Hao knows the general situation of the world through her.

There is no doubt that the token must be in the Munster family. Cui Hao immediately made a decision and went to the Munster family!

This time, not only for the token, Cui Hao had an idea in his heart. He wanted to accept the whole Munster family and give Vivian as a subordinate to fight for him!

Although Vivian's strength has soared and she has an ancient blood pool, her foundation is still too weak. It is still very difficult to restore the glory of Nicholas family. Cui Hao wants to help her as much as possible.

At that moment, Cui Hao issued an order to the girl to take her to the castle of the Munster family. Cui Hao has completely controlled her, so she naturally obeys her words

As the most noble species in the world, the blood clan has spent a lot of effort on training many beasts and helping them do many things. For example, now Cui Hao sits on the back of a giant eagle called Amun and goes to the Munster family castle with Jenny.

All the way, it took almost a day. The giant eagle took them to a vast plain. Looking down from the sky, Cui Hao saw a series of huge palaces. Although they were very rough and there were no gorgeous decorations, they were placed very chic and ingenuity.

Due to the impermissibility of external conditions, although the blood families in this world also have elegant and noble factors, they can't show them incisively and vividly, because they don't have many human slavery, and the beasts are too stupid.

Overlooking the palace below, Cui Hao felt the breath of the token. In addition, there was a long and powerful breath. Cui Hao was very satisfied.

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