After some discussion, the Grand Duke of Haru led the people to submit. Cui Hao was not surprised at this situation. If he changed his identity, he would certainly agree to this requirement. Instead of being trapped in a barren small world, he might as well go out. Although he would lose some freedom, he would also have more benefits. The Grand Duke of Haru is now approaching his birthday. Naturally, he hopes to bathe in the ancient blood pool and greatly increase his life. Moreover, wouldn't it be better to make a breakthrough? Of course, in addition to these benefits, there is also the threat of Cui Hao. His strength is obvious to all. Before, he beat everyone fat. Even the grand duke Haru didn't let go. If he refused his request, he was afraid that the other party would be more cruel

"Immediately order all members of the Munster family to gather. After the big guys gather, I will send you into the small world I carry. Then, after I leave the Tianbei small world, I will take you away together!" Cui Hao said with a smile.

The Grand Duke of Haru was surprised to learn that Cui Hao himself had brought a small world. His efficiency was very fast. He immediately ordered all members to return to the castle immediately with the unique contact information of the blood family. In fact, most of the Munster family members live in castles. There are not many blood families given an area like Jenny. Therefore, in less than half a day, everyone gathered together.

In front of the huge castle, blood clan members stood with excitement in their eyes. They had learned the news and knew that the human in front of them would take them away. Moreover, they would send them to a powerful blood clan of the original species. It was said that the other party also had an ancient blood pool. Everyone was looking forward to it.

With a smile, Cui Hao was very satisfied when he looked at the blood clan members in front of him who were not weak and were all handsome men and women. Although the blood clan is not as good as the dragon clan, it is the darling of heaven and earth. It is extremely powerful at birth, but it is also loved by heaven and earth. It is a handsome man and beautiful woman at birth. Moreover, it has extraordinary speed and wings, which are great advantages that human beings do not have.

"Huh? Jenny, that little girl..."

Walking in front of a group of young blood clan men and women, Cui Hao saw a girl, Jenny. He walked up to him with a smile and said, "Jenny, I told you we'll meet again soon. I didn't break my promise?"

Although she already knew Cui Hao's power and extraordinary, Jenny was still incredible when she saw him coming. She blinked her big eyes and said, "you... Oh, no, you... Can you really take us away? Jenny has never left this small world since she was born. What is the outside world like in the history of the world, isn't it beautiful?"

Jenny asked so. Looking at her clear eyes, Cui Hao suddenly felt a pain in her heart. She couldn't bear it. Following Vivian, the Munster family will inevitably fight in all directions. Although this can make them stronger and gain many benefits, there will be many tragic deaths. Although they are poor in materials in this small world, at least they are not in danger of life. Is it right to do so by themselves?

Such an idea emerged and was soon suppressed by Cui Hao, because the spirit of Skynet has shown that the small world of Tianbei is rapidly collapsing. If you don't save them, you are doomed to perish to meet them in the future. Doing so may cause some blood families of the Munster family to fall, but it gives them unlimited hope!

On such a thought, Cui Hao was much better. He gently smiled and said, "the outside world is beautiful and there are many miracles. However, it is also very dangerous. You should learn to protect yourself, you know?"

Hearing the speech, Jenny stuck out her tongue and said, "I see!"

Looking at Jenny's lovely posture, Cui Hao couldn't help joking, "little girl, do you still want to give me to your father as a gift?"

"No... no..."

Hearing the speech, Jenny blushed and was very embarrassed, but in her mind, she remembered her first meeting with Cui Hao again. At the hot spring, this human broke in

After chatting with Jenny, Cui Hao began to lecture the whole Munster family, tell them the details, and tell them about all kinds of situations in the outside world.

With a group of strong blood families such as the Grand Duke of Haru, Cui Hao was not particularly worried about the safety of these blood families. Then he opened the door of truth in public and asked everyone to enter.

Under the leadership of Haru, the people swarmed in and were arranged in a special area by Cui Hao. Soon, all the people entered the door of truth. They carried a lot of life needs. Fortunately, Cui Hao's door of truth was large enough to meet the temporary residence of the whole Munster family.

After finishing these things, Cui Hao asks Tevez for a token. The other party naturally and forthrightly hands it over. Holding the token, Cui Hao waits for the emergence of the spirit of Skynet.

A moment later, the spirit of Skynet appeared. It smiled and said, "what you just did, in fact, strictly speaking, violated the rules of the trial. These guys were caught by their master and imprisoned here long, long ago. Of course, it was the sins of their ancestors. If you accept them, I can treat them as if I don't know anything."

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao was overjoyed and hurriedly expressed his thanks.

"Little guy, congratulations on breaking through the fifth level and obtaining 500 days net points, a spirit stone."

The spirit of Skynet opened his mouth, waved and threw a spirit stone to Cui Hao. Seeing this, Cui Hao hurriedly stretched out his hand to take it and incorporated it into the door of truth with a smile. The spirit stone is a good thing. Naturally, the more the better.

Staring at Cui Hao, the spirit of Skynet suddenly spoke with some dignity "The sixth level will be more difficult. Although you are very rebellious, you may fail if you are careless! Although I don't want to see such a situation, I still want to give you a friendly reminder. If you can't hold on, shout out immediately, and I will rescue you at the first time! Everything should follow the rules. If you are determined not to admit defeat and die, you will die Dead! "

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao also trembled in his heart. Then he nodded and crushed the token.


As the token was crushed and a transparent portal appeared, Cui Hao took one step without hesitation and entered it!

The stars change. When Cui Hao wakes up again, he has come to a new world, where the scenery is excellent. At the moment, he stands by a small stream, which is gurgling and picturesque. However, just came here, Cui Hao found a situation. Quietly, there are no birds and insects here, and even no fish in the stream

"Well, the aura here has become more and more rich." Cui Hao said to himself after feeling it carefully.

The test stone on Cui Hao's body vibrated slightly at the moment, which made Cui Hao happy. Unexpectedly, he sensed the token just after entering this small world. His body flashed without hesitation and shot out like electricity. The target is a towering mountain in the East!

As like as two peas in the same place, there are two black robes sitting in the same place, playing chess.

"Woo... Boring, it's so boring!"

"It's really boring. I know how to play chess with myself. It's so boring!"

The two black robed men talked like this. They were bored and were still playing chess slowly. At one moment, one of the black robed men became excited. He said, "ha ha... There is an outsider. Now it's good. I hope the outsider has stronger willpower, otherwise he will be tortured to death by us in a few years. It's too boring!"

"Really, great! Let's catch the outsider first!" another man in Black said, very excited.

"It's still the old method, fusion, transformation, sneak attack!"

"Ha ha, I think so too!"

It was very strange that the two black robed people were holding hands. For a moment, they merged together

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