On the grassland, Cui Hao looks at the tall and towering city ahead and is ready to enter it.

However, suddenly, his whole body was cold to the bone, and a strong sense of crisis rose in his heart, which made people feel like suffocation!

This is the crisis of death. Cui Hao has never felt such a strong crisis of life and death since he obtained the sincere way and the ability to know before. Moreover, at this moment, he sensed the source of the crisis of death, the north, the far north!

Surprised, Cui Hao frowned. The seventh floor was really not simple! Soon, his face became more dignified, because this sense of crisis did not disappear, but intensified!

In this case, only one possibility can be explained. His own deeds have been leaked, and the enemy is coming towards him quickly!

"What should I do?"

At this moment, a serious problem was put in front of Cui Hao. He suddenly thought of several countermeasures. Then, he hurriedly urged his perspective eyes. At the same time, his body was like electricity and went towards the city!

Now the situation is quite clear. The unknown crisis is very strong. Even if he is careless, he is likely to be killed directly. In this case, he must first find out the situation!

"Hoo Hoo..."

His body is like electricity. Cui Hao is galloping rapidly. In the way of sincerity, he can feel that there are three crises against himself in the distance, approaching, approaching rapidly!

This approaching speed is really too fast. Cui Hao is a little creepy and surprised. What attack will it be?

"Whew! Whew! Whew!..."

At the moment, the three black light groups from the rapid shooting flash away in the void. Their speed is amazing, and their power is absolutely terrible. The void is weak in front of them as if it were a piece of paper, which can be easily torn up. They seem to have their own spirituality. They firmly lock Cui Hao's position and carry out terrible killing!

Too fast, tens of millions of meters in an instant. Almost in a moment, these three black lights approached Cui Hao. These are the three laser bombs controlled by guangnao!

"Hmm? What's that?"

With the existence of the way of sincerity, Cui Hao looked in the direction for the first time. With the ability of perspective, he saw three rapid black mans in horror, full of the smell of killing and destruction. He tore through the void and came straight to kill himself!

"What a terrible black awn! It's terrible!"

The whole body was creepy. Cui Hao was extremely nervous at this moment, because he could feel the terror of three black mans, absolutely terrible!


At this moment, Cui Hao quickly stepped out without hesitation, growing lotus step by step, and his body was dreamy and blurred. At the same time, he suddenly mobilized the power of the chaotic golden elixir in his body. The mysterious and noble power gathered between his hands. Cui Hao has made a decision to hide. If he can't escape, he has to pick it up with his hands!

"Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!..."

All this was just a flash. Three black lights flashed away and all of them came towards Cui Hao. Their attack position was very characteristic. The center of the eyebrow, throat and heart were all human fatal weaknesses. As long as they were hit, they would die!

"The seventh floor is really terrible!..."

At this moment, Cui Hao couldn't help but have this idea in his heart. At this moment of life and death crisis, his potential exploded at this moment. His perspective eyes shot golden light and tried to alleviate the attack of the three black mans. His steps flew in succession and his body swayed. He was really like a lotus. He grew lotus step by step. His posture swayed and his demeanor was outstanding!

The step-by-step Shenglian was put to the limit by him. Among the misty illusions, Cui Hao kept stepping out of clever directions. At the same time, the Kung Fu of dipping clothes and falling down all worked. His strength burst out, like an invisible transparent barrier, while his hands were accumulating strength. The strength of chaotic Golden elixir in his body was brewing. Wait for these three black mans!

"Puff, puff..."

In an instant, the three black mans had been shot. Although Cui Hao was growing lotus step by step, the black mans seemed to have spirit. In an instant, I didn't know how many times they turned the angle, and always followed closely like a moth attached to the bone. Finally, the most terrible force broke out!

"Horizontal trough!..."

After feeling such a scene, Cui Hao almost broke out foul language, which is too strange and abnormal. His step-by-step lotus is very clever, and his body method changes rapidly. How can heimang lock himself? Not to mention these, these three black mans are too terrible. The moment he approached Cui Hao, he had a feeling of trembling soul and intense death crisis.

Attack, at this moment!


With a violent drink, Cui Hao was unprecedentedly nervous under this dangerous state. He also suddenly burst into potential. His body swayed like a lotus. At the last moment, his body shrunk like a big horse monkey. He could avoid two black mans that were about to hit himself. As for the black mans that shot at his heart, it was too late to avoid, Can only resist!


In an instant, the invisible barrier formed by Cui Hao's 18 falling strength path burst, and a black awn burst, killing and decaying. It seems that no matter what it is, all things will be destroyed!


In this extremely dangerous state, Cui Hao suddenly clapped his hands, which was surrounded by mysterious forces from chaotic golden elixirs. Suddenly, he opened the door to the robbers, displayed them, and closed towards the black mans!

Suddenly, a strong and incomparable pain filled between his palms. The power of chaotic golden elixir and black mang quickly offset, but Rao was so. It also broke Cui Hao's extremely strong skin and destroyed everything!


Everything was too fast. Even Cui Hao didn't have time to react. The black awn was offset by more than 90% of the mysterious power of the chaotic golden elixir. The remaining black awn suddenly broke Cui Hao's hands and left two deep blood grooves for him. The rest suddenly hit Cui Hao's heart.


As if struck by a giant hammer, Cui Hao felt the sharp pain of chest cracking, muscle tearing and flesh cracking. Under the impact of the black awn, his chest was bloody, but fortunately, it was also weak, and the sound of Peng dissipated into the invisible.

The black awn that rushed to his heart was finally solved. The other two were avoided by Cui Hao at the last minute and had already been shot into the ground. In a moment, two big dark holes appeared around Cui Hao, which was creepy and terrible!

Under a black awn, a bottomless black hole appears on the ground. Its power is terrible!

"What kind of attack is this? It seems to be an attack from guns! It's terrible, it's terrible!" Cui Hao thought so creepily in his heart.

Originally, since he could catch the bullet with his bare hands and avoid the rapid bullet, Cui Hao despised the heat weapon. At the moment, the unknown black awn shocked him and once again had a sense of awe for the heat weapon!

In fact, Cui Hao doesn't know that this black mang is the strongest means of that strange creature. It is controlled by the mysterious light brain and turned into a laser gun. It's a terrible mess!

Cui Hao finally avoided this terrible attack. At the moment, his heart was extremely shocked, his hands were extremely hot and painful, and his chest burst. He was injured in a large area. He was bleeding and his skin was torn. He was almost going to attack his heart!

This feeling is really terrible. It seems that Cui Hao was angry after he had just walked through the gate of hell. He encountered this destructive attack as soon as he arrived here. It's hateful!

Recalling the laser gun just now, Cui Hao was very lucky. Fortunately, he practiced chaos determination on the sixth floor. If it weren't for the offset of the power of chaos golden elixir in his body, he would have been blown to ashes by the black awn?

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