Now that they have obtained the exact location of Cui Hao, Matsumoto xionggang, song Zhongji and death sickle are on the road again. They take the special plane of the Matsumoto family and finally fall in Ecuador after a long flight.

Matsumoto was surprised that Cui Hao was in Ecuador at the moment. If he was in China, killing him would be troublesome and even cause the dissatisfaction of the Chinese one-stop team. However, in a weak country like Ecuador, even if he turned the world upside down, the president of this country would never dare to talk nonsense! You know, even the so-called emperor of the great Japanese Empire should be respectful and worship in front of Matsumoto Kumgang.

Ecuador, one of the member states of the union of South American nations, is located in the northwest of South America. It is adjacent to Colombia in the north, Peru in the South and the Pacific in the West. It is famous for its rich oil all over the world and is very rich.

As the death sickle predicted, Cui Hao was in aridas town in the northwest of Ecuador. He successfully found the loyal descendant of Vivian here. After secretly showing him the blood praise, the other party was very happy and hurriedly expressed his loyalty to Cui Hao. According to Cui Hao's request, he left the town overnight, Go to deliver a letter for Cui Hao.

Originally, according to Cui Hao's idea, it was very simple to live in this small town for a few days, stroll around, wait for Vivian to come, give her the Munster family in the gate of truth as a subordinate, and then you can go home. However, Cui Hao did not expect that he had just stayed in aridas town for less than half a day, so he was acutely aware of a strong sense of crisis approaching. The goal was himself in the town!

Cui Hao immediately responded by trusting his sincere way and leaving the town for other areas of Ecuador to avoid the possible danger to himself! So he immediately left the town and came to a nearby tropical forest area to enjoy the scenery of the tropical rain forest. However, what makes Cui Hao depressed is that when he just arrived in the tropical forest area, the sense of crisis disappeared, but it soon appeared again. Moreover, this time, because of the close distance, Cui Hao can feel that the crisis is coming from the direction of aridas town!

Cui Hao was puzzled by the sudden strong sense of crisis. However, since the sincere way gave early warning in advance and the sense of crisis was so strong, Cui Hao did not dare to be careless. He immediately left the tropical forest area and took a high-speed railway to a distant area.

In the tropical rain forest area, Matsumoto and song Zhongji looked embarrassed and felt like being played by people as monkeys. They first went to aridas town and then here. Twice, the great prophet "death sickle" vowed that he saw the fragments of time in the future. Cui Hao appeared this time. However, twice in a row, he didn't even find a hair, This does not make them angry, and they have serious doubts about the so-called prophecy.

In fact, the sickle of death was also very angry. He had never encountered such a strange thing. Therefore, regardless of the severe loss, he performed the great prophecy again. More than ten minutes later, he walked out very tired and said, "I found him in the fragments of time again. It's near the stone statue of the goddess of bakery mountain. We can start immediately and catch him!"

Matsumoto and Xiong gang were disappointed with the prophecy of the death scythe. However, seeing that the other side vowed, they set out on the road again and rushed there. As a result, Cui Hao naturally threw himself into the air again. With the help of the way of sincerity, Cui Hao knew ahead and avoided their pursuit one after another before it was difficult to avoid danger.

In Ecuador, Cui Hao, who has just arrived near the equator monument, looks a little dignified. If it can be said that one time is a special case, then the omen of successive dangers shows a terrible problem. The enemy who is extremely terrible and enough to threaten his life is approaching. Moreover, the other party has special means to know his position!

Today, when science and technology are so developed, the other party may be able to achieve real-time monitoring through satellite monitoring with many means. Cui Hao is not too surprised. What he really cares about is who is chasing after him. Moreover, such a strong omen of death, the other party..... I'm afraid it's an expert of half a magic power!

With the continuous rise of his strength, especially when he became the first level of chaos, Cui Hao was full of confidence. However, after all, now the realm is only at the level of holding Dan, and the gap between half a step and magic power is really too big. He is still not sure that he can defeat such an opponent. In case of other incidental dangers, wouldn't he fall into danger?

Knowing that there is a great danger ahead, Cui Hao still breaks in. It's not brave, it's stupid. Cui Hao has always adhered to the principle that a gentleman doesn't stand under the fence.

"Hmm? The light brain is going to be pregnant?"

When Cui Hao was in great distress, his heart moved and his face showed an unexpected color. After successfully refining the light brain, it has been in the process of gestation. The wisdom was not completely born. I didn't expect it to be completed so soon. Now, he hasn't felt the crisis approaching yet, so he found a hotel to stay in first.

In the spacious bedroom, Cui Hao stretched out his palm. Suddenly, the light brain stored in the door of truth appeared, suspended in the void and emitting dazzling brilliance.


Rotating, the surface of the light brain is filled with gorgeous brilliance, with a taste of wisdom, and there is a vast force like an ocean inside, which is rapidly pregnant with

At one moment, he suddenly trembled and hummed. A small light man the size of a palm suddenly jumped out of it. He sat naughtily on the light brain and looked at Cui Hao with a smile.

"I'll go!..."

Seeing the little light man's face, Cui Hao's head buzzed. He felt like he was hit hard. He couldn't help but burst out a rude remark. The little light man is like a little boy, with a big head and some malnutrition, but his breath is ethereal and vast, with a mysterious and terrible smell.

The reason why Cui Hao is so rude is that this little boy is just what he looked like when he was a child!

Looking at Cui Hao, Xiaoguang said timidly, "father..."


Hearing this, Cui Hao stumbled, fell, and was hit hard again.

Looking at the little light man, Cui Hao said helplessly, "don't call me father, I'm not your father, I'm human, you're the wisdom of the birth of light brain, we're not a species!"

With his head tilted, the little light man said suspiciously, "father, I have a lot of knowledge about species in my head, but I was born because of your genes. According to genetics, I am your child!"

Hearing what Xiaoguang said, Cui Hao didn't know how to explain it. After thinking about it, he thought, "since you know genetics, you should know the way of human reproduction. However, since you were born after inheriting my genes, I will treat you as my child. However, we are not a species. You'd better call me master."

"Well, well, as long as the master recognizes me, I'm your child, that's enough." he smiled happily, and Xiaoguang was very naive.

Looking at the face as like as two peas in his childhood, Cui Hao felt very strange. At this time, the little man scratched his head and asked again, "master, I was just born. You haven't given me a name yet. First, I declare that I don't want to call light brain. You'd better give me a good name!"

Hearing this, Cui Hao fell into thinking. For a moment, he smiled and said, "yes! Your nickname is Xiaoguang. As for your big name, just follow my surname. How about Cui Guang?"

"Xiaoguang..... Cui Guang..... OK, OK, thank you, master. Xiaoguang finally has a name. How happy!" Xiaoguang said excitedly after thinking about it.

Seeing Xiaoguang's innocent attitude, Cui Hao couldn't help smiling. It's good that guangnao gave birth to such a little guy.

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